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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Get off you soap box, and go back and have a read of some of your own posts. It may take you some time.

Obviously I wasn't referring to you.

Nonsense hater stuff. You can crawl back into you hole now and learn how to read and tell the truth, if you have mental capacity .

Surely assaulting an ex PM carries 10 years minimum? Gutless is too good for him
just another hero at you.

Like all States and Territories, Tasmania has a number of offences for dealing with indecent assault and sexual assault. For example, assaulting someone with indecent intent is a summary offence, with a possible maximum penalty of 50 penalty units (ie $7,000) or 2 years imprisonment.
And how is your stance any different to d'head funknukl.

You are still advocating violence.
Not at all. It is puishment for that one individual. Terrorising an old man = gutless prick.
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Wayne (if you're still here), you've got some strong views... Where do you think (assuming SSM goes through) this is all headed?
Surely assaulting an ex PM carries 10 years minimum? Gutless is too good for him

Surely Life without Parole and Hard Labour would be a bare minimum for disturbing the lip of our Beloved Abbott. Really Tizze have you gone SOFT in your dotage ?
Can't have the riff raff behaving like common hoons can we ?
Surely Life without Parole and Hard Labour would be a bare minimum for disturbing the lip of our Beloved Abbott. Really Tizze have you gone SOFT in your dotage ?
Can't have the riff raff behaving like common hoons can we ?

Nah I'll never get soft bas, but the problem here is that ex PMs, especially, are known to handpump even morons when asked. That he didn't throw up at the sight of said (obviously a two bricks short of a Kelso self mutilating gay) moron is amazing in itself, but I suspect if he didn't have the boxing reflex it would have been whole different story.

As much as I detest Tony for what he did to the convention of governance, I cannot abide vulnerable civic leaders being physically abused. I would feel the same if it happened to you regardless that you may have a passionate opinion for something disagreeable to me.
SSM brigade invading my privacy by SMS texting relentlessly. I might have to send them a payload worm in return
How did they get your number ?
They SMS to a range of 04 numbers. If they get an "undeliverable" back, they scratch it off their list. All the others, they keep ... and may even sell the list of negatives to call centres to recoup their expenses.

I also received the SMS. Replied that I had already voted. No more SMS since.
I just received the text. I don't like that at all.

Are there really people out there who will Vote Yes because an unsolicited text message told them so? There are plenty of people voting No because they are fed up with being told to vote Yes. Very poor form by Equality Campaign.

Be interesting to see what corporations are spending shareholder monies on the cost of the calls.
I want the word married to indicate a heterosexual union. If the homosexual / lesbian community want a legal union don’t call it marriage, that word is already taken.
The word "gay" has already been hijacked, they might try to come up with something original.
When I get my SMS I'll reply that I've been having the "same-sex" with my GF for decades



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Not sure. Do you reckon "1902babes" might have sold my details?
If you're a big spender on their merchandise, they may keep your number to themselves. But if you're a spendthrift or lousy tipper, they'll get their money's worth out of you by selling your number to a bunch of call centres.

Seriously: regardless whether you use an iPhone or Android, your Master (Apple or Google) will know your phone number. They also know more about you, your opinions and interests than you think possible under your personal concept of "Privacy". Their concept of privacy is vastly different from yours.
Vote Yes - or else
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