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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Telling you its all smoke and mirrors imo.

How many more times do I have to go over it.

FDL knew about this ground for ages.
Ask yourself why now to play the iron ore card?

I will tell you why...they were running out of cash due to chasing invisible Iron ore is talk of the town at the mom.

Do you not think FMG or RIO would have made a play already for FDL's ground?
They both must have known whats in the area???

FDL wont have any results for months and months.
Traders are all over FDL at the mom and this is the reason for a sub 10 drop,imo.

Traders are the ones who ramped it up to 15 cents...they are now the ones pushing it back down. So many people will do their cash.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hey Scuffler, generally I agree with you and your arguments are spot on but on this occaision I agree
to disagree.
Your way out of line here. I'm not geologist but the chances of a big find is > 50%.
I find it hard to believe your saying it's all smoke, You don't know nor does anyone else at this stage how big is the deposit. Come on, give the directors the benefit of the doubt, and was it not FMG that estimated the initial deposit...
My gut feeling is that they will find a deposit, even bigger than estimated and by then, FMG would have been selling and cashed up with 6 mths of sales. But between now and then I would expect it to hover around 8-14 cents for
7-8 months.....
Sell em now if you want, just don't forget to get back in before 6 mths...
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

"Come on, give the directors the benefit of the doubt"


They weren't very good at finding any diamonds.They looked for diamonds and dug trenches on this iron ore dirt but didnt suspect anything???


Once under 10 the flood gates will open.
The newbies will panic because they think 10 cents is bottom....well it aint!

Until such results OR such people join the share register i aint touching FDL ....and not in this market!!!

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

well its at 9.5 cents.
Overall market and the time in which Flinders will need to get organised for drills(lol) the old stop losses being hit on i see it getting alot lower.

How many months of drilling? how many month until results come thru??

donkeys years.....
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

got this off a guy who is thinking the same as me.
IMO h.c should apologise to me for trying to help newbies.(mods-i hope this ok,i feel that this post is relevant):karaoke:

Post #: 2641584
In Reply to msg: #2641513
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im i just stating the obvious.

everyone on here keeps saying that FMG wants the tenament from FDL, well if they dont have any cash how are they going to acqire it? script for script?

in this market CASH IS KING!!! FMG will try and use their over priced script to get hold of other assets, just you wait and see.

Bell Potter did a ramp job on everyone to get the capital at $0.10 and you my friend as just one of the many that they have fleeced. you help keep the price up with all your buy comments while they are flogging their $0.10 into the market.

capital markets 101, screw the retail guys.

the worst part about is them using $4m for more diamond exploration, 3 months ago this company wasnt even worth $1m and all they had done was blow shareholders cash looking for diamonds over how many years?

keep buying crap shares and getting sucked in to all the hype for all i care, just dont tell me that i am sour i missed the boat. i traded FDL the day they spiked and have been watching the masses get sucked in to more and more of this is the next FMG crap.

the last time i checked they only had conceptual ideas of the ore reserves.

good luck, i hope you dont blowayourmoney!!!!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Thanks for all the posts, I am newbie and bought into FDL before the cap raising annoucement.

Any thoughts pls should I hold, top up or sell.

I am happy to cut my losses - now down 25%
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

A message for Scuffs

" The whole market is down today."

Considering it being a spec, it held it's ground in comparison to other specs
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Down today, up tomorrow...

Thats the market, go with your gut feelings
I'm not selling nor buying until I get a better direction...
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Down today, up tomorrow...

Thats the market, go with your gut feelings
I'm not selling nor buying until I get a better direction...

i just posted to someone on the PM that today we would see 10.5 cents only for it to be sold into again.

I only post as i have had dealing with FDL before.
I mean for FDL to use some of the money raised for Diamond exploration says it all imo.
They were running out of funds.....they struggled to raise cash before in the past......they played the iron ore card to get extra cash.
They played it well.

All i say is tread careful and before you pile in big time check out the top 20.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Firstly, the FDL team are diamond explorers. Secondly, They probably new they were sitting on Iron Ore but recently prices have gone through the roof. China and Indias demand are not expected to slow down for at least 10 years. Look at the logic, Define the FE size then sell it. The position couldn't be better being close to new infrastucture, rail and a huge Port. FMG may not have the funds now but starts exporting within 2 months. Then again nor would any other organisation purchase a block of land without knowing it's potential. Consider the timing, FMG cashed up towards the end of the year, FDL submits an update to ASX with proven 400-500MT of FE.
>> and Sells at a premium. ::walker::walker::
Once the sale is complete, FDL will get back to what it does best (or worst), looking for Diamonds.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

, FDL submits an update to ASX with proven 400-500MT of FE.

To sure up a JORC of that much will take at least a year, but more likely 18 - 24 months.

By the end of the year i would be suprised if they had 50mt JORCed.

Its not a fast process
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Haha I see the .10 cents is now available to the little share holders but why would you when you can grab them for .098 cents I think i know where they can stick there .10 cents a share offer.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Haha I see the .10 cents is now available to the little share holders but why would you when you can grab them for .098 cents I think i know where they can stick there .10 cents a share offer.

well i warned the masses on H.C not to get carried away.
Should get these at about 5-6 cents imo.
Fear and the time to wait for any results(lmao) will dent this one.

By the way anyone still stu-pid enough to use h.c if u look at the thread dunno777 posts on FDL. He joined on the 4/1/08...and 99% of his posts are about this one.

I counted about 10 NEW posters ramping the hell out of it.This was my aguement which got me banned. I think it was quite harsh becauise all i was trying to do is warn the newbies to the boards.

Pump and dump...........wonder how many will get burnt.:angry::angry::burn::burn:
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Down today, up tomorrow...

Thats the market, go with your gut feelings
I'm not selling nor buying until I get a better direction...

Jeez - hard to convince goldie - you want more certainty than last few months for "the dirrection is down"???
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

nice run up to 10.5 today.

Wonder who that could be..???

Bell potters by any chance,lol.

Pump it up to d...p it......

It will be their play thing now for months until they have had cash out of it.

Have fun trading it. Sell at 11-12 and buy back under 10......sell at back under 10.....

nice if u have the cash to do this....:rocketwho:rocketwho
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

well i never.A post by dunno777 member since jan 08(lmao) on h.c...seems they are getting desperate.
I know for a FACT that brokers use chat sites for their own ends. Should brokers be able to use sites?? i dont think so...but thats just me.
This is what he dug up to post AGAIN.GETTING A TOUCH BORING NOW IMO.

The times of under 10c maybe gone soon, very soon !!
Gauging by some posts, including the following, since the the 0.01 - 0.089c gain in November.




"I am using this price range below as my kind of guide as to where the SP may go over the next 10 months.....And trying to be conservative as well as honest in my views......

here goes....

8-9c more days than not until late Jan/early Feb
9c-10c a coupla days between January and early Feb
10c-13c between early feb and mid march
13c-16c between late march and Mid May
16c-19c between mid may and August
19c-24c between august and October
24c-??c October onwards

Mines Dept work program....Jan
Aboriginal heritage surverys....Jan/Feb
Resource target Definition.....Feb/March
Infastructure setup.......March/April/May

Drlling phases.....
Phase 1- resource outline....May/June
Phase 2...........July/August
Phase 3.......September October

Resource estimate.....October/November

And im sure a coupla surprises along the way."


Sorry to keep quoting you Warnie, but it makes the most sense as far as I can see !!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Scuffler I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about - could you interpret please because all you are doing is quoting someone else and it just doesnt read well at all
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


It is illegal for brokers or any staff for that matter of brokering houses to use chat sites, I quit some times ago, but I was a broker for 3 years, and when I started out (before I new this) my hotcopper account was banned, and I was given a warning(didn't even post on it)

All stockbroking firms have inhouse compliance that monitors these sort of things (track IP's etc). Most broking firms don't even allow staff to look at chat sites, and it is absolutely banned in anyway shape or form to post or be a party to posting (not to say they don't but if they get caught, well have you ever seen what ASX fines can be like for breach of compliance?)

Anyways back to the real issue.

FDL did recently place shares to bells @ 10cents, and now we have a share purchase plan closing on the 11th of April at the same price of 10cents potentially bringing in $3.61 mill. Realistically for people to take up the share purchase plan (given the hassle, and opportunity cost), FDL will need to be 12centsish. Now taking into consideration mail delay for these applications, you can rest assured that these "pushers" that we saw this week will act this coming week to get it up there.

So @ 9.8 - 10cents options 3.2 centsish you are looking at 15% on the fully paid, and at least 30% on the options or so return in a week(options would be at least 4cents if the fully paid were 11.5cents), which in my book isn't too bad of a return if you play it smart.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds


You make some valid points.

Understanding the Timeline is an important key to the price action that FDL should be expecting.

The next couple of months should be about infrastructure set-up leading to the 1st Phase drilling.

I sold my options the moment i knew of capital raising.
Some argued that the price would go up.

However, given this market as well as it being a small speculative stock, i felt it was the right choice. I have only just re-entered buying some more at .027.
It could still go lower depending on how long the C/R is dragged out.

May and June is when i think alot more punters will be looking at re-entering
leading upto the first drilling. Therefore, if thats the case getting set now may not be a bad thing.

Overall, i question whether it is fair value compared to one or two others in a similar position that are far more advanced. Therefore, imo it all comes down to the M/C for the quantity and grade they are expecting.


Greedygekko has been posting against FDL for months.
I am not saying he is right or wrong.
However, i would not use his post as being a balanced view.

Secondly, if you read the annual report and a couple of old Quarterlys you will notice they mentioned the problems they had with the drilling for diamonds in that tenement E47/882 due to the amount of near surface I/O.
IMO, they knew very well that they may have a sizable resource.

IMO, they were waiting for an opportunity to release something substantial to the market. FMG was that opportunity. The GEO had already given them a report based on FMG's data. Conceptual by nature? That is correct. However you may look at it, I/O flowing from FMG E47/1306 and the Serenity deposit E47/1372 does not stop at the fence line.

Yes, i agree not to carried away with it.

Cheers markcoinoz
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FMG has started its first railway tranfer.

Today I questioned my INS.... What's so good about FMG Iron???
Apparently, it's the quality...The best in OZ
Why do you think banks are happy to throw $Bs at it..
BHP and Rio can't supply the quality.

Remember when FMG traded for less than $2/share
Then it climbed to around $65, then split 10 for 1
GEESSSee, that is easy money..

We do know that FDL has it, How much, time will tell....
I'm not saying it will do the same, but you'd be a fool to think it's going down to the level of scuffs testament.
Sure it come down from it's high of 1.7, but if you are a frequent trader, check your other stocks and compare your spec's, I bet the others are worst off..

Scuffy and treeboy don't know the full story and it's like

Hey we all can't be winners.....
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