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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

FMS and FMG are linked by IO and IO only ..
FMS is well cashed and is better placed than most spec's, may even look to accumulate other small specs in trouble.

My gut feeling is thet we are going into recession for a short time but we will recover quickly. This will be due to the large sums of monetary stimulus by GOVs around the world to re-ignite the world trade and banking system. Infact this could make things worst and I am expection another crash within 6 years.....

Cash is now king but as soon as one major hedge or super fund decides to buy, blink and you missed the best opportunity in our lifetime........
Hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone is still looking at this stock. Has been steadily moving up the last month now at around 0.075.

What sort of tonnage and grades are we lookin at here?

Ann out today:

Geological wireframes created by
Golder & Associates for all areas
are currently being reviewed. It is
anticipated that Flinders Mines will
be in a position to announce its
maiden Inferred Resource for the
Hamersley Project around the end
of March.
Suspended until Monday - any idea what they are doing? I imagine someone is looking at them or they are raising more cash. I'm not buying more if it's a raising, but if whatever it is give a small bounce that would be welcome!

I picked up some Flinders at 6c. Not bad, considering the capital raising is over and they are well-cashed up (SPP was 5.3c)

I think with what happened on Friday with the BHP-RIO JV on Iron Ore in the Pilbara, there is much investment interest from the Chinese to secure interests in other iron ore sources. IMO I think Flinders may be one of them.

They do not want be in a position where they have no bargaining power and no alternatives.

Apparently Sundance (SDL) was a beneficiary of this - up 20% on Friday. Speculation is that the Chinese are buying into quality iron-ore stocks that are in production or ones with impressive reserves. I think Flinders may be one of them.
flinders is due to release the following ann shortly (by end of july)

a maiden jorc reserve for ajax (previous expl target of 96-103Mt @ 50-65% Fe confirmed by recent drilling)

an overall upgrade of jorc resource (due to ajax) which currently stands at 476Mt @ 55.4% Fe

Thanks for the heads up happytown. Purchased a bundle at 6 cents about a month ago. Was wondering when they were going to hit the afterburners. Larger IO stock has risen remarkably and this puppy is still wagging it's tail waiting for a new owner. Will place in the second drawer and await the end of July.
Ok .. it's now early August and this continues to bump along the 6 cents line. It seems the ann did nuffin. 6 weeks to go and this dog will be put in the pound. Any news as to when and where the big red button is?
ann re jorc resource ain't out yet

from the 4th qtr report released on 30/07


All assays received for Ajax with inferred resource pending


another quality post brought to you by happytown inc, selling dreams to buy and dreaming buys to sell
Thanks Happytown for the divulgent information. Will sit back down now and stop shouting at the walls.
Big rally on FMS today with no news...did FMG announce something in their report yesterday that I missed??
yeh this has been on my watchlist, i tuned in at 2pm to see it go nuts with no news. oh well at least trainspotter is smiling now
LMAO ................................. 21% happier and a month early, but what would I know? Strategy, I have none !
still awaiting the jorcy bits, interesting repsonse to asx 'speeding ticket' yesterday

significant volume and consequent sp rise probably due to fms participation at diggers and dealers, a broker report, and the finalisation of an, as yet incomplete, scoping study for its pilbara Fe project

up another 10% + today


another quality post brought to you by happytown inc
making money like there aint no tomorrowy
argh i was tempted to buy this morning but didnt have the balls cause there was a bit of a dip

oh well. *hears trainspotter snicker in the background as he swims in his pool of cash*
Thanks HT just wish I'd doubled up on FMS as considering last week. Never mind, I'm still learning about how many my stables can fit vs trying to select the thoroughbreds. Been a good month so far with a few of my nags in the winners circle. Your analysis on CXM helped and also got PRU, KGL and BDL after analysis from this forum. Now waiting for tungsten prices to move up for KIS (been holding for ages) and QOL, though that's not looking likely until next year
I've been quietly accumulating this. Seems like a lot of people have lost faith. Not when you know a bit about geology. Have not been posting about this lately as I don't want to appear as a ramper. But the market action for two days is just unbelievable and no need to ramp what is running hard.

Volumes are solid. Not just a few hundred trades.

a maiden jorc reserve for ajax (previous expl target of 96-103Mt @ 50-65% Fe confirmed by recent drilling)

an overall upgrade of jorc resource (due to ajax) which currently stands at 476Mt @ 55.4% Fe


flinders releases jorc figures

initial inferred jorc resource for ajax comes in well under target, @ 35Mt @ 54.9% Fe, 10.3% SiO2, 4.9% Al2O3, 0.06% P, 5.4% loi

due to

this has had a flow-on effect to the global inferred jorc upgrade, now @ 511Mt @ 55.4% Fe, 9.8% SiO2, 4.6% Al2O3, 0.07% P, 5.7% loi

global inferred jorc target was 571-615Mt

drilling is ongoing at anvil, where an inferred jorc resource is expected in the Dec qtr, drilling will then be undertaken @ delta (where the co believes the highest upside potential for increasing the resource lies)


another quality post brought to you by happytown inc
Wow - what a run. From 6 to 17c in two months, with a 13% rise today.

Anyone have any insights on the reason for sudden re-rating - I don't think the WOR news, FMS talks or firming Fe prices are of this scale...

As a holder I'm seriously thinking of getting out now, PDQ. What are the rest of you FMS watchers thinking?
waiting for FMS to go back to 13c....bit skeptical about recent rally with no substantial news
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