Can we get a mexican wave going in his honour ?
A BIG Happy new year to Mr Rudd ....... u da man!
No offense condog but i find your posts immature .
kitehigh holds some valid argument and points and just because you may not have seen past your armchair there is no reason to trash the posts for those that do get out.
i do not agree with some parts also but happy to read it
have a great day.
So immensly more mature and contributory to the dialogue then what I was saying........Im not sure how your three brief posts add more maturity to this dialogue then what I was offence but perhaps your level of maturity is bordering on see how the no offence bit doesnt hide what your actually saying...apparently Im mature enough to interperet that...
Im more then happy to be a tad immature for ever....I love being around young people ...they are full of vitality, energy and enthusiasm......not for a moment would I ever wish so much maturity on someone that they take themselves too seriously and lose the ability to have a bit of fun.....if thats can have it nun, but rewst assured I expect all your posts to be full of maturity and wisdom from now on....especially if you want to go pointing the hypocritical stick like this...