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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Sounds like you are ill informed to judge the ABC and absence of the NO vote propaganda on the the visual media.
I'm not making any attempt to judge the level of balance on the visual media on this subject so that assertion is pointless to me.
I'm not making any attempt to judge the level of balance on the visual media on this subject so that assertion is pointless to me.

Then you have been using weasel sentencing to imply you have? e.g. "These are the only pics I'm seeing on the ABC..."
Marriage is the foundation of civil society and the basis for harmony between men and women.
It is the intimate bond organized around sustaining a household and raising children.
We affirm that our most fundamental roles in society and as human beings are as fathers and mothers.
Marriage and children are integral to any vision of human flourishing.
Children require sacrifice from those who bring them into the world.
This sacrifice is noble and must be honoured.
We endorse prudent social policies to encourage and strengthen marriage, childbearing, and childrearing.
A society that fails to welcome children has no future.


A statement made in Europe.
Then you have been using weasel sentencing to imply you have? e.g. "These are the only pics I'm seeing on the ABC..."
I'm didn't imply anything. You put a challenge to "have a look at the various ABC pics" which I met by posting said pics from their website. Nothing misleading about that.
Sounds like a perfect tactic to reduce overpopulation then
I'm didn't imply anything. You put a challenge to "have a look at the various ABC pics" which I met by posting said pics from their website. Nothing misleading about that.

Yeah you did and you know it

It does make me wonder how many people are voting with their emotions rather than informed head.
Yeah you did and you know it

It does make me wonder how many people are voting with their emotions rather than informed head.
You would be better off wondering about the accuracy of the information.

So No dice Bro

You can accuse me of spelling and grammatical errors if you like - it would be more accurate

Emotions? A reminder that I actually voted "NO" in exchange for an accidental YES vote by another poster. It was a deliberate ploy to extend the SSM debate all the way to the next erection election.
(ahh sheet, another spelling error)
However I'm curious about these people who migrated here with the power to devalue our outlook on decent society. That's a new one for me.

You shouldn't be curious, you should be erudite. If causation of homosexuality and thus SSM was genetically determined, it would manifest itself as the same percentages in all cultures. This just ain't so.

It is not in nature to perform homosexual acts, but proclivity. There is no biological basis for homosexuality and it tends to have a cultural significance, thus why the SSM brigade have attacked the Anglo culture to remove it's norms from the argument. This points to lifestyle choices based on urges.

There is no scientific consensus for the reasons for hetero, homo, bi, etc sexuality. That's an absolute give, so the focus has to move to social stimuli. We also know that evolution isn't generally in the direction of non reproduction, so heterosexuality is the natural activity, the others unnatural.

The western culture finds itself in a dilemma, because historically homosexaulity was an act, but now it's a lifestyle. Even the upper class Greeks/Romans that SSM people like to bang on about were drawn to homosexuality as an extramarital loveless, albeit gratuitous act. The Romans accepted it as something that needed to be regulated to protect minors with the Lex Scantinia law. In Africa vast numbers of men still carry on with extramarital liaisons and bring AIDS back to their spouses.... the SSM brigade even hijacked this self evident truth and tried to blame the women instead.

The other nations away from the Anglocentric west are less inclined to pariah status. In relation to your assertion muslims are somehow pious abstainers, well you obviously haven't spent reasonable value time in the Arab countries, but that is not the focus on my observations. The further you move away from the soon to be defunct traditional Anglo cultures the closer there seems to be a cultural acceptance of homosexuality, regardless of residual colonial legal acts still in place. It's in part to the various base behaviours of the natives that gave rise to Colonial Empires stamping themselves as conquering by the grace of God and civilising barbarians.

In cultures with large family structures, it has been shown that separation anxiety has a strong, almost predictable correlation to androphilia/third gender persuasions. Pacific islander nations accept the fraternal order of more older brothers the more inclined the youngest is to androphilia. In islander culture the high carbs diet generally results in men dropping off their perch in their early fifties and those sons between 6 and 12 are prone to the separation anxiety from parental loss and consequent androphilia.

Similarly in cultures where females are devalued (even killed) and boys are in demand to work the farm, family business etc, you can see same family structures of diminishing heterosexuality as the faternity increases. Of course there is always going to be people who get on the bandwagon just for thrills too.

So I'm not going to provide the list, but you can see for yourself by studying Ford and Beach plus Broude and Greene . You will see who we are talking about and how culture aligns to the behaviours. Soon to be defunct in Oz, Christianity certainly imposed itself on many cultures and reduced, even eradicated it it in several generations. But some cultures have zip homosexuality regardless of religion, some have demonstrably more.

Have another look at those many pics and see if you can identify the Captain Obvious or two or three.

A minority of people are naturally attracted to those of the same sex, not the opposite sex. Many of those meet someone they wish to maintain a commitment and long term relationship with. They should be treated with respect like everyone else in our society. They should have the same rights as everyone else.
They (of the us and them) do have the same rights as everyone!
They (of the us and them) do have the same rights as everyone!

That is the big question isn't it? Is marriage a 'right', or a privilege reserved for those in a heterosexual relationship.....

Bad luck if you are gay, you can be content with your civil union whilst the rest of us have as many marriages as we like. Just as it was in the past with the right to vote, or simply walking into a bar - bad luck if you are a woman or an aboriginal, you aren't entitled to that privilege.

Increasingly, many people view marriage as a right available to all, including two men or two women.
That is the big question isn't it? Is marriage a 'right', or a privilege reserved for those in a heterosexual relationship.....
Or is marriage a name with a meaning attached to an heterosexual couple;
So lesbiage or gayage, etc could be newly created names, I do not believe anyone has any issue with that ?
But i have one when social engineering changes meaning of names (lately negritude has become a bad word whereas for people with a bit of education and background, this is a powerful positive and respectful word on the struggle and the achievement of black culture), and we rewrite history (see with the US civil war reinterpretation), etc.
We all know SSM is not a matter of rights in Australia, or in most of the west anymore.
Rights are already there, irrespective of the marital status or your sex preferences be it for super, tax regime , law or inheritance/divorce rules.

Why should they have the same rights to an action that was specific to a digital set? It's illogical to apply a binary condition to analogue variables.
Cory actually talks English!!
That 2015 debate shows nothing has changed belief wise. I thought Bernadi spoke the good debate. Didn't stutter or trip over when questioned and was clear in presentation. Penny was also clear but still displayed her trademark smart ass replies in search of crowd approval with the associated applause and to belittle the opposition. She displays that blokey, f u Jack this thing is going through whether you like it or not.
Cory actually talks English!!

I agree with you. Some people here are asking for re-explanations (or ignoring good explanations), or just stating their views as facts contrary to Wikipedia. That tells you something.

It's human nature to uncover our eyes when we don't like to know the truth. There seems to be a dark side to the gay marriage thing. The true colors of something eventually show up.

Penny Wong is discriminating. Why wouldn't they ask for polygamous marriages e.g. Islamic. For many it makes much more sense than a man marrying a man.

And when they start forcing cake bakers, Jews /Christian religious schools etc to bow down to this new way of life... That's called communism.

I guess the good times can't last forever. But I think they're going to encounter so much resistance. It will be never ending.
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