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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Thanks dickheds who voted yes. Now we are being ambushed with Apple ads with same gender kissing.

So much for "what people do in their own bedrooms"
We are doing way more Same Sex couple projects in the domestic field.
Perhaps because its no longer hidden.
Good clients both are generally well employed and are terrific to deal with.
They know what they want and are prepared to pay for no hassle.

Not a yes voter --- but not a hater.
Thanks dickheds who voted yes. Now we are being ambushed with Apple ads with same gender kissing.

So much for "what people do in their own bedrooms"
Try Using the off button - it's worked for us over dozens of years when all we see is hetrosexual advertising every second of the day.
Try Using the off button - it's worked for us over dozens of years when all we see is hetrosexual advertising every second of the day.

The ones where males are personified as half wits, while their smug contemptuous wives look on at the bumbling fool they married?

Or the ones where the ads are defiantly targetted to the audience as a political statement and celebration of the alternative heterosexual experience ..... oh hang on they are banned because they might make people uneasy, but worse they might illicit the truth about how vulgar they are personally perceived by some?

You always have the ABC, no ads, but plenty 'o gay and gender bending promotion and content.

Didn't I predict this the other day? The bohemians, hipsters and socialists would have a hit list of afflicted unfortunates who have a strong awareness of gender role violation.

He probably said what he said before the manual of what you are allowed to say was published... back in the days when it was fashionable to have thoughts in lockstep with the spoken and written words.
I believe the local gay community has accepted the comments were made in another time and place and don't reflect his current attitude. ie he's not a hater.

You're kidding right !!!

Here's a thought, try hanging out with group of men (hetero and homo normalised mix) for a few months without you opening your trap and let the conversation flow. You'll soon see what most blokes really feel and apology won't be anywhere on the radar. Then try your usual countervailing warrior arguments and see how long you are included in the group after that.
Thanks dickheds who voted yes. Now we are being ambushed with Apple ads with same gender kissing.

So much for "what people do in their own bedrooms"

Change the channel. Don't buy Apple products.

I find the majority of TV advertising to be offensive. I use the mute button or watch Netflix, easy solution.
Your just a nasty piece of shite Tisme.
Shut the xuck up will you and live and let live.
Local response from Riverina gay alliannce.

It demanded to know how the gay community could demand rights when its “sordid behaviour” was causing “the greatest medical dilemma known to man - AIDS”.

McCormack has since apologised and recanted a number of times.

Even Rainbow Riverina, an advocacy group for LBGTI people and their families, appears to have all but forgiven him all these years later - the group wished him well on Monday.

“As a committee, we feel that any comments made many years ago were, in the context of the times, what one could consider to be a reasonably held position by many people, given that many had zero or limited experience with homosexuality generally, with the added fear and hysteria of the AIDS crisis contributing to the holding of these views,” Rainbow Riverina spokeswoman Kat van der Wijngaart said.

“Mr McCormack has shown he has moved forward in his thinking, as he did vote ‘Yes’ in the marriage equality amendment to the Marriage Act, accurately reflecting the view of his electorate.

“We have to be mature and give him the benefit of the doubt, as we would with any other person.”

That's a different issue. I have been transacting business for decades with couples and individuals, but it's business, not a love in.
Thanks dickheds who voted yes. Now we are being ambushed with Apple ads with same gender kissing.

So much for "what people do in their own bedrooms"
Samsung Galaxy S9 pre-sales have started.
Anyone see this story in The Age ?

And this guy was head of the Professional Standards command. What a farce.

Top cop resigns in disgrace over link to racist and obscene posts

One of Victoria Police's most senior officers and the head of the force's Professional Standards Command has resigned in disgrace over racist and obscene posts made under the pseudonym Vernon Demerest.

Assistant Commissioner Brett Guerin, head of Professional Standards and a police officer of 40 years, was last week referred to Victoria's anti-corruption watchdog after The Age revealed he posted shocking comments under the online pseudonym "Vernon Demerest".

The Age revealed on Monday that that nom de plume has been also linked to several vile posts on social media under the Demerest alias, including references to "cheating dagos", "third world dullards", "Indian and Pakistani peasant" and "jigaboo".

Within an hour of The Age revealing the new allegations, Mr Guerin resigned from Victoria Police. His resignation was accepted by the chief commissioner.

The Age can reveal that Demerest posted vile insults under YouTube videos – often using profane language or referring to sodomy and rape. Some of the comments are too offensive to publish.

Under a video of a Somali pirate attack, Demerest posted: "I'm afraid this is what happens when the lash is abolished. The jigaboo runs riot and out of control. The 'boo needs the lash. The 'boo wants the lash. Deep, deep down the 'boo knows the lash provides the governance and stability."

Under a video of Argentina losing to Holland in the 1998 World Cup, he posted: "Wonderful to see greasy, diving, cheating dagoes get their just reward. Bitter, lingering defeat."


Eventually happens to most men. Some of them break the shackles that bind, many others do as they are told and to behave by their better halves:

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