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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Yes for me. It will not have a negative impact on anyone's life if a same sex couples can marry. People need to stop making this into an issue its not, it's not political correctness to give a minority group the same right the rest of us have. It's not about children at all because same sex couples already can adopt children.
I am strongly opposed to bullying in all forms and consider that discrimination on the basis of sexuality only encourages that sort of behaviour from some.

So it's a definite YES from me.

As others have noted this issue is about adults not children.
These adults will have children who will in turn be adults
No from me
I've seen enough of kids who have no idea who they are.
They don't have a choice
We do.
These adults will have children who will in turn be adults
No from me
I've seen enough of kids who have no idea who they are.
They don't have a choice
We do.
What is stopping them from having children now?
Nothing changes here and you're really just deflecting this onto an issue its not.
But with it legalised it will be widely accepted.
More kids bought up in mixed partner families.
More kids who will eventually become teenagers
Who will become adults

I don't know if you or many here have had experience with kids who don't have to influence of either a mum or dad
I have extensively from broken families.
These kids are broken and generally stay broken.
Ve seen and still see 2 couples with kids in same sex partnerships
Cute kids but -----
Great parents to but ----

What's normal
Same sex
Mixed sex all NORMAL
If same sex becomes the new normal then we will
Have solved the world over population.

Anyway the way things are going soft countries will become fodder for the stronger ones.

No it really won't, nothing will change. If you're so worried about broken families then your concern should be the ever growing divorce rates. If you're so concerned about children then your concern should be the high rate of youth that kill themselves because they're gay. You can vote no but stop the straw man arguments and just admit you have a problem with gays.
Divorce won't be hetrosexually exclusive.
Nor is or will suicide.
Widen your view.
This decision affects way more than 2 people who wish to marry.
Your trying to pigeon hole me so you can justify my own independent opinion which I'm as entitled to as anyone else---including yourself.

I don't have a problem with gays I have some as friends.
But I do have concerns as I have voiced

While I don't understand why some people are attracted to the same sex, it seems that their behaviour is not choice, but hard wired. I have met plenty in tourism and they are as normal as you and I. They are statistically a minority and I don't see why the majority should feel they have the solemn right to make decisions for other folk they do not know. Live and let live.

Ignorance is bliss, but only for the ignorant.
Divorce won't be hetrosexually exclusive.
Nor is or will suicide.

Nor should it be. But for some reason homosexuals kill themselves at much higher rates than heterosexuals, one might think it's because of people that hold views like yours that have made them feel like freaks their whole life. But if you want to champion the family is number 1 then your target should be heterosexuals divorcing and not a few gays signing a bit of paper to say they love each other.
People hold views like yours

Sorry but I see this a lot.

It's generally thrown up when a concern is turned into
Views and worse predjuces by those who don't want
To see ANYTHING that places a road hump in front
Of their own narrow view.
Often they don't want to consider the concern.
They find it confronting.

If it was as clear cut as 2 people then I agree but it's NOT!

Blindness / ignorance / apathy?
There is no other side, the only way your no side wins is to frame a falsified position to the Australian people that SSM is something it's not. You can't even name anything that will change negatively but you have some warped perception how it alters the fabric of our society and it's all about the children. That ship sailed some time ago when same sex couples were given the right to raise children. If 2 people declaring their love for each other is an issue that concerns you then it says more about you than it does about them.
So you don't see any issues with kids bought up in same sex relationships married or otherwise?

It's these kids who will impact on the future of us all
Not all but many.

But hey my vote will make little difference to the whole
So you don't see any issues with kids bought up in same sex relationships married or otherwise?

It's these kids who will impact on the future of us all
Not all but many.

But hey my vote will make little difference to the whole

I do see issues, I hate children being brought up with the sole intention of deliberately being deprived of their biological parent/parents. This goes for same sex couples that seek out donors or a single lady that can't find a man and chooses IVF. Adoption is slightly different because providing a child with a loving stable home is more important than keeping that child with their abusive or otherwise biological parents so on that front I would rather that child have a loving same sex couple than druggy deadbeat parents that just want their next hit and yes my preferred option would be to have the child adopted by a loving heterosexual couple.

But even though I hold that view I don't see how same sex couples getting married will impact that issue. It would only be complete speculation on my behalf to believe that SS couples will now raise children when they wouldn't have already.

I'll agree to disagree
All of the horrors of heterosexual issues with children
Will also occur in same sex marriages.

To think otherwise---
What's normal

Anyway the way things are going soft countries will become fodder for the stronger ones.

I'm not to decide 'What's normal'.. The facts of lived experience are not The Biblical male/female binary. When or if they ever are, objections to same sex anything? May have some area for debate; To be sure, that will be about the twelfth of never.

'Going Soft' ???... Gary Jack knows all about what it feels like to have a little 'going soft' going on, on him, courtesy of an Australian front row forward Mr I Roberts.
You'll never want to be on the wrong side of Mick McGill, hardest East End Publican I ever had the good fortune to meet, and proudly as queer as a cats fart.

How many Broken Families started on the assumption of two hetro partners where one or possibly both were not hetro; Just to placate 'social norms' strike them out of your metric.

Your stated position looks to be on areas of shaky ground.
Yes I do agree there, I would think same sex couples would divorce at a similar rate to hetro's. I would think that children will still be abused at similar rates who are raised by same sex couples.

I'll agree to disagree and if this postal plebiscite was about SS couples raising children I would be right there with you.
Well you should consider it because the kids of tomorrow can't speak for themselves in a plebiscite but you and I can.

I'll agree to disagree
All of the horrors of heterosexual issues with children
Will also occur in same sex marriages.

To think otherwise---

I agree with you tech/a.

Refer to the video posted by Tisme in the other thread.
The LGB lobby like to say everything is fine with "their" kids, but most of them are just growing up now and some are saying gay parents is not all its cracked up to be.

Studies have shown that gays on average have far more sexual partners than hets, so I fear for the kids on a constant merry-go-round of "who is my father/mother this week".
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