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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

What is driving this stock? I cannot find they have a drill result? Looks more like mining spec seen in overheated bull market days. Any explanation?

they have a huge conceptual target so it has potential but I think it's ahead of itself especially when compared to other IO juniors who have already proved up large high grade tonnages. So far we have an 8m intersection 50m down and no grade or impurities for it. Don't hold but watch with interest if it can deliver. Lots of expectation built into price I think.
Do we know roughly when an annoucnement is coming out - the results of this hole!?

You are right that this has been ramped up a bit but maybe there sections out there who know something that the common man doesnt
I think maybe a professional ramp job. Work it so technicals look good and use this fairytale conceptual target of dirt to cheer on buying and wait for profit then abandon all true believers. Like all the other penny dreadfuls with leftover holders who actually believed they would get rich by Christmas. 5 Christmases ago lol
Buy on rumour, sell on fact rings true.... but what happens if they do find something big, and I mean huge.

Then you have missed the train, so in my views its worth a stab.
Yes, buy every stock on of percentage is that you will be right now and then, they all claim to have a future!

I would buy such a stock for simple speculative value but this one past that stage. It is not a 5 m/c iron ore rock chip sample one day wonder.

Why oh why would anyone pay into such a high market cap for one hole?

FMS has approximately 2/3 the market cap of UMC which has proven 111 million tonnes high grade DSO and has about a dozen more targets to drill some of which have bigger aeromagnetic signatures. One is cheap or one is expensive.

Maybe there is more to FMS than speculative froth but the early drill holes will need to be good or it will be ugly for latecomers. Pilbara is obviously iron ore central so they're a chance but I don't think talking up conceptual targets before sinking a hole is the way to go about it, it has potential to burn punters. Better to underpromise then overdeliver.

When can we expect a grade/impurities from the first 8m intersection? has anyone asked the company?
Yeah, UMC look good, any others that have good quality DSO? I am not sure we can compete in later years with inferior ore. India may take our place.
Yeah, UMC look good, any others that have good quality DSO? I am not sure we can compete in later years with inferior ore. India may take our place.

PLV looks the goods, unfortunately I don't have any as fully loaded on UMC but it's high grade and beautiful logistics (iron ore island) and great management.

FMS may be all the above in time, potential is there but...not value for mine at this stage.
Hey itchy I read your comments on FMS today on Hotcopper...couldn't have put it better myself!

Repeat after me: plagiarism is a sin

forget the diamonds at the moment - Let them concentrate on the drilling programme, It's IO at the moment 350MT of DSO ore from tenement E47/882 and they are sampling the new tenement as we speak
Forget to add that FMS will have sent the sample of 8 metres to the labs in perth - sample analysis will take 4-6 weeks. Meanwhile another 2 rigs have been hired and will come to site within 10 days. I think management have done this so the AGM in November is HAPPY!
forget the diamonds at the moment - Let them concentrate on the drilling programme, It's IO at the moment 350MT of DSO ore from tenement E47/882 and they are sampling the new tenement as we speak

350MT DSO? Wow, how did you arrive at that conclusion. Maybe check with the company because pretty sure that would be improbable. BCI for eg had a conceptual target of upto 500MT but DSO identified so far quite small in comparison.
350MT DSO? Wow, how did you arrive at that conclusion. Maybe check with the company because pretty sure that would be improbable. BCI for eg had a conceptual target of upto 500MT but DSO identified so far quite small in comparison.
Yes, I'm not sure how you get 350Mt DSO out of this first drill hole result:

8m at 50m depth, no grades, WTF?

Yes, 350Mt DSO......

any comments / opinions on this one at the moment ?

still waiting on the official drilling results .....
just have a good idea what you're looking for when the results come - ie have an idea of what good grades, good depths and good impurities are - then you will be prepared to buy or sell on the fact. Traders are all over this in my opinion and most don't understand anything about iron ore fundamentals and the factors likely to make a deposit economic. No question they will find IO but is it worth digging up?

Well said. FMS interesting only because it has achieved so much on so little so far. Heavily traded, well marketed and perhaps too much hype. Hype was good for us all for a while, but it is a bubble and one prick all undone in no time.
Spec shares are risky but can also be the most rewarding. You have to do your own analysis you need to analyse the surrounding terrain and reports from defined resources by surrounding companies. If you understand these maps you will get a feeling of what is antcipated of the length and depth of Ore deposites. Secondly, you need a greater than 50% Risk Factor that you feel comfortable with so as to identify at what price you are prepared to commit. I've been waiting for 2 months and with the SP being down almost 50%, I topped up yesterday..........Bon Chance
thanks guys

im fairly confident that they have a decent amount of good grade iron ore there, but they really need to prove it and show some good results imo because with the amount of shares on issue being over a billion, they need to find something big enough to create per share value for the shareholders.
im fairly confident that they have a decent amount of good grade iron ore there,

How can you be fairly sure of this? Especially the good grade bit.

Sure they are in a prospective area but how can you tell impurities? You cant. This has been massively hyped. Be wary...
early results are out, as you'd expect they found iron ore but the grades are very ordinary and with high impurities at depth

would want to get a whole lot better to justify this market cap
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