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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters

Out and out bigotry to hetrosexuals
Too right! Those choosing to fly around the globe, with their flowing red cape, complete with red undies, worn on the outside of blue pantyhose, must surely be advertising their homosexuality!

Fair go guys. Sure he can be precious, but I'm certain the good talking to I gave him when he was six will serve him in good stead. What girl wouldn't find him uber attractive. a chip off the old block if ever there was one.
First, we need to see what the case itself is made of.

From your link > "FYI this wasn't a 'you're voting no, you're fired' situation. There were prior conversations had. As a business that works with children of all kinds, we have a responsibility to working with vulnerable people," she wrote.

As is frequently the case with these sort of events, there's probably more to the story.
In any event she has zero chance of getting her job back.
As a business that works with children of all kinds, we have a responsibility to working with vulnerable people," she wrote.

So what qualifications have people that vote Yes got that makes them more able to do a job of entertaining children at a party ?

The quote above reeks of insinuation that the sacked person was a danger to children. Unless she can back up that claim the sacking is pretty clearly discrimination based on personal opinion.
Empathy, acceptance of others that may be different.

Assume there are 30 children at a party, and they are probably in the age range 6-10. How many are even likely to know they are gay at that age ?

Is it the entertainers job to talk with each of them and find out their innermost thoughts and problems or just put on a show for half an hour ?

Come on, lets get real. The sacking was blatant heterophobia.
I am fed up with that crappy TV ad lol
Also still believe it is just an excuse to sponge the dole like single mums. I vote no. Single not gay pissed off supporting spongers in this do gooder society.
these people watch too much reality tv and spend their money on tats piercings etc lol wow no wonder you stand out like a sore thumb.
gees free to air tv sux, much like the advocates of same sex marriage. bunch of attention seekers/rorters.
We should have had the full plebiscite, but then, imv, we should never have got to this.

Marriage should never have been debated to start with, as there is nothing equal in the gold standard/traditional marriage (father, mother and the children) and same sex couples (two men and two women).

As many have said, they should have something created for their union, as it is, they have civil unions.

What people do in their private property is their business, and the government should not be coming in to tell us how to think.

Just listening to their 'right side of history', the Stalinists and their advocates are intent on destroying all this country was built on.
Family, faith, life, beauty...

This is a big change for society.

We have all voted NO.
Standing up for the family.


Thanks for sharing the video, whats up.

As I have said on this forum many times, what religion are you talking about?
Christianity, the foundations of this country?
The public holidays that reflect our nation?

Our countries foundations are Christian, and are based on our Christian values.
How this country was established.
Our language, our culture are all based on Christianity.

Do they even know what Christianity is?

Those re education camps they call schools, need to be made private, imv, as they don't reflect this country, but are pushing their own agenda.
Taxpayers should not be paying for these schools that go against what this country was built on, imv.

These advocates (political terrorists) rampaging our city, Melbourne, need to be made accountable for their actions.
The taxpayer should not be paying for their destructive behaviour.

This is my view.
The taxpayer should not be paying for their destructive behaviour.

This is my view.

I think you'll find there is a correlation between the uptake of medications (e.g. anti depressants) and changing attitudes to social taboos. Voting yes to end the anxiety of argument will be a big factor in the vote ... Australians today aren't the cohesian fighters of yesteryear.
Yeah well just about sums up the ABS lol what a bummer hey, fudged liked all the crud that comes from them lol
I now actually think it's a hoax. Although the ABS did apologise they obviously didn't run those letters through a barcode generator. If they did it would look completely different

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