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Rightie or a leftie?

Are you left brained or right brained (according to the article)

  • Right Brained

    Votes: 45 63.4%
  • Left Brained

    Votes: 26 36.6%

  • Total voters
This is interesting too.... apparently our Left and right 'faces' show different characters.
Which Nixon would you trust??? (full article here)


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Ok, after studying her for longer than necessary I have two clear conclusions:

1) Shes not wearing any underwear, :D but more importantly -

2) For those who can see a change, it occurs when her foot reaches to edge of the frame!

Wow that was hard work!
Here are four photos in sequence.

If she's rotating clockwise, these are
3 oclock
6 oclock (facing front)
9 oclock
12 oclock (facing back)

If she's rotating anti-clockwise, these are
3 oclock
12 oclock (facing back)
9 oclock
6 oclock (facing front)

Line through the approx line of her navel ( which is her CG centre of gravity) indicates she's jumping up and down. This is also obvious when you see the gap between her "stationary" foot and it's shadow.

The point on the floor half way between her stationary foot and it's shadow stays reasonably constant. This makes sense, i.e. she's spinning on one spot. I've added a horizontal line joing all such points.

In the second photo, her foot is just slightly ahead of this line ( because the midpoint of the line joing her moving foot and its shadow is to the front).

But in the fourth photo, you'd expect to see a shadow under her foot around about where that "X" is. Because this is missing, then imo, there is some confusion, and a bit of trickery going on. Hence the ambiguity to the subconscious. :2twocents

But I still much prefer clockwise, i.e. with the foot passing lower at the front ;)

but with the added comment that there should be a shadow at "X". (imo)


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here's another way to say it

When you look at the locuses / loci of

a) the moving foot, and
b) its shadow

and add in the normal conception of perspective, i.e. below the horizon line you should look down on the plane right (?)

you find you look down on the plane of the loci of the moving foot - ONLY if this she is rotating clockwise

but you find you look down on the plane of the loci of the SHADOW of her moving foot - ONLY if this she is rotating anti-clockwise :2twocents

The blue arrow is clockwise ( based on the foot)
The red arrow is counterclockwise (based on the shadow) :confused:

locus - Mathematics. the set of all points, lines, or surfaces that satisfy a given requirement


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Count every " F " in the following text:





How many are there:confused:
Are you Right Brained or Left Brained?

The Right Brain vs Left Brain test ... do you see the the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise? Please see link,22049,22535838-5012895,00.html

If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa.

Most of us would see the dancer turning anti-clockwise though you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it.

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Im a Righty ....

More here
Re: Are you Right Brained or Left Brained ?


this has been done before on here ;)

(and from I remember it became quite philisophical as well) ;)
Re: Are you Right Brained or Left Brained ?

.... If you look carefully nc, it's just an optical illusion
based on perspective, (and looking down on the plane below the eye level horizon,
the shadow is travelling one way, whilst the foot is travelling the other ;)


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Re: Are you Right Brained or Left Brained ?

I understand some people can get her to change direction, I cant do it :(
Re: Are you Right Brained or Left Brained ?

I understand some people can get her to change direction, I cant do it :(

Yep I can, instantaneously! Aren't I special :p:

Yes, another thread was made a while ago, still a very intriguing little illusion.
Re: Are you Right Brained or Left Brained?

I can get her to change direction but I thounk that it is a trick of the video!!
The whole family just tried. Husband clockwise only. Myself clockwise, then I can get her to dance from side to side. This takes some concentration. My elder children - 1 x anti-clockwise, 1 x clockwise and can also get her to dance from side to side. I think kids are better at it!
Been doing some more reading, its really quite interesting.

Left brains can go to a party, meet 12 new people, and remember their names the next day. The right brained person will not remember the names but will remember what they were wearing, the couch they were sitting on, the room they were in, how their hair was done, and possibly what they were talking about. Everything but the name.

Wow im so Right brained I do exactly as this article says, I forget names at the drop of a hat but remember the most obscure and intimate details about other things, ie/ If i bumped into someone that I hadnt seen for a decade id remember their favorite drink , color etc or other details of their past but seldom their name.

Be nice to have a Ambidextorous Brain and just remember every freakin thing lol.
Here's another one!!

Look at the chart on the right and say the COLOUR, not the word.

Your right brain will try to say the colour while your left brain will read the word! Can you do it in less than a minute?

What type of brain do you have?

If you can complete this test easily then the right side of your brain is dominant.

If you find it hard your a left brainer


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I can say the colours in 20 seconds but can say the words in less than that.
What does that tell me?