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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Euroz have a further update on FMS previously valued at 0.25cps now upgraded to 0.45cps.

Flinders Mines Ltd (FMS $0.20) – BUY

Price Target: $0.45/sh

Reason For Update: revised valuation

What We Know:

· Flinders Mines Ltd released the findings of the Pilbara Iron Ore Project (PIOP) pre-feasibility study (PFS) in January 2011.

· Third party infrastructure access agreement negotiations are ongoing.

· We now publish a revised valuation of $0.45/sh, up from $0.25/sh previously.

What We Think:

Until an infrastructure access deal is concluded there is a high degree of uncertainty about the development prospects of Flinders Mines PIOP.

We believe Flinders will find an acceptable 3rd party infrastructure solution that will enable development of the PIOP and thereby monetise the value in the project. Our view is based on the:

· ongoing very strong demand for iron ore in China;

· sheer scale, technical simplicity and location of FMS’s project;

· successful precedent set by BC Iron’s JV deal with FMG to access their rail network.

We think the market is overly dismissive of FMS’s ability to achieve an outcome. This is reflected in the discount to our valuation.

The PFS provides Flinders a platform with which it can meaningfully negotiate infrastructure access with 3rd parties. Notably Flinders states that it “... is confident it will achieve rail and port access solutions that will enable development ....”.

Flinders expects to move into a DFS during June Q’11 which suggests to us that it expects to resolve a definitive infrastructure solution within that time. The possibilities can range from JV, asset sale, takeover, toll handling and mine gate sale.

The obvious prospects for a 3rd party access deal are with either RIO or FMG. The former is an existing operator nearby (19km) and the latter is in an impending nearby operator at their Solomon Project (40km).

The API JV (AQA & AMCI) is promoting the Anketell Port development in order to develop their project which is located 100km west of FMS’s PIOP. It is still possible that other parties may yet become involved in the Anketell port development which could create possibilities for Flinders that are not currently contemplated.

It is worth noting that Fortescue in referring to the BCI JV has recently stated that it “…. is also in advanced discussions with other mining companies for similar infrastructure utilization”. Flinders Mines is one of three possible other parties which it would be talking to. The others being Ferrous (ASX:FRS) and Brockman (ASX:BRM), both of whom are embroiled in a takeover by Wah Nam.

We have taken more a conservative view on future iron ore prices relative to Flinders’ PFS. Our assumed long run iron ore price received by FMS at A$73/t is some $30/t lower than that used in the PFS.


We have considered three valuation scenarios: Base Case (5mtpa to 15mtpa in Yr 6), Expansion Case in Yr 1 (15mtpa), and 50% JV. The 50% JV mimics the BCI-FMG deal. We think this is relevant as it is the only precedent 3rd party access deal already concluded in the Pilbara.

Our preferred valuation is the Base Case scenario NPV of $825m or $0.45/sh. This valuation has been risk adjusted to 60%.

This valuation when grossed up with the capex to develop the project would equate to <$10/t of product. At our assumed iron ore price this would leave some $30/t of profit in the hands of an acquirer if such a scenario were to occur. We continue to believe that Flinders Mines PIOP would offer most value entirely in the hands of an existing infrastructure owner who could gain efficiency in terms of capital and operating costs moreso than Flinders.

The PFS by Worley Parsons concluded that the project is technically feasible and economically robust should it gain access to third party rail and port infrastructure. Key findings of the study include:

· Initial production rate of 5mtpa ramping up to 15mtpa after year 6;

· Mine life of 20 years producing 229mt in total;

· Initial capex of $488m, and expansion capex of $640m additional;

· Cash costs of A$35/t FOB pre-royalty;

· Two ore types - a DSO BID fines, and a beneficiated DID fines in a 1.3:1 ratio.

· Product spec average 58.6% Fe, 5.5% SiO2, 3.2% Al2O3, 0.095% P, and 6.8% LOI.

· 2.5:1 waste to ore ratio;

· NPV of $2.2b (10% disc) assuming long run price of ~US$105/t FOB and FX rate of A$1=US$0.96.

· IRR of 41% ungeared.

· Capital payback of 3.5 years from first production.

The development schedule of nearly 3 years includes 3rd party access negotiation prior to commencing a 12mth definitive feasibility study, and 18mth design, procure, construct period. Approvals should be gained during the next 21mths.

We expect the mineable resource to grow. The study did not include some 110mt of DID resource that was included in the Oct’10 resource update. In addition resource growth through exploration in the 2011 field is also expected, particularly for BID ore which has only recently been a target and where drilling access has been more difficult because

of rugged terrain. BID ore already makes up more than half of the mineable inventory.

The shallow, continuous and above water table nature of the deposits make the project very advantageous in cost reduction and ease of operation. We understand ground water issues are a growing problem in managing Pilbara iron ore operations among all existing producers.

Investment Case:

Our risk adjusted valuation of Flinders Mines Ltd is $0.45/sh.

We believe the market has been overly dismissive of FMS chances of completing a transaction to develop and monetise the project despite the positive market reaction to the PFS.

The location, scale and technical simplicity will see more corporate interest than Flinders has been historically given credit for.

Flinders’ open share register, and cashed up balance sheet (~$45m) give it a strong position to deliver value for shareholders.

This analyst declares that he has a beneficial interest in Flinders Mines Ltd.

Nice post. FMS needs that infrastructure deal and its off to the races so to speak.

Vanadium is also becoming a hot point which FMS has a chance of identifying a resource (Canegrass) so expect some news on that front in the future imo.
Nice post. FMS needs that infrastructure deal an dits off to the races so to speak.

Vanadium is also becoming a hot point which FMS has also so expect some news on that front in the future imo.

Agree, Nice post from Buckfont.

Where can we read about the Vanadium you have mentioned?

I have spent the last few weeks wondering if I should have taken 21c
Thanks to both posts, I will hold a little longer.
Agree, Nice post from Buckfont.

Where can we read about the Vanadium you have mentioned?

I have spent the last few weeks wondering if I should have taken 21c
Thanks to both posts, I will hold a little longer.

December Quarterly report mentions Vanadium but doesnt delve deeply as IO is the focus however they may progress this on the back of recent press interest (A few links below or do a search for yourself).


Obama tlask up Vanadium:

Vanadium summary:
Retesting March lows with significantly less supply available this time. (Daily)
Resting on the 50% Fib on retrace. (weekly)
Have recently closed January gap (weekly)
Stochastics are in oversold (weekly)

She looks ready to be moved.
Lets wait & see hey.
Thanks Maximusnz,
We just need to watch for the spike down on low volume followed by the wide spread up bar on good volume & we're away.

Naturally cautious over the whole "sell in May & go away" but we'll see.
We're ticking all the boxes getting ready for the next move so patience is the key now.

Also forgot to mention that we're currently resting on the 41 EMA (pink dotted line) on the weekly too.

Both Weekly & Daily starting to look like a buy.
The next few weeks should be interesting to watch.

Pro Real Time is now showing it as sitting on major support also on the weekly.
Nice low volume lately with nobody keen to get out at these prices.

You've gotta be happy with that! Lol.....It's about time one of my holdings started to show some promise! Planets aligning.

Some good news right now would be absolutely perfect!
Interesting viewing!

Wow!!! Yeah ok now that is impressive!

Our huge buyer @ .15 is following it up, he's @ .155 now, very positive!

Things are definately looking like moving in the right direction now! Weekly hopefully going to carry us up.

To the newer members in this thread, i suggest you read the posting guidelines. Price and volume commentary is usually not allowed unless it is accompanied by detailed analysis.

I will leave these posts for now, but any more basic price commentary will be removed.

Re: FMS - Flinders Mines >>> The possible sale of FMS

Browsing and looking for information about FMS and found information relating to the directors are in talks about the possible sale of FMS to AV Birla Group ....... Can they do this without telling ASX????

Thanks a lot for that link, Touch of Gold. I took a punt on them at 14.5c on a "where there's smoke" basis and look at today's announcement: 30c/share cash takeover offer from Magnitogorsk!

ETA: Of course, I should have picked them for the stock tipping comp too!
FMS had under-performed the whole time i owned this stock, now this is a break i've been looking for
Re: FMS - Flinders Mines >>> The possible sale of FMS

I took a punt on them at 14.5c

Me too, offloaded at 28c today, happy with 92% profit.

Probably worth buying 14c stocks that are in the S&P ASX300
I noticed yesterday that there was a bit of selling/buying around the 0.27/28 mark, if i own these stocks, and the acquisition goes ahead, why would i sell at 27 cents when MMK offered 30 per share?

Go easy, never owned a company that has been/attempted to be taken over
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