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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters

Firstly, what the hell in normal, you must wear slacks and shoes, have brown hair and go to church every Sunday.

Based on what you believe is normal, it would scare the **** of me if you had any contact with my children, projecting your beliefs on them.

However, based on your beliefs, you better start partitioning that all homosexuals are removed from the education system, we cannot have those gays people trying to convert our children can we. lol

Might as go a step further, care givers, nurses, sports coaches, anyone who could deprive our children of a "normal" upbringing.

And why don't we bring back jewish star to be placed on all people who are not normal, we need to know who they are to save the children.

Yes, I am taking the piss out of your naive and ridiculous statements.
Same sex marriage: the Irish experience

"All too often campaigners seek to change things by explaining to people why they need to change and why their values are all wrong. In the Irish campaign we did the opposite. We knew that marriage equality would sit very comfortably in a country which values strong families; since this was about cherishing everyone in our families whatever their sexual orientation. The values that underpinned the faith of most Irish people, respect, dignity for every person and treating people as you would like to be treated, were also complimentary to supporting marriage equality."
From Getup

Previous call to arms


Where are those facts matey. I know what you are feeling, I've seen it all before, your whole house of cards collapses when someone calls your bluff.

Let's not throw away the opportunity to put a personal and thought out vote that not only looks at our current crass society and it's wanton lascivious focus, but advocates for the needs of the little children, think of the little children who deserve the opportunity and solidarity of a fulltime real mum and a fulltime real dad.

This is a chance to right the wrongs of the baby boomer failtards who produced a generation of illiterate, self absorbed, uncivilised, moronic sheep who swell the ranks of the Greens and Getup to advocate for destruction of their children's birthrights and traditions.

We need a generation that can rekindle our once great nation of head down arse up for work rather than play.

hallelujah brothers and sisters and the residual antichrists.

They live longer than poodles, dachshund and toy dogs too
98% of the population choose partners of the opposite sex.

That is normal.

No is not, well maybe for those that live out in bum f-k idaho it is.

Your argument is flawed.

Red hair occurs naturally in 1–2% of the human population. So all red heads are by your definition not normal.

Australians of diverse sexual orientation, sex or gender identity may account for up to 11 per cent of the Australian population.

A large number of LGBTI people hide their sexuality or gender identity when accessing services (34 per cent), at social and community events (42 per cent) and at work (39 per cent).[7] Young people aged 16 to 24 years are most likely to hide their sexuality or gender identity.
Here's an alternative point of view. One of the positive underlying attributes to our advanced society is a higher degree of tolerance + freedom of choice and I stand by that creed with the only caveat being no individual, or group, is unfairly disadvantaged. I have nothing to gain from voting NO and I have nothing to lose from voting YES. I just hope the final vote doesn't get distorted by pressure groups such as GetUp or religious / political groups.

Just one thing. An honest vote is one based on your principals or beliefs, not one that obfuscates gay marriage with political leanings or other irrelevancies.

Two more months of this subject dominating General Chat... I'll be glad when it's over.
residual antichrists.
not so "residual" at all.
According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, more than 86% of eligible Australians drink alcoholic beverages. Taking on board what has been said about the Christ at a particular Wedding, He turned water into wine. That means those 86% of Australians who do drink the odd glass of wine are by definition "Anti-Christs" because they do the exact opposite.
98% of the population choose partners of the opposite sex
  • Only 2% are smart enough to qualify for Mensa membership. What does that mean for the "normal" majority? Draw your own conclusion from that.
  • An even larger percentage of people get around without wheelchairs or walking frames. Thanks for implying that we're somehow abnormal.
  • 90% are right-hand dominant. Does that give a teacher the right to smack an "abnormal" leftie pupil until the poor child learns to behave "normally"?

Yes, yes, and I have abnormal vision so I'm not Superman either through no conscious decision of mine, as your affliction is no conscious decision of yours.

The question of normality was mentioned in the context of raising children, which is a conscious decision and the children are not given much consideration when some parents decide to raise them in an atmosphere that most likely will result that the kids will be heterosexual while the parents are homosexual. That creates feelings of confusion from the start when the kids see that their family structure does not correspond to societal norms. "Why is my family different ?" etc.

Kids don't need that confusion in an increasingly uncertain and stressful world, which is why I'm a supporter of the traditional family structure all else being equal.
The question of normality was mentioned in the context of raising children
You could've fooled me
Children don't choose sex partners. They don't even choose their parents. But I agree that a child needs love and hugs and body contact. When a child receives that from an early age, that's becoming "the norm" far more than finding out whether parents are convex or concave.

Statistically speaking, there may well be a higher percentage of single-parent kids that miss out on education, role modelling, or character building. Whether that is also true for kids of same-sex couples would require an independent study to determine the degree to which such children really feel "confused" or "abnormal".
While I am not a Child Psychologist myself, I have worked with Psychologists enough to know that they won't agree on a single assessment, but they will most likely find for each situation a solution that parents can apply to mitigate any ill effects a child may suffer.
For example: Every Psychologist will tell you that children suffer when their parents abuse booze, drugs, or each other. And a much higher percentage of "normal" than your quoted 2% will ignore that warning and continue to fight, drink, smoke in front of their kids.

What has all of that to do with allowing same-sex couple to get married as "normal" people? Nothing. Zip. Nix.
If you want to legislate for children to be raised without harm and confusion, set up a framework that parents should abide by. But that would be a totally different topic. Start another forum thread to discuss the rights of a child in today's gender-neutral society.
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I know many parents who are not same sex who are totally unsuited to be parents.

I'm voting Yes.
I know many parents who are not same sex who are totally unsuited to be parents.

I'm voting Yes.

How true that statement is. If we are talking about the children, then the issue is not same sex marriage, it is the quality of parenting is all that matters.
I know many parents who are not same sex who are totally unsuited to be parents.

What makes you think that same sex parents would be any better on average ?

Are they all angels who don't smoke, drink, do drugs and don't have a constant trail of partners trooping through the house ?
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