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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
And the yes brigade were wrong.
It should have been a referendum on any changes, going by the constitution.

Is the constitution still valid, as we seem to have a mess in parliament.
Too many public servants warming their seats.
Howard altered the Marriage Act without any type of public vote, this is just grasping at straws now. The will of the people have spoken and they have voted yes.
^ Correct. It should have been a referendum in 2004 when the marriage act was meddled with in the first place.

Moving the goalposts to suit your desired outcome is a step towards communism.

The mess in parliament is a result of pollies not doing their homework and they deserve the same sympathy as people get from the ATO when they mess up their tax returns: the COLD standard
So going against what the founding fathers had hoped for, we now move into tyranny?

That's just supposition and rhetoric.

We all know that we have lost our freedoms of association, freedom of custom to provide goods and services, etc. We are infact a utility of govt policy.

We all know that legislation in the future will be governed by on the prevailing interpretation in that future. This no more obvious than the citizenship test being black and white, but the LNP trying to make it a blur for it's own gain. No more obvious than the excuse of "love" as a binding agent for marriage in an act that does not embrace love as a considered variable.

We all know this is just another fad from a bored community acting out a rebellion looking for a cause and prepared to hijack any social norms to get the adrenalin going.

Just remember that when the legislation turns around and bites you or you rfamily on the bum ... it's all your fault for tinkering with a millenial custom.


Nothing is really altering here, you currently can't refuse service to gays because you disagree with their lifestyle choice and this shouldn't change. You lost that right a long time ago and nothing is changing that.
Nothing is really altering here, you currently can't refuse service to gays because you disagree with their lifestyle choice and this shouldn't change. You lost that right a long time ago and nothing is changing that.

Exactly, but we just added more layers to the prevent freedom resurfacing.

Duterte is a petulant child and has been dealt with.

Cambodia has two masters to concern itself with : Vietnam and USA. If the Viets wanted it to be communist it would have done so when it invaded in 1979 and ruled for 10 years until Bill Hayden's peace negotiations finally broke through.
By Jesus if I haven't read that same post a dozen times.

The TRUTH is that this religious freedom bull**** is nothing more than maintaining the churches ability to continue to discriminate.
So is it your position that no form of discrimination is acceptable? (be careful of the own goal here)

Cambodia was VN's junior but they've since gone Red further North. That's why the US is going to sanction Hun Sen [?]... for violating democracy or something.

That and the Comrades in Hanoi are too busy stealing their own peasants' land and what luxury food not to eat lest they go the way a couple of senior generals went after a visit to Beijing in which they didn't kiss the ring with enough passion.

Yea, Duterte, what a childish right wing nut job. You don't permit extra-judicial killing of small time drug pushers and users you idiot. You should follow the US model of justice where you bring those stupid kids in, pretend to have a trial in which no lawyer represents them, then you lock them up for 10 to 20 years for pushing drugs.

At $40k a year per head, locking up some hundreds of thousands or a million... that's kaching, kaching, kar ching.
On top of that, you can hire them out at market rate but pay them a buck a day; then charge their loved ones crap load for phone calls, visits etc. etc.

Justice, freedom and money.

As to appeasing the Chinese, that's even crazier. Handing the Chinese a few corals and rights to your economic zones, why would you do that when you can buy hundreds of millions in US made weapons, bullets and sovereignty to see which side blink first.
How senators voted on same-sex marriage

Liberal Simon Birmingham George Brandis David Bushby Mathias Cormann Jonathon Duniam Mitch Fifield Ian McDonald Nigel Scullion Anne Ruston James Paterson Jane Hume Marise Payne Linda Reynolds Scott Ryan Dean Smith


Carol Brown Catryna Bilyk Doug Cameron Kim Carr Anthony Chisholm Kimberley Kitching Sue Lines Jenny McAllister Malarndirri McCarthy Claire Moore Louise Pratt Lisa Singh Anne Urquhart Murray Watt Penny Wong


Andrew Bartlett Richard Di Natale Sarah Hanson-Young Nick McKim Lee Rhiannon Janet Rice Jordon Steele-John Rachel Siewert Peter Whish-Wilson

Crossbench Stirling Griff; Rex Patrick NXT) David Leyonhjelm (Liberal Democrats) Derryn Hinch

'NO' VOTERS (12)

Labor Chris Ketter Helen Polley

Liberals Concetta Fierravanti-Wells Eric Abetz Slade Brockman

Nationals John Williams Matt Canavan Barry O'Sullivan

Crossbench Lucy Gichuhi Fraser Anning Cory Bernardi Brian Burston (One Nation)


Liberals Michaelia Cash David Fawcett James McGrath Zed Seselja Arthur Sinodinos (on leave)

Nationals Bridget McKenzie


Jacinta Collins Sam Dastyari Pat Dodson Don Farrell Alex Gallacher Katy Gallagher Gavin Marshall (overseas) Deb O'Neill Glenn Sterle

One Nation

Pauline Hanson Peter Georgiou
From Parliament House

"I am very firmly of the view that families are the foundation of our society and ours would be a stronger society if more people were married and by that I mean formally, legally married and
fewer were divorced. If consulted by friends at about marital dramas I always encouraged the singles to marriage, the married to stick together and the wronged to forgive."

"Let's be honest with each other, the threat to traditional marriage is not from gay people but a lack of loving commitment, whether found in the form of neglect, indifference, cruelty or adultery, to name just a few manifestations of that loveless desert in which so many marriages come to grief.

"Co-dependency is a good thing", he says, and gay people are better off together than "living alone comforted only by their respective cats".

More theatre with the Senate being misused for a proposal of an illegal marriage.

One rule for some ....................
You are so xxxxing lame Tisme. Give it a rest. Even Tony Abbott (God help us) has discovered some form of good grace in acknowledging the will of the Australian public.
But back to our Parlimentarians waxing eloquent on their new found consensus.

"I think this is an uplifting moment in our nation but we need to be mindful to match our joy without humility. Humility to acknowledge that on so long on marriage equality, Australia has trailed the world. The humility to seek forgiveness from LGBTQI Australians, forgiveness for long delay, for the injustices and the indignities both great and small. The gift less for subjecting you and your relationships to public judgement. Forgiveness for the hurt and harm your and your families have suffered. We seek your forgiveness, we salute your courage and we thank you for including us in your historic moment."
You are so xxxxing lame Tisme. Give it a rest. Even Tony Abbott (God help us) has discovered some form of good grace in acknowledging the will of the Australian public.

I'm not surprised you have no sincerity when it comes to parliament and parliamentary esteem. You constantly show no regard for any respect of authority, discipline and self control.

So being as I really don't think you have the capacity for common sense and prefer the easy mob mentality social fads I forgive you for you lack of civic duty. See I'm the bigger man, if you are a man that is because you do come across as a teenager looking for causes.

you are so xxxxing lame basillo. Give it a rest. Even Tony Abbott (God help us) votes Liberal.
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