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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Ken said:
i am on em....

only bough $600 bucks worth though .14..... % 21 up

they will be 3 cents in no time.... get on em.
Why should they go to 3 cents Ken?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

have you read the announcement...

they are way undervalued at 1.7 cents

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Ken said:
have you read the announcement...

they are way undervalued at 1.7 cents

So why not 5 cents, or 10? Don't tell me that you have just taken an absolute pluck in coming up with 3 cents. Has it got something to do with market cap v resource potential? pe ratio's? price to sales ratio? T/A target?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Maybe this is where Ken gets his optimsm (Btw i like the disclaimer followed by the shameless ramp - 10 for effort)...

FDL may get lucky - but microdiamonds are merely indicators next is to find any macro diamonds and then decent (as in VERY decent) quantities... This one is some way off...

FDL (and their own major shareholders) have jerked the market around a while now while making countless raisings - they have a limited window of opportunity imho - the Flinders Ranges and Gawler Geosyncline (i think thats what its known as) were always theoretical plays founded on some circumstantial/incidental diamond finds during gold mining...

I will watch this one because of the fact that there has been almost no modern-day exploration for diamonds in the region and it does have amenable geology - but only when they start pulling out real diamonds... Investing now is too risky - wait some time before chipping in you might not be able to say you got in at .017 - but if they do have diamonds buying in well above current prices will still result in obscene profits - it isn't out of line to refer to an economic kimberlite pipe as a "licence to print money" - first ya' gotta find it tho.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

yep.... these are going to 3 cents and if its good enough for my mate kenny
who slaves all day over portable toilets its good enough for me.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I am just going on what i have been told.

I was told they are valued at 3 cents.

Production in mid 2007 to drive share price.

Was told FDL are moving fast on the project they have.

I have read price of diamonds expected to rise also.

Do your own research, I will endeavour to gain more sound information.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

20 Nov:

Ken said:
i am on em....

only bough $600 bucks worth though .14..... % 21 up

they will be 3 cents in no time.... get on em.

Seems to be stuck around $0.017....volume way off. Ann has provided no momentum. Although MACD looks to be creaping up consistantly.

This is the problem with claiming price targets based on nothing but the desire to ramp a stock and suck in the unsuspecting newbie.

I hope I am wrong and this goes to $1.00 for anyone who took a punt because someone who claims to know a stock has pumped it up.

Good luck!


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Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Still at $ just where is that $0.03.............
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Seems like a very good ann out. Still at $0.017......
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

kennas said:
Seems like a very good ann out. Still at $0.017......
Stocks been consolidating at .017 cents for end of last week and now has broken out of the barrier at .018 cents towards the end of the day. See in the morning if it can hold up, momentum looks better.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

constable said:
Stocks been consolidating at .017 cents for end of last week and now has broken out of the barrier at .018 cents towards the end of the day. See in the morning if it can hold up, momentum looks better.
I hope I have to eat my hat on this and it does go to $0.03 for you guys.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

kennas said:
I hope I have to eat my hat on this and it does go to $0.03 for you guys.

And Gals, kennas, dont forget the Gals!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Something has changed at FDL. Somebody appears to be soaking up shares and holding the SP at .015-.014c.

Why? What do they know?

Meanwhile, here is the evidence. First the SMA chart shows that buying pressure suddenly rose and has held flat since late January. The current market depth confirms this with a massive amount of buys at .014c. And the candlesticks show that virtually every day since late Jan the price started or finished at .015c, and finally the volume slightly increased once .015c was reached. appears that somebody is a believer at least! What think ye?


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Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

To quote Neil Young "It's a piece of crap" I know the ex-managing director of FDL who instigated the float of FDL before the current management took over who lives stateside (at the time I had about 15 million of them) even drove from Adelaide up to Alice Springs and kicked rocks and stuff for fun (all the way from the states). After various conversations I realized the error of my ways and dumped them. Will never touch them again even if they look like they might run.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

You sound a little bitter about the must have lost a bit of I right?

Anyway I traded FDL for 5 mintes and walked away with $800, nice work if you can get it. I am not bitter about FDL at all, actually I have had a good experience with the company. Guess it depends when you bought, how much you bought, and when you sold.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Notice the action today, any idea of what's going on?

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Wondering about the same thing here.
This stock has remained flat for a very long time now with absolutely no interest from buyers. An increase of more than 20% certainly is out of place for this stock unless something's up! However, i'm not holding my breath as FDL management is expert at making "false claims" and misleading investors.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Just wondering if anyone could give me their thoughts on this chart?

I'm trying to work the whole chart thing out (reading's good, but people's interpretations will be more helpful), so your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I'm kind of hoping you'll say it's the best chart you've ever seen and I'll be rich by this time tomorrow night

Actually I thought I could see a couple of promising signs, but it might just be wishful thinking.


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Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

This chart says short of zip to me. I note at the top of the page someone was calling for 3 cents...LOL. Ranging b/w 1.5 and 1.7 for some time. Nothing to really suggest it's going up or down. Slow stochastics just turned from oversold, but means little to this. Good luck!
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