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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
To correct my spelling. The reason is so obvious it eludes the desperate minority.
It appears that a substantial majority of Catholics and Christians are supportive of same sex marriages - despite the directives of Church officials.

Catholics defy church leadership to become biggest backers of same-sex marriage: poll

172 reading now

A majority of Catholics, Christians and other religious groups support same-sex marriage and are inclined to vote for it in the forthcoming postal survey, according to new polling commissioned by advocates.

The "yes" side starts the campaign with the backing of 66 per cent of all Australians, with support among the non-religious at 79 per cent, compared with 58 per cent among people of faith, the research shows.

Catholics and non-Christian religions were more likely to support same-sex marriage, with two thirds of both those groups indicating they were in favour. For Anglicans, Uniting Church and Church of England, the figure was 59 per cent.

Marriage equality advocates will use the findings to encourage Australia's 5 million Catholics to ignore directives from the church's leadership and instead vote with their conscience.

Archbishop Denis Hart wants Catholics to vote ''no''. Photo: Darrian Traynor
The polling was commissioned by the Equality Campaign. It was conducted last week by Jim Reed of Newgate Research, formerly of Liberal-aligned Crosby/Textor, and surveyed 1000 people online.

They were asked: "If you were to vote, do you think that you would vote 'yes' or 'no' to allowing same-sex couples to marry in Australia?" Respondents had to choose between "yes" and "no".


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interesting. the number of people who believe in God is much higher than what I thought. explains why the no camp is trying to preach compatibility with Christianity to get more votes. which is nonsense (based on biblical texts) when you think about it. it would be the non practicing Christians that would be voting yes, while active church goers would be in the no group.
Most of the no group in my sphere of acquaintances are not religious at all, just awake.
Stand up for the FAMILY -- Vote NO.
(Father and Mother I Love You)

Your parents, your grandparents.
They have all contributed in our society.

No more putting our forefathers down.

Marriage is about the FAMILY.

One man and one woman.
A poll of 1,000 people online, commissioned by the "Equality" campaign, and publicized in the Canberra Times.

Yes I'm really believing that!
There must be a lot of two faced people out there, because go onto any construction site and all the workers seem to have a loud voice of anti SSM. Go to a public bar and same disdain, but less loud.

These are the real Australians who do all the real things for our once great nation, while the cafe latte set sit at desks scribbling useless unproductive stuff and posting pro devil Memes on social media to keep busy in between barracking for the other team at art shows and alternative film venues.

Mother hen women and hen pecked men don't deserve a vote .... they haven't earned it
The true blues are still alive and well but are outnumbered in the large city multicultural melting pots.
Check out the swarm of ABC tragics as they attack with quotes from the bible that don't exist, use bigotry and hate to get the SSM agenda across the line...the same irrational and false arguments used here the few.

Love it (find that (love) in the bible as a foundation for marriage)
If there's any argument against same sex marriage that would not also denigrate my marriage, I'll listen to it. But if such an argument exists naysayers have had a long time to find it.
Is there any reason for homosexuals, transvestites and bisexuals to marry? They don't meet the criterion.
See this proves that SSM won't make the distance, statistically speaking... that must have been like 1 in 2 SSM end in divorce right there.

I don't know where the 1 in 2 comes from, but one cannot simply compare the rates of divorce in SSMs to the rates of divorce in heterosexual marriages as the issues will not always be the same. For instance, I would assume that most SSMs at the moment are childless, but often it is for the sake of children that people endure broken down heterosexual marriages, which otherwise might have been better off dissolved. There are also pressures on SSMs that heterosexual marriages don't experience.

And what distance do SSMs need to make? If it makes the couple happier for the few years they are married compared to just living together, isn't that a success in its own right?
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