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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
And what do we do with the dreaded "de factos "? Are they another "Non Gold Standard" relationship that the State and Church should take an interest in ?


We don't legislate for them to be labelled "married" that's what. We continue to call it what it is "de facto", which, by the way, has an amazing capacity not to use pinky bits pleasure as its core legal reason for being..... just like marriage currently is, but won't be for long as it gets redefined as a coming together of genitals, vaginas and poop chutes.

If the Yes vote comes through, and the law changes, just realise that IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOU, and life will go on as normal. You won't be forced to attend a same sex marriage, and it will have no impact whatsoever on your marriage. It will make a lot of people happy however, ie. the people who are actually impacted, and their friends, and their families.
Nice one Tisme. Right down their with your standards.

I reckon you should change you moniker and get rid of the "A" . Seems so much more appropriate.

You know we could find any amount of salacious hetro sexual piccies on the net. Should we post some of these to poison the case for "Gold Standard" marriages ? Or is that particular exercise only a one way street? (Yes we already know the answer.)

Grow up Tizzie. Your embarassing yourself badly
If the Yes vote comes through, and the law changes, just realise that IT WILL NOT AFFECT YOU, and life will go on as normal.

Are you prepared to put your house on that? Because I'm prepared to take it to prove how wrong you are proven to be.

Seriously, do you really believe that SSM won't create all sorts of anxiety, contempt, social dislocation, mass media exploitive saturation, anger, criminal responses, etc?

Or do you gauge people's requirement to look away from crass, insulting behaviour as some kind democracy in action, rather than a loss (albeit for those who disagree with you)? We shouldn't have to modify our behaviour to accord an unnatural, indecent life style.

You house?

Well now I think you are displaying a childish arrogance derived from empowerment of the imbecile class bas. I have my doubts you have the capacity to understand what this issue is and sadly I don't think you ever will. Schoolyard taunts are an immediate loss of argument in any grown up conversation.

But I have no doubt you will one day have that nagging feeling that you did a major disservice to our civilisation by taking a step too far. Your pride and ego will forgive you, but your kernal never will.
Tisme you put up an all male pornagraphic pic to "somehow" make a point about SSM and poison the conversation. The most obvious response was "would a similar Male/Female pr0n picture somehow degrade Gold Standard marriages ? "

That wasn't a "grown up argument". That was poisionous rubbish. In any "grown up space" you would be ditched as a drop kick and really, your judgement would be seriously questioned.

It was pathetic. Honestly, I think you should take a break from ASF and consider what type of arguments represent anything appropriate to the discussion. Your taking this discussion into the cellars. I believe it is unacceptable.

I only ever put up mass media pics. They are in the mainstream, not hidden away in redtube.

You just can't come to grips with the truth even when I put it in full view. You seem to have some sanitised version of homosexuality in your head.... a look away paradise.

The picture IS what these people do and you are happy to have the same vision, in real life paraded in front of children. Coz that is what the gay community do...they run on libido and promiscuity, true that is what drives them, an insatiable desire for sex.

You have NFI what you have been promoting and you should before taking a contrary stance to civilised behavours.

You need to go away and confront your own skewed puritanical view of heterosexuality as some kind of demonic spawn. You hate Anglo/Nordic/Saxon culture, that is self evident.
But aren't such pictures representative of the homosexual agenda?

Correct me if i'm wrong but all those pride events have this sort of stuff (filth) being displayed. They don't seem to value any sort of sexual restraint – a western /christian value. Those pride events don't express a loving affection to the same sex, but sexual games and going crazy. Not to offend, but I think those pride events indicate what it's about, even if there are members of the gay community who are 'born gay'.

Those pics/events resemble ancient Babylon. The city of harlots...

After 2 years in the US, look what happened (feel sorry for the kid):

(You can change the speed to 2X or 1.5X but it's short)
I have no "sanitised" version of homosexuality. I am totally aware of what some gay people do in saunas, bath houses, beats etc.

On the other side of the coin I am equally aware of what many hetrosexual people do. And guess what ? Yeah they can be just as promiscuous and tacky.

Your poisonous point is saying that this behaviour is paraded in front of the children of gay parents.
Really ? Just goes to show if your vile and twisted and shameless enough you can say anything on the net and get away with it. Clearly you believe you can.

Might that happen ? Of course it can. And just as likely is similar unacceptable behaviour in straight relationships, and incest and the whole catastrophe. You want to have a conversation about the collapse of morals in the 21st Century ? Fine. But lets get back to what this topic is about.

It is asking if two people in love who want to publicly commit to each other in marriage can be allowed to do so.

The rest of your scare mongering is just that.

That picture was just gross. I don't care where you say you sourced it.
It was the proverbial stinking cat thrown on the table to take the debate to a new low.
Again, if we just changed the sexes of half the participants would that have trashed hetrosexual marriage?
We already had a war. Didn't do much for us did it? We are now a terrorist & nuclear target and many of our freedoms have been confiscated by Govt paranoia. And lil' Johnny gets a presidential freedom badge for it. Nice one Howard!

Voting age to 16? Yeah, bring it on. Most of them aren't rich enough to vote for conservative Govts so the low to average income earners might have half a chance in life without idiots like Abbott attacking their wages for the sake of nothing. Great suggestion.

Age of consent? Let's make it 67 - the retirement age. Last time I checked, we aren't an endangered species.

Next headland? Youth-and-Asia... see above
Is polygamy next? (look away Tink)
That already happens here in Western Sydney. It's not what you think it is. Someone drops a coin and half the population drop to their knees looking for it. Drop your wallet here and you have to kick it all the way to the nearest neighborhood-watch zone before picking it up.

According to grah33 there's a lot of money riding on this.

Heads or tails?
There is a common default YES vote (except Tony A.) for friends, relatives, acquaintences, know someone etc. and for no other reason. It is also incredible the weight gay pollies, gay celebrities and gay (sympathetic) business leaders have placed on this debate considering less than 5% of the population are homo.

p.s. that picture is unnecessary.
p.p.s the can of two fruit is equal to the platter of food.
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This merely illustrates the potential for designer research
Seriously, do you really believe that SSM won't create all sorts of anxiety, contempt, social dislocation, mass media exploitive saturation, anger, criminal responses, etc?

Yes, I really believe that.

We are talking about a WEDDING, attended by two individuals getting married, their relatives and close friends. Those who are enraged or believe this will cause them anxiety or to become violent....need not attend said wedding!

No one has to modify their behaviour. You won't be invited to these weddings, you won't be forced to spend time with same-sex couples, you can live your life just as you are now.

We are simply allowing two people of the same sex to be able to get married. Following the lead of many other nations with whom we are affiliated: NZ, the UK, the USA, Canada. Everyone is those countries seems to be coping just fine.
You haven't researched this have you.

No we are talking about "marriage".

If I was talking about weddings, I'd be shaming those churches who wed Japaneses couples who fly in to have photo ops in a white gown and a protestant church too.
I have no "sanitised" version of homosexuality. I am totally aware of what some gay people do in saunas, bath houses, beats etc.

but not what they do in broad daylight, in a street with a crowd looking on obviously. Where have you been, behind a keyboard and screen and never getting out?

that pic is mainstream stuff. Put on your lippy and high heels and go clubbing for a couple of nights and see what really happens in the real world, the one that is brain deadening the youth of OZ.

I'm not going to apologise to any of you who promote SSM and are offended by the godaweful truth of public displays, and that is what that pic is, of a lifestyle you are endorsing. You suggest I grow up, how about you grow up and see what is enveloping you instead of look away, what I don't know can't hurt me (or you) attitudes.

You definitely need to be exposed to the counter culture you have embraced and sentenced the rest of us to witness.
It's quite clear what your saying Tisme. As far you are concerned homosxuality is breaking down our society and destrying our children. It is infecting our culture and unless fought and destroyed we back the end of Western civilisation as we know it.

Wouldn't it be more honest to just start a thread up on that theme rather than pretending you are just against SSM ?

Interestingly one religious view of the SSM marriage push is the thought that many gays are looking to settle down in single relationships because... well they are not that happy with miles of meaningless sex.
Practically a conservative view!!
You haven't researched this have you.

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