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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Really !!?? And truly ? You can see them having the a. money, b. vindictiveness and c. capacity to create a storm in a teacup ? d. For what purpose ?

Overreach by miles at this point in time Rumpy.

a. yes
b. yes.
c. yes

d. Revenge. It's already happened .
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Watch how preferential treatment here will mirror the repeal of section 37 in Ireland:

This is what had to be got rid of to get access to the children for indoctrination into all things anti hetero:


So I wonder if an LGBTI goes for a wedding dress and gets told "sorry I'm too busy" will the business get sued ?

I wonder just how far people will take this discrimination stuff.
I wonder just how far people will take this discrimination stuff.
Thou shall not discriminate against another human being.
Except in China, Africa, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Islamic states etc etc.
So I wonder if an LGBTI goes for a wedding dress and gets told "sorry I'm too busy" will the business get sued ?

I wonder just how far people will take this discrimination stuff.

I find it rather curious why sites that are supposed to provide clinical information about homosexual disease, hygiene, etc are fairly difficult to find by Google standards.

e.g. the hyperlinks on this page:
Remember the children and how they need to be watched = be vigilant and report concerns to police .

Born with it .... yeah right.

There's already talk from Federal MPs about putting personal/religious freedom safeguards on the never never.

Just push through SSM by Christmas, and we'll discuss personal freedoms 'later' (i.e. never)
Isn't that a literal rainbow from God?

You're not wrong. It frequently crosses the line into the realm of Orwellian fiction. If there's a stairway to heaven and a highway to hell it says much about the anticipated traffic flow

Look again, it's fiction turned reality. If you looked at it where I referenced u too, you should have realized there are no camera tricks, no acting. They were wowed very much on that day. I'm confidant you won't find anybody alive that can debunk such a clip. I thought it a good response to the “Christianity is fairy tale/has no relevance” type of comments shown here. It's a throwback.
You know I'm starting to wonder if you are blessed with an intelligence approaching my own, albeit somewhat twisted from the righteous path I "chose" as part of my "lifestyle choice"

This might not apply in this particular case, but I've always found that whenever I start to wonder whether a person is as intelligent as myself... they turn out to already be light years ahead

Read that the Trump's latest, and greatest, "tax reform" just passed the House. There's no hearing, no expert witnesses.. .and 75% of the (lower) American people will see their taxes GO UP.

For the top 25%, they can now have about $1.3Trillion to start saving up for bids for another da Vinci painting... well, maybe a freaking Picasso to start out with.
Perhaps it's time to ask whether we should have Freedom from Religion rather the Freedom for Religion.

Just how much influence should religion have in a secular state ? Which religious rules should be applied to everyone ? How many tax breaks (from the overall tax paying community) should religious bodies recieve ?

Marriage quality: we need freedom from religion, not freedom of religion
  • Crispin Hull
71 reading now
Just as the postal plebiscite has blown up in the faces of the conservatives who promoted it, let us hope that any subsequent rearguard sabotage attempt, under the guise of freedom of religion, does the same thing.

For more than two decades (since John Howard was elected prime minister) politicians have been utterly-risk averse, fearfully imagining that some silent, conservative, Christian majority lurks out there ready to punish them at the slightest hint of social progress on human rights or fairness to the marginalised, whether LGBTIQ, refugees, the unemployed or homeless.

Same-sex marriage: the timeframe
The bill to change the marriage act is in, the aim is to have same sex marriage legalised before Christmas and with just a few weeks to get it done, politicians will begin debating the legislation straight away.

Wednesday's result should put paid to that.

But if we are going to turn over some rocks in a debate on religious freedom, we may see a greater need for freedom from religion, not freedom of religion.
From Crispin Hull's article

"Freedom of speech does not permit you to yell fire in a theatre or trash reputations."

Trashing reputations has been going on for a while now. Maybe we need stronger defamation laws ?

I agree with him on tax free status, and the chaplaincy program.

As for employment discrimination, well it's a blurry line. Employers have the right imo to employ people who are good for their business. Religious business like schools and nursing homes most likely attract people of that faith as customers who wish the business carried out according to that faith and maybe certain employees don't conform to that business image. If we are going to stick official noses into who businesses employ and why then maybe all businesses should be required to accept a certain number of minorities ? I think most people would regard that as an intrusion into normal business operations and it really opens up a Pandora's box of increasing and unneccesary red tape.

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