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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Seems the use by date for the agreement has passed.
Neither party has thus far walked away from the agreement.

Apparently the exclusivity period has lapsed.

MMK has walked away.

"Free at last
What a blast"

Maybe now we can get a better offer!

Disclosure: Holding a few.
Looks like a goer for tomorrow, but first will need 14 to be eaten up into close...IMO.
Watching with interest, as I recently averaged-down on my position.

Recently they announced a Capital Raising.
So I jumped out on the news.

And now I have jumped back in.

They have continued south and I am questioning my sanity yet again!!

Today - a high volume day. SP crept up 8.33%
I am in the green!!

Mostly sellers dropping down to buyers.
Can't wait for supply to dry up!!

Disclosure: I am holding and waiting.
Ye gods, I can't believe that anyone still thinks they will make money out of FMS. I speak from bitter experience. This is an ore deposit out in the middle of nowhere, with Fortescue on one side and Rio Tinto on the other. The promise has always been that one of them would buy FMS, because of the high quality ore. Plus, they have rail lines to the coast and FMS doesn't. I had 800,000 shares @ .15, when the Russians offered 30 cents. I was greedy, waited for a counter offer from either RIO or Fortescue. None came, and I eventually sold at 10 cents, losing $160,000

With the iron ore price in the $80 + range and FMS at 3 or so cents......anyone still holding really needs to see a psychiatrist.
... anyone still holding really needs to see a psychiatrist.

I've seen the shrink, he said I'm Ok to go!

When the Russians offered 30 cents, I was cautious!
I sold some and kept some.

It's called experience.

BTW your maths is woeful!

B FMS 800,000@$0.15 $120,000
S FMS 800,000@$0.10 $80,000

P/L -$40,000
Ah yes... When I said I lost $160,000, what I meant was that I could have sold at 30 cents, but I was stupidly greedy. So, I count this as a loss. But, at least I am out of this penny dreadful stock, never to return. I did get lucky elsewhere though, bought 41,000 AKP 3 years ago average $3.15.
Share price now about $13.80, and as the technology is a game changer ( assuming it works of course) price could be anything. $100 + doesn't seem unreasonable.

So, stick to FMS at 3 cents....
... I did get lucky elsewhere though, ...


Ok, I see where you think you are at.

I have had a quick peek at AKP and sense it may be a P&D.
Matters not, if that is true or no.

All that matters is that holders know when it gets to the top floor.

Do you, Sir Mango, know when AKP uptrend ends with the bend?
Will tech/a send you a heads up telex, ... oops, I meant email/SMS?

Thank you for dropping in to chat.
So nice to see someone, ... anyone, ... posting here!
I remember meeting Kevin Wills an ex-director at a function at least 4 years ago and he was very bullish on FMS' future, saying hold on, hold on to them, its all coming together with the potential rail line. Just another spruiker I thought at the time. Well I'm glad I didn't listen to him. Sold my last 200k shares on 2/5/2011 for 0.21c.

Yep it did hit the all time high a year later, but glad I got out with triple profit. IO price looking decidedly shaky at the moment. Current price is about half of my original buy price so it still has potential but I think it will be a long haul. All the best to all holders.
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