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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Now we get to the interesting bit - the legislation and protections of free speech, inter alia.

This is where the sizeable no vote over such concerns was important, hopefully we can ameliorate the sort of nonsense that is occurring elsewhere.

Of course they are social constructs insofar as Mr Winky. You obviously are not familiar with the societies that used to be explored in National Geographic. Copulation in western societies has, was, a lot to do with forbidden fruit.

If your homo parents had half a brain they would teach you that the vast majority of the human population are heterosexual, and that they happen to be attracted to each other and this is OK too. You will go off to school and quickly learn that your parents are in the minority. Then Mr Winky will come to life and you'll find out quickly if you are straight or gay.

This view that gay people will somehow want to indoctrinate children to also be gay, is very odd. I would think most gay people, IF they adopt children (not many in this camp, by the way), will hope that their kids are straight, as they have experienced first-hand how much more challenging it is being in the minority and being discriminated against.
I saw a couple of LGB's on ABC this morning with their prize bought child in tow (she was obviously Asian, neither of them were) pretending that they were a "just a normal family".

They are not kidding anyone but themselves, it's sickening.
Then you won't have trouble showing your peer reviewed proof, otherwise you're just peddling ****.

The burden of proof is on you guys who maintain it's congenital. There are innumerable peer reviewed proofs that "born with it" is a fallacy. It's a lifestyle choice based on whatever the thought process has invented and we all know it.

You guys should just put up and shutup, but you can't because there is no scientific proof to your yarns.

I don't understand why you predicate marriage on love, what half wits did to negroes in deep south USofA, women's rights, etc. Why not just admit you have a pity for the wretched and want to gift them something you think will make them all better.... a magic pill to wipe the pain a relative or friend of a friend had managed to burden your conscience with.

You've tinkered with natural selection, but it won't change innate distrust of homosexuals in the true heterosexual human kernal for survival of the species.
It's a lifestyle choice based on whatever the thought process has invented and we all know it.

Yet you seem to think your own sexuality wasn't a choice? (if I remember correctly from prior discussions), or do you think at some stage you could have gone either way but you made the choice to chase ladies.

I can't see how anyone can think their sexuality is a choice unless they are a confused bisexual.
You've tinkered with natural selection, but it won't change innate distrust of homosexuals in the true heterosexual human kernal for survival of the species.

Not too concerned about our survival at this point in time.

If there was a ray of light for the No vote it was the outstanding performance of the Muslim communities (and Chinese) in rejecting same sex marriages. So I guess if the new Conservative Party retargets and boosts the sources of new immigrants to these groups the opportunity to reverse the vote is still on the cards....

Same-sex marriage result: Why multicultural communities registered huge 'no' votes

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More than any other area in Australia, the people of western Sydney voted "no".

Here, where up to three quarters of the population in the electorates of Blaxland and Watson voted against same sex marriage, the cultural clash of marriage equality and the conservative values of immigrant cultures told the story of the polls.

The same two factors repeated themselves in the only two areas to vote against same-sex marriage in Victoria: Calwell and Bruce.

The "no" campaign targeted conservative immigrant cultures and it showed.

Voters from Lebanese and Chinese backgrounds now outnumber those with Australian parents in these areas, 72 per cent of all people had both parents born overseas. 30 per cent are from a Muslim background in Blaxland, 23 per cent in Watson, 10 times the national average of 2.6 per cent.

The "no" vote forms a ring around the whiter, wealthier, irreligious inner-Sydney suburbs, and almost all of them are Labor-held – with the Liberal seats of Bennelong and Banks exceptions – and historically working-class.

The story is repeated in Victoria where Bruce, one of only two electorates to vote "no" in the entire state, has three times the proportion of families with Chinese backgrounds, and in Calwell, where one of the state's largest Iraqi communities resides along with the Turkish, and Lebanese diaspora.

Despite community leaders foreshadowing the electorates will become more socially conservative as more migrants flock to them, not one "yes" voting Labor MP that spoke to Fairfax Media from the top 10 "no" voting seats in NSW or Victoria said they had decided to change their vote.
The former president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, Keysar Trad, was pleased at the 75 per cent "no" vote in Labor frontbencher Jason Clare's electorate of Blaxland, and surprised it was not even higher.

"That result is heartening," he said. "I would have expected more than that, I think the clergy of both Muslim and Christian faiths has done their role and educated our parishioners about the ramifications of a "yes" vote.

"It's quite possible that this area was the best informed about the survey."

Mr Trad said the entire survey process was regarded with a deep mistrust by both Islamic and Chinese Christian migrant communities, who believe it had been hijacked by out-of-touch inner-city leaders. He warned local MPs to prepare for a backlash.

"It is polarising," he said. "Unless these survey results are neutralised very quickly by a bipartisan decision then the electorate may go far more conservative in the future."

In the outer Melbourne electorate of Calwell, the religious migrant community undoubtedly had an impact, with 17.7 per cent of the electorate from an Islamic background, six times the state average, while 34 per cent are Catholic, 12 per cent higher than the rest of the state.

Community leader Bernard Amah said it was "great news" that at 56.8 per cent, Calwell recorded the highest "no" vote in Victoria.

"Islamic leaders and I talked as much as we could," the priest said. "Many people here believe same-sex marriage is against nature, if people are living in it, I have no problems, but you can't make it a law."

University of Sydney demographer Zakia Hossain said for many migrants, even the concept of the survey could be outside the norm.

"The literature shows that first generation migrants are more conservative and try to hold onto their traditional and religious values," she said.

"It could be a very sensitive issue that needs to be understood from this context."

With James Massola
The children will be affected to varying degrees as they try to wrap their heads around an unnatural parenting arrangement. To think legislation will magically change the natural male/female -> offspring imprint will not happen. Psycologically modified children for selfish human desire and a f.y. to the natural beings.

They wont know any different.

By the time they do know they are different they indeed WILL be different.
It will be very interesting in the long term as to the statistics of how many
kids in mixed marriages actually go on to lead a normal HETROSEXUAL life.

Suicide rates.
Mental illness.

But hey there is no Global warming right!!! (If I don't want to recognise it
for the better good---)

Can you please provide links to the peer reviewed studies and please make sure there is no association to Christian groups.

Somehow I think you cannot.
My coffee shop owner told me that humans were created by god, through adam and eve yesterday. What has the world come to.

I don't think it's that silly, the Adam and Eve thing. When I was on a holiday once in Israel , I saw a plaque with much of human history recorded on it (most of it but not all is recorded in the Old Testament). It had Adam and Eve at the top, then all these descendants passing through to Noah, then a little later to Abraham (father of all Jews), and a fair few generations after that (post Christ). And if you follow the Israel Palestinian conflict in the news, the very borders that the Jews claim belong to them, are the same ones that God through Moses apparently laid out for them. Not picking any side in the conflict, just saying that biblical history is regarded as a very real historical source. Regards the miracles, some believe in them and some don't. Also, even this debate is related very much to the notion of 'truth' on a deeper level. The gold standard of marriage is male and female life time commitment, and that as we know came from Jesus. That itself suggests divine action on the human race.
It's not really. There is no archeological evidence for a lot of Bible stories, eg the Exodus, the great flood, Soddom and Gomorah etc, and most of bible history can be put down to myth, legend and allegorical tales.
Agree there. Complete allegory that book. Best seller.
I don't think it's that silly, the Adam and Eve thing. When I was on a holiday once in Israel , I saw a plaque with much of human history recorded on it (most of it but not all is recorded in the Old Testament). It had Adam and Eve at the top,

Even the Catholic Church admits that the Adam and eve story isn't fact, and that its a religious story told for religious purposes. There is absolutely no evidence for the biblical creation story, in fact the is mountains of evidence against it.

Listen at the 3.50 mark and you will hear George Pell describe the story as mythological and not literal.

It will be fascinating to see the principled rejection of same sex marriages by florists, bakers and others inteh wedding industry who cannot in conscience accept or support such behaviour.

I think for matters of ontegrity thise busineses should be upfront about their position with proper signage. Perhaps something on the lines that Tisme proposed?

Same-sex marriage 'yes' vote: Billion-dollar boom predicted as pink dollar unleashed

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Florists, photographers and wedding celebrants are among the army of small businesses set to enjoy a billion-dollar plus boost when tens of thousands of same sex couples are finally allowed to walk down the aisle.

According to ANZ senior economist Cherelle Murphy, the economic benefits of marriage equality related to weddings alone would be $650 million in the first 12 months.
IMV Malcolm Turnball will ignore any push to pass legiclation that will allow people to discriminate against same sex relationships under the conscientious objection banner.

He currently has the fight of his life to hold Bennelong with a Liberal electorate that strongly supported the same sex vote and against a Labour candidate who looks every inch a winner. Too much to lose.
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Business is business and most likely they will take poofter business as well as normal business. Could be a proliferation of homo's as the closets burst open and people start experimenting so they should advertise they cater for homo's to catch the wave.
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