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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Comparing an Orange and an Apple
With 2 lemons

Nothing remotely similar.
'Yes' campaign thugs at it again, head-butting a former PM in Hobart. The thuggery is overwhelmingly from the 'Yes' campaign, although the apologists will swarm out today, pretending it's on both sides.
Well said Sam Newman!
As I said imagine if a NO got through

Carnage in the streets
Stamping of little feet and red faces.
It's just not fair.

Yes ----- well just accept.
Will they!

Personally I think they should have let sleeping dogs lie!
'Yes' campaign thugs at it again, head-butting a former PM in Hobart. The thuggery is overwhelmingly from the 'Yes' campaign, although the apologists will swarm out today, pretending it's on both sides.

The ABC, spearheaded by Virginia Trioli, needs to take some the of responsibility instead of trying say they warned everyone violence would happen .... their agitation to fight the fight for demolition of social foundations makes them culpible ..... SSM = "hurts no one" was always patently B.S.

Even good members on this forum have resorted to verbal abuse.
ABC has everything else on twatter except Tony Abbott attack.
Creating a climate of fear not a good way to win. This will be a phiric victory.
It tends to back up what I said some time ago - everyone complains about the debating skills in parliament but on the street it's demonstrability worse. And that goes for the Alan Joyce pie in face case too.
For who?

In my own little survey I've now asked 47 people
14 yes!!!

A phirric victory for the yes campaign. they may win but they will have caused immense damage to Australians goodwill towards gay marriage.
I've gone from yes, to not putting my vote in.
What's the point of that!

if you've decided to not vote YES.
Your back at the status quo.
To remain at that you need to vote no.
If enough people do as you do yes will be very
happy---its as good as a yes--its one less NO.

20000 Yes---20000 Don't want to vote yes
15000 No
Yes gets it!!! So what your not prepared to
support your prepared to allow???
Why didn't you support it?
For who?

In my own little survey I've now asked 47 people
14 yes!!!

One of my guys was telling me yesterday how his wife asked on Sunday if she should vote YES. He said that's her choice, but he'd be voting NO wherein she protested that at the party the previous night he had agreed with SSM. Of course he agreed, he didn't want to get into an argument with the loud mouths talking on behalf of everyone else.

Similar thing happended down the pub on Sunday night, where the pretty girl procalimed love was all that mattered and viv SSM. All the blokes agreed quite enthusiastically, until she left and one wag uttered "I think that went pretty well" and we all laughed.
Of course he agreed, he didn't want to get into an argument with the loud mouths talking on behalf of everyone else.


I assumed that is what happened in Tech/a's "little survey", if people already know your views, and they are employees or staff or people that don't want a discussion, they will probably just lie to you.
I assumed that is what happened in Tech A's "little survey", if people already know your views, and they are employees or staff or people that don't want a discussion, they will probably just lie to you.

Well yes, it was intended as a parable fo all.
No 24 were staff
The rest are clients suppliers
I do disclose my position after they give me an answer.
I'm surprised by how many women are No voters.
I assumed that is what happened in Tech/a's "little survey", if people already know your views, and they are employees or staff or people that don't want a discussion, they will probably just lie to you.

I think there are a lot more "faking" Yes than No to avoid being called homophobic, just like the Brexit vote they didn't want to appear to be standing in the way of progress but are actually conservatives at heart.
No 24 were staff
The rest are clients suppliers
I do disclose my position after they give me an answer.
I'm surprised by how many women are No voters.

So the majority were in a position where they might not want to offend you, and may want to go with the flow? e.g. staff or had some business relationship.

were their answers given in private? or was a group discussion, where answers might have been swayed by not wanting to go against the group?
I think there are a lot more "faking" Yes than No to avoid being called homophobic, just like the Brexit vote they didn't want to appear to be standing in the way of progress but are actually conservatives at heart.
we will see I guess.
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