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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Im not very experienced in stocks that go mad like this, but there is a huge wall of sellers forming at 5c, so i think it might get beaten down a bit.

Especially as those that bought in any time in the last year are at well over 100% profit as we speak

EDIT - ignore this comment, just smashed the 5c barrier
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hit my target so I'm out just made a ridiculous and I do mean ridiculous sum of money in about 30minutes
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

ok ok i take back wat i said above, boy, i guess we didn;t see this coming..i wonder y all of us missed out on this small iron ore play?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

what range are we talking about YT?

Well done to all those that got in, ballsy move and it appears to have paid dividends

i sat this one out!!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

hey YT, anytime to make an detailed analysis of this one, or are we all just glued to our monitors atm

Umm no real detailed analysis,

See what I gave earlier, I think 5c is fair value for it given the 350Mt target is just that, A TARGET

hence why I used at $1 per t ev figure and nothing more, its a target

Add the cash and other listed investments and I got 5c as fair value and so got out at that level.

The stock has way too many traders on it so it could go anywhere! up down, sideways inside out (you get the point)

My advice becareful, especially to the newbies, see that bit that says change for the day? 450% IS F##king crazy! So be careful!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Amazing. I bought a small parcel more than a year ago and was carrying a huge 75% loss on this. Just checked and had to rub my eyes to believe what was happening. Iron ore from a diamond company...
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

i've literally stopped to watch worm do its thing live ... lol ...

this is friggen crazy! to scary to jump into at this point imo ... lol

im still gob smacked

how didnt anyone see this coming lol
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

This has gotto hold the record at mere 530% in one day.

Someone will soon come in and wheelclamp it or pull the plug soon

Or maybe they're out to lunch, so no speeding ticket till tomorrow...???

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Woohoo ... made 60 bucks in 60 secs

I was just too scared to hang in there ...

As mentioned this could go anywhere. One for the hindsight bag methinks.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

this is madness I could almost buy a house with the profits trading FDL today, I think personally I'm responsible for around 36 million shares of turnover (18 million bought and sold)
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Is this where we get to brag how big a fish we all caught and threw back in... you first Mick.

EDIT: So I'm guessing you threw $756,000 at better hit you for a loan

Your such a charactor.... LOL
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Anyone bought the opps with over 193mil traded today....they're up 1400%

Open at .04c and now at 3.3c

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

i was starring at the oppies at 0.9c but did get YT said, having gone up so much it's extremely risky now, i've taken a tidy profit and will sit back and watch with interest
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I GOT MY TARGET AT 0.032.. How was i meant to know it would hit 0.07!

I this because the rest of the markey is busted and everyone wants a last bit of action before a government change comes in and create uncertainty?

I thought I did well at 0.032... man-o what is going on?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

i've literally stopped to watch worm do its thing live ... lol ...

this is friggen crazy! to scary to jump into at this point imo ... lol

im still gob smacked

how didnt anyone see this coming lol

The funny thing is I did see this coming.. based on the low resistance for such a long time. but since I am a newbie trader I only had minimal capital invested. Shame! big shame, I may never see a hike like this one for ages.

I missed EGO by selling a day early, same with KAL, bought FDL with profits from GNL, so all is go I figure.. but wow.. FDL has really taught be something...
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Wow that was fun!
This may seem odd but I don't fully understand how much profit I generated.
I bought 23000 at .042 ($996.44), sold 10000 at .054 ($518.05) when I started to get worried about a drop. I then sold 13000 at .059 ($745.05) when it looked like it was still running, then bought 9836 at .06 ($612.11) and sold them at .062 ($587.88) as it really struggled to get over 6c at the time.
A couple of hundred I think and some entertainment....can't complain. It covers some of the red that CVN has me in at the moment.D
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Don't beat yourself up over it, as long as you made profits at your target and locked them away.

They have come, and the will come again.... The End is really the Beginning.

However I not sure they found Iron Ore, and thing they may have found more Viagra, than Ore.

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