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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Don't know you position on Gay and Lesbian "equality", however I wanted to remind you a of a few truths that are often not mentioned in the media and are important when you decide on your plebiscite vote:
  1. The Marriage plebiscite vote is NOT about equality! Homosexuals already have FULL equality under Australian law both in relationships (Under Common Law) and under Anti Discrimination laws
  2. The plebiscite is seeking to redefine the institution of marriage and the abolishing of free speech, freedom of choice and freedom of religion. They have already said on public record that this is just the first step in their campaign.
  3. The yes vote is NOT about tolerance, but quite the opposite - it is about intolerance of anyone who has a different opinion! Remember that currently all homosexuals are totally not discriminated against, so this is not their seeking equality, as they already have it.
  4. We are already seeing a persecution of Christians in our Australian society, when celebrating Christmas is seen as offensive and having any opinion that is not the same as the current flavour, is now punishable by up to $20,000 fine and up to 2 years imprisonment (announced on radio and TV news yesterday). This is worse than Communism was after World War II (I grew up in Communist Hungary, so I speak from 1st hand experience).
  5. I urge you to vote NO - and do not fail to send your vote in, as I guarantee that all yes supporters will send in their votes, do not let the lack of response give away your rights.
  6. Remember that voting NO is ok, and is in no way homophobic or anti gay/lesbian equality. It is a vote to protect your children from being brainwashed at school to change gender, when they don't even understand what that is! A NO vote does not prevent people from making their own choices later in life, but it will help in preserving our rights to have an opinion, to have a Father's Day and a Mother's Day and freedom of religion. Children are already being chastised in our schools, for using the words for Mother or Father (source: news media).
  7. The yes voters are vocal, but are not right! Do not deny children the rights to be raised in a family with a father and mother.
  8. Look at the results of other countries that have taken this step!
  9. Make up your own informed choice and then vote according to your conscience - and I hope it will be a NO vote!
Who really gives a **** about Issy's opinion. He has been welcomed with open arms by three different football codes. His contract must be up for renewal.

I wonder how different your opinion of him would be if he supported your own view.
Posting a prolific number of posts is not a license to be a cryptic smart arse.

That's actually a pretty dam good explanation for something a handful of Arabs just made up a couple of thousands years ago
If the question is returned yes unanimously (check ABS for facts) a new moral standard will be set and it isn't clear what the boundaries will be. A group so desperate to be recognised as 'marriied' will have other societal demands and a soft peen government bowing to them.
One of the consequences of true freedom of speech, includes allowing people to freely cast their votes in accordance with their opinion, irrespective of how ill, or well, informed their opinion might seem to others.

This does, of course, have the unfortunate side effect of rendering our freedom of expression, vulnerable to members of society, whom pursuant to tacit agendas, seek to induce the populace into voting away that freedom.

Like yourself, I deeply suspect that themes of "equality" and "societal inclusion" are simply part of a sales pitch, and that those willing to take the time to look past the glittery foil gift wrapping, will likely discover some evidence of the agendas described in your post.
No, I'm talking about "Bill" in the last series.

She turned into a cyberman, which must have been a new experience for her.
Spoilers! I am barely halfway through!! Shows how far behind the times I have fallen. I think I might need to grow my own TARDIS so that I can catch up!
Are you talking about the silurian?
And that matters, how exactly? That a science fiction story had a lesbian alien? It had a lot more that were NOT lesbian, so calculate the percentage and then draw any conclusions...
Spoilers! I am barely halfway through!! Shows how far behind the times I have fallen. I think I might need to grow my own TARDIS so that I can catch up!

Sorry about that ! Some good and some rubbish in the last series. Win some, lose some.
And that matters, how exactly? That a science fiction story had a lesbian alien? It had a lot more that were NOT lesbian, so calculate the percentage and then draw any conclusions...

Yes, well it takes something away from the fiction bit if sci fi shows turn into soap operas.
And that matters, how exactly? That a science fiction story had a lesbian alien? It had a lot more that were NOT lesbian, so calculate the percentage and then draw any conclusions...
Well, apparently none of the silurians were really silurians anyway. Jon Pertwee explained how the error was made back in the 70's, during the episode when they discovered the sea devils.

Edit: And the sontarans were purportedly all clones!

2nd Edit: and the silurians were natives of planet earth, so not aliens at all!
Sorry, facts are facts. You statement sounds like an excuse for addressing the facts, marriage in decline, divorce on the rise.

The concept doesn't meet todays needs or requirements, it is "old" fashioned.

Brave new world here we come
If the concept is failing, then why on earth are the gays fighting to get married? I just don't get it! They already have equality, so just get on with life. But no, they are fighting to destroy the lives of anyone who happens not to be gay!

It's like their freedom of speech only applies to them, slandering anyone who is not supportive. But straight people are vilified for calmly and non-threateningly expressing their opinion!

Or Black/Colored Americans having to sleep in their car because there's no Colored hotels for them.

Or inter-racial couples.

But of course some would say that today is all good... we're all equal and do not discriminate, except for the gays getting married.

How does a gay couple getting married, being recognised as legally married, "destroy" anyone's lives? I mean beside the other gay lover whose love weren't returned and such.

And just because most relationship, marriages failed doesn't mean we shouldn't try having a relationship or a marriage. And it definitely does not mean anyone has the right to ban others consenting adults from entering into their doom either.
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