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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


My problem with FDL is this...

#1...massive dilution with nothing to show
#2...lets assume that they have the Iron Ore and it's at a very marketable quickly do you think they could do a JORC, feasibility studies and all that jazz...and start to ship and sell? Do you not think that the demand for IO may have cooled; or the price per ton?

They are my major concerns and hence my steering over thatta way (clear)
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

And my thinking is that maybe FMG will take a look at their neighbours (FDL) and say well, there is 'iron ore in them thar hills! I agree, it is actually a big punt, but isn't that what mining has always been about?:
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Haha i like i like prospector...

The reason that I think FMG won't buy out FDL is pretty simple. They already have a S@#! load of ore atm (is it in the billion?)...and plan to ship what at its peak 55MTPA or something like that?

Whats the point in adding more ore if you cant move it anyway?

***I may be totally off so please correct me about in ground ore and amounts being shipped***
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

It's not about the quantity, it's the quality....

If FMG doesn't pick it up, one of the other big miners will if they want to sell the same quality (apparently the best in the world)
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

It's not about the quantity, it's the quality....

If FMG doesn't pick it up, one of the other big miners will if they want to sell the same quality (apparently the best in the world)

How can they know what quality the ore is when they havnt even carried out any drilling?

And dont say rock chip samples, because that isnt what is actually under the ground...

Still more hype than facts surrounding this one imo.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Still more hype than facts surrounding this one imo.

The thing is prawn, as long as I set my limits, I have made the most money in shares from companies where there is some hype, but also the potential to be a winner. PDN, BTA, FMG, FDL have been some sweet little earners for me and all have had the hype - and as a result, a lot of detractors!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I have nothing against investing in spec stocks, as long as those who do so (myself included) know that they are speculative.

Comments like "they have the best ore in the world" or "they have a huge resource" (when it is only a target) are just misleading and innappropriate. Especially when a drill has not even hit the ground yet.

By all means, invest in what you think will make profits, but do not do so on false motives/statements/hype.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

One thing is that I don't want to misslead anyone
FMG can only scout up to their claim and it was FMG who said the ore extends well into into FDLs.
How far and how much ??? I don't know nor does anyone else...
But Gees,,, I'm willing to throw money at it......I'm not asking anyone else to do same..

Another point is (and I say what I hear) that FMG's ore is the best in the world...Thats why the Chinese and Indians are lining up, and it is more like 100-140Mt PA will be shipped.
It doesn't take a NASA scientist to see that the banks are throwing money at FMG with no limits. Were talking about meggar bucks, if they thought it had no legs it would not be the monster that it is today. . And behold, guess who's the richest man in Australia......12 years ago, he was Joe average...

And I say again, No one knows how much, but I can tell you as soon as they start digging (around June), the initial results will be positive, thats all it take to sell them and make the Bucks..........:bonk::bonk:
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


1. How do you know their ore is the best in the world?

Saying someone told you just doesnt cut it. I get told a lot of things that are not true, if you get my jist

2. How do you know the intial results will be positive?

Again just because they are near other IO tenemants does not mean positive results. There are other companies with stories similar to this, but disappointing results.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Me thinks someone has been doing too much reading on HC

In defense of TOG, if i remember correctly FDL did some initial drilling for diamonds on that tenement but it was a waste of time as the ore clogged up the bit.

Maybe, and it's a big maybe, they had it tested for FE %?

This stock is just an educated gamble.

They are next door, they will have some ore as the diamond drilling they attempted showed, but how much is the thing.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Playing devils advocate here. If FDL have the ore, they think they have, wouldn't FMG have bought out Flinders by now? Or are we all hoping that Flinders do their testing, find large volumes and FMG want to buy them out and we all die rich.
Mmmm some slap me I'm dreamin
I do hold shares in FDL
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


Why would FMG buy out FDL now without a JORC or even more to the point, FDL has not even commenced drilling? On top of that, FMG has plenty to chew on already. I am not saying it won't eventually happen.

However, its a bit premature when you consider surrounding companies with already proven grades. If anything i would expect some form of JV down the track. Not a T/O. FMG is not interested in moving into the Diamonds sector.

Touch of Gold,

In the I/O industry Grade is "King". Quantity is secondary.
FMG's grade is average. They need higher grade ore to blend their lower grade stuff.

There are others which host Brockman and Marra Mamba.
DSO will get the best price without the blending.

Therefore, there are already a few companies around which do have highgrade ore. If anything they are the real T/O targets.

I do hold FDLOA as i still see there is plenty of potential.

Cheers markcoinoz
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hi Markcoinoz

Could you please advise what is your concept of higher and lower grade of iron ore when you say FMG iron ore grade is average ?

I would be curious to learn

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


Less than 63% Fe = Ok
63% to 67% = good
67% and above = excellent
Above 70%, well you can damn near weld that stuff!

The Chinese like Lump ore (32mm down to 6mm) but if they were only able to purchase just lump then the miners would get stuck with millions and millions of tonnes of fines (less than 6mm) so as a condition of sale the Chinese have to buy a certain amount of fines so the companies don't get stuck with it.

Now most of the impurities (Silica & Alumina) are contained in the Fines and the Chinese can cope with impurities but they have to make changes to the Electric Arc Furnaces which can be costly and time consuming so that is why most IO producers now wash their Fines to remove the Silica and Alumina at the request of the Chinese mind you, as constantly fluctuating levels of impurities is what they are trying to avoid.

Then there is hematite ore (higher in Fe) and Magnatite (lower in Fe) but Hematite has more Alumina and Magnatite usually has more Silica. Then there are diffent types such as Marra Mamba and Brockman ores which is related to the formations.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Good point Meganut and thanks.
I do agree with silica and alumina explanation. Some times back I have posted few information on FMG thread.
I do not think BHPB or Rio has ore quality higher than 67%. By global iron ore industry standard to my opinion FMG ore in CID (Channel Iron Deposit) from Cloud break is of excellent value. But they have some average grade coming from FLying Fox and CHichester.
If I accept the definition of OK category ore then there are large number of iron ore producers will be producing low or poor category.
Any iron ore under haematite category if producing FE more than 65% I would call them very good to excellent. In my experience in iron ore and steel I have not seen any iron ore with more than 69% Fe. Yes, Magnetite is less welcomed.
I also not aware if electric arc furnaces take iron ore as input. I thought they either use scrap, pig or liquid iron. But I could be wrong .

Once again thanks for your feedback.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hi Miner,

I think Meganut has answered your question far better than what i could have.

Am no expert by any means.

My mention of FMG as average grade was more to do with answering Caterpillar's
"Devil's Advocacy" role. My point being, there is a lot to happen with FDL before FMG would be interested imo. There are a couple of other companies that i think FMG may look at before FDL.

If FDL's tenement proves to have good grade with low silica and alumina impurities, then it will be worth alot more. Interesting to note. When BRM made its announcement regarding the 1bln tnnes, the market went berserk.

However, the underlying question still remained. The quantity was great.
But, what are they going to do about the high grade of Silica & Alumina?
That as you rightly pointed out is where the cost comes into it. BRM are looking at 550+ Mln Tns 57.5% - 59% Fe.

Look, i would love to see FDL with excellent grades.
That is why i am patiently waiting to see what unfolds once drilling has been completed. I am sure it will be hyped upto the ceiling. A good reason to keep an eye on the growing M/C at the same time.

Thats also why i bought back into them only recently.

Someone also mentioned that FDL's tenement is at the highest point of the Hammersley Ranges which could host a higher grade. I am no Geo, so i am only mentioning it. Not sure if it is even relevant.

Its going to be an interesting 6 months.

Cheers markcoinoz
FDL - Flinders Diamonds

This stock was recommended to me by a friend. I have looked at some information on the stock but not sure what to do. Does anyone know anything about this stock?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

RIO lost it's appeal to overturn FMG access to it's rail network in the immediate areas....This has got to be a huge gain for FDL as now both RIO and FMG will try and gain control as soon as the initial digging results appear on the table.... Sure they both have huge deposits but these companies look well into the future 20-30 Plus years. They know if they buy it now it's like money in the bank,,,,, earning interest...Also, I'm thinking RIO may try and use FDL's deposit to tie up the rail system and try and slow FMG supplies....
I don't think FDLs name change identifying 2 individual divisions was exactly planned as the Directors are telling us, could it have been done so as it can easily sell it's Iron Ore deposit separately and keep it's beloved (loss making) diamond mining afloat.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FDL is tagging along FMG's news overnight that it is loading its first shipment on Iron Ore, meaning that it has met its timeline, something that has always concerned the market.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I haven't been watching FDL for very long. But so many buyers today. There is like an average of 30 buys at each price from 10c to 20c
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