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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Was just wondering

Mick and YT with stocks like this did you guys just jump in for the day or have you been following this one for a while..

and if you just jumped in for the day how did you come across it this morning before it went CRAZY!!!

im fairly new at this and any information is much appreciated
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

wow this is out of control!!! took profits way too early. this has really come out of left field after flipflopping between 1.0/1.1 for months
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Nice one and thankyou Tekman for letting me know - I was totally oblivious to what was happening, dumb blonde and all that! I have a nice parcel; if FMG is involved then I am hanging on for a bit just yet!

I have held FMG since $27 too, and that made me $9000 on Monday alone (dropped back a bit now though) which helped to pay my tax bill.

And I see that FMG has gone from red to green too!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

It's now at 8.4 How much higher can it go. I am a little reluctant to jump back in as it is up so high.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I know.. profit is profit.. Thanks SevenFX

Now I have to sniff out a new source.

At what point will this FDL stop at ... really its nutty. i am sure there a many pro traders, speculators and operators all watching this with amazment!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

It looks to be finishing on Strong Close, so perhaps another run tommorow once news spreads given it's assoc with FMG, but on the other hand well overdue for pullback.

EDIT: UP another 300% on last posting of 530% totalling 830% Incredibly RARE.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Well Tekman, I hope you are right about the news spreading. The best thing about such a cheap price share is that people can pick up a few and not feel as if they are risking large capital. And given the FMG relationship, and that whole story, well, I am very excited to be holding right now. Of course, the traders will have some fun but I reckon I have held FDL for over 5 years Guess that takes me away from being a Day trader, huh! But the truth is, it just seemed like it was not worth selling because of the brokers fees

A dollar a share, doesnt seem like to much to ask now, does it?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

This type of rise is EXTREMELY rare to say the least. At most we normally see 100-200% increase...then maybe another 50-100% tomorrow and then maybe 50-100% the day after and so on.........rarely such a rise in one day.

Which begs the there more to this behind the scene than we are told?

I refuse to think punters are jumping in at 8c 9c 10c for a trade, given its meteoric rise from 1c this morning. Almost 2 billion shares traded....say at an average of 5c...thats $100m it really all traders?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Herd mentality JJ.

I dont really see value in it at these prices. they only receive royalties on 8mt anyway so it doesnt matter what their drilling reveals.

Much better invesments out there, but when it comes to day trading im a hack and have no idea.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Was meant to be a short term hold, have not followed the stock much prior to this,

Got in at 3c, it hit my target at 5c so I sold, so a short term trade turned into a very profitable day trade (which I rarely do but it smashed past my target, absolutely smashed it!)

For those who are interested, JMS has a large target very close to these FDL/FMG targets/deposits
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Prawn the 8Mt royalty is on the other deposits, (see the pic I posted on JMS thread it shows it)

The 350Mt target is 100% theirs, so drill results to matter

Unless I have read it wrong,

But I agree at these levels its very risky, I just can't believe the rise!!!!!!!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


they only receive royalties on 8mt anyway so it doesnt matter what their drilling reveals.



[just stating what young trader posted above - and deleted to avoid doubling up]

stock noob,

to add some easy insight,

was scouring the price sensitive anns, read it, observed the volume build-up in pre-open from .014 to subsequent post-ann open at .021, jumped in at .026/.027 anticipating a modest in/out, the rest is history

further, recognising the value of this forum, posted ann for fellow asfer's

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


Hope you took some profits towards the end of the day, or have a good bottle of Merlot tonight as she could go either way, but as you say it's not big kunahas is it... and am leaning towards another run esp if the metals and market in general are up.

Eitherway a stong close with no shortage of buyers, should see many opportunities to exit.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


feel free to read the ann, the royalties only relate to the fdl/fmg jv tennement, the conceptual figures of approx 350m t relates to 100% fdl tennement


ok, apologies.

i made a quickfire 30% from them today so i was happy. would have made a lot more if i held. But im happy with a decent profit
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Not sure what will happen tomorrow - the US market will be closed today due to Thanksgiving, so no direction there. And no, I didnt sell and take profit - I guess because I think many will look at FMG and wonder if it could possibly happen here, (obviously to a smaller extent!) especially on such a low base.

I think I will have to change my by-line too, won't I. Bugger the diamonds.......(thought that may have been censored - oh well, it can stay then!)
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hello all
that was amazing....Ive never seen anthing like it!
YT did you read both announcements? Its the fmg involvement could add more value than just the "target"
I agree tekkman once news spreads it could run further???
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hello all
that was amazing....Ive never seen anthing like it!
YT did you read both announcements? Its the fmg involvement the could add more value than just the "target"
I agree tekkman once news spreads it could run further???

Here's the thing guys,

FDL is a diamond company,

They have about $16m in cash and assets

They also now have a target of 350Mt's Fe

But their mkt cap is now $90m

I loved it at 2.5c and was posting (although not buying till 3c )

But lets be realistic its gone up 800% and its mkt cap has balloned,

If you really are that keen on Iron Ore companies with huge targets there are others (far less spec imo) out there

But if your on this for a technical trade who knows where it could go?

I don't and dind't hence why I sold at 5c, but a profit is a profit

I think one thing is undeniable FDL's run today has put Iron Ore plays back on the focus of every trader/investor,

Perhaps the savy ones will look for nearby companies?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hi YT,

Well done to both you and others for buying this one. Its amazing how it moved up so quickly. Iron ore stocks are definitely red hot at present.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FDL aren't being rerated on possible resource alone. They already have agreements with FMG which could extend to use of FMG infrastructure.

Also, many will see FDL as a takeover target by FMG.

On these 2 factors, I do not believe that FDL is overvalued in the slightest.
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