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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
When advocation of antidisestablishmentarianism is met with accusations of sesquipedalian behaviour, how might one formulate a singularly appropriate and commensurate response?

I'm pretty sure our monosyllabic resident rainbow fisherman would suggest abbreviations? .
When advocation of antidisestablishmentarianism is met with accusations of sesquipedalian behaviour, how might one formulate a singularly appropriate and commensurate response?
oh man... hilarious these posts can be...can u and tisme and wayne give us all some tips on how to write complicated?
Unwarrranted self-congratulation is so classless.
A lot of things aren't right, but they are not against the law either.

Refusing service due to race or sexuality is against the law
As you said before previously, if people advertise that they don't serve xyz then they have a right to do that,

I said they should start a club, rather than a business open to the public. if they are trading as a business, its against the law for them to refuse service.

But I doubt they would openly advertise their bigotry, which creates a situation of them appearing to be a business open to the public, except when gays do come in to order a cake they get refused service without any prior warnings, leading to awkwardness and humiliation.

but if they say they are open to everyone and then refuse to serve them then they have broken the law.

it's against the Law to refuse service based on sexuality when trading as a business in Australia.
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"Churches are clubs." Bulls--t, they are a business.

Don't know of to many clubs that can support this :
Cardinal Pell “the “Cardinal of luxury’’, claiming he last year spent half a million euros ($720,000) in six months setting up his new office after the Pope appointed him to reform Vatican finances.

Keep trying to defend the indefensible, it is rather amusing.

An a big thanks to WayneL for your compliment, it means a lot to me as I strive to be classless, as I am just a humble person, leading a humble life, a man of the people, who does not discriminate and only judges those that judge and class other and has no need or aspiration to be classy.
Churches are clubs.
yes, whats your point?

No one is saying a priest or any church should have to do same sex marriages if its against their club rules, we are talking about those operating in the free market as businesses.
yes, whats your point?

No one is saying a priest or any church should have to do same sex marriages if its against their club rules, we are talking about those operating in the free market as businesses.

Are JPs a business?
Jesus Im getting acquired ocular dropsy from all the eyerolling.

Tisme, it amazes me how hard this is for you to comprehend.

You cannot discriminate against someones sexual preference, regardless of your own beliefs. Just like you cannot discriminate against colour, race or religion.

This is the law, why cannot you accept it?

Guessing, because it goes against your beliefs which we ingrain in your as a child. Well stiff sh--t.

You should be focusing your energy and intelligence towards where discrimination is prevalent in the wider community and not focused on protecting the so called rights and freedoms of religion.

But that would require strength, easy to pick on the minority.

And thanks for the compliment, I do like going fishing in my rainbow costume, I find I get more bites
Jesus Im getting acquired ocular dropsy from all the eyerolling.


Everyone requires food, but maybe your culinary skills just aren't up to it.

The trolls are hungry, please feed them.
Satan, people discriminate on all sorts of bases, including the ones mentioned.

Even government and business do it when hiring in the name of diversity. I posit these laws are selectively applied, which makes them all the more poisonous.

Viva la revolucian
Are JPs a business?

A JP must follow the JP code of conduct.

The very first rule is that they must not unreasonably refuse service to anyone, and must treat all persons seeking services with dignity and respect.

A JP has to remain impartial, they aren’t there to provide judgement over a contract or document, just to act as a witness, as long as the contract is legal, they need to witnesses it, other wise they will have to forfeit their role as a jp

So it's not a business, not an enterprise, but the question I'm obviously putting is are they compelled to witness a wedding if asked by SSM, or as is the case with normal people in any matter they can refuse?
So it's not a business, not an enterprise, but the question I'm obviously putting is are they compelled to witness a wedding if asked by SSM, or as is the case with normal people in any matter they can refuse?

Silly question really. Of course they can refuse just as normal people in any matter can refuse. But that doesn't mean there aren't or shouldn't be any consequences, just as normal people who refuse in any matter may suffer consequences.
Silly question really. Of course they can refuse just as normal people in any matter can refuse. But that doesn't mean there aren't or shouldn't be any consequences, just as normal people who refuse in any matter may suffer consequences.

One thing I can't brag about is being silly in the context you are inferring.

And you find it satisfactory that individuals are subject at best to Dickensian rules, but in reality draconian laws? All the work of e,g, the labour movement ridding itself of the yolk of peasant oppression, only to be depreciated and handed back to to the powerful few ...well done on promoting social and legal devolution at the expense of those who value freedom of association, speech, opinion and human error.
So it's not a business, not an enterprise, but the question I'm obviously putting is are they compelled to witness a wedding if asked by SSM, or as is the case with normal people in any matter they can refuse?

I would say yes, But they aren't compelled to be a JP, when you are a JP you should put Australian Law ahead of your religious law when it comes to army out your JP duty, other wise you probably shouldn't be a JP to begin with.

item 1.1 and 4.4 in the code of conduct I linked definitely makes it sound like they can't refuse service.

If a document is lawful under the law, and the government requires a JP to sign it, the JP must carry out their duties, otherwise they breach the code of conduct and may lose their right to JP status.
Silly question really. Of course they can refuse just as normal people in any matter can refuse. But that doesn't mean there aren't or shouldn't be any consequences, just as normal people who refuse in any matter may suffer consequences.

refusing would breach item 1.1 and 4.4 in the code of conduct I linked, and I am pretty sure would result in them losing JP status, But thats their choice isn't it. If they put religious Ideas before the Australian Law, they shouldn't be a JP in the first place.
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