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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Fair call mate, yep you are right 100%, these forums are for info, sometimes you get people who are just plain lazy and want it all spelt out for them to the point of: what should I buy and how much should I spend and that question is ok too but if it was my dough I'd like a bit more input/control than that. Didn't mean to piss you off Imaginator, I'm sure your not one of those other people.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FDL has just gone into a trading halt pending an announcement on capital raising.
Don't know anything else at this stage. Let's hope it's good news
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

What people dont realise is that Flinders were looking for diamonds on this supposed iron ore dirt for years now.

Do you not think they would have realised this sooner???

They struggled before with cap raisings and when they did it was with shaw stockbrokers. Anyone remember that??
All they did was sell sell they didnt care about holders at all.

I have also pointed out many times in the past that we have not had any change in holdings notices....not one!
With so much volume would you not expect something?
So imo this has been pumped up and right now they are starting to offload.

This is my view only and i only tried to express this but was denied this on H.C probably cause the mods there hold,lol.

The current cap raise will probably happen at around 10 cents and if its Pattersons the broker u can say good night to this one.

Wish you all well that hold.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

What people dont realise is that Flinders were looking for diamonds on this supposed iron ore dirt for years now.

Do you not think they would have realised this sooner???

Realised what sooner? That there were diamonds, iron ore or what exactly?

They struggled before with cap raisings and when they did it was with shaw stockbrokers. Anyone remember that??

Things have changed since then, like FMG?

I have also pointed out many times in the past that we have not had any change in holdings notices....not one!

Doesnt that mean the Directors are hanging on to their shares? Is that a problem?

So imo this has been pumped up and right now they are starting to offload.
But then we would have had the notices you said we weren't having!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

u miss understand some of my points.
They have had this land and known about its contents since 2005.
They looked for diamonds and found ntg.
FMG have been going for how long now?
Do you not think FDL would have done something about this supposed Iron ore dirt ages ago?

The shaw stock brokers where they struggled to get any takers was only a year or so ago wasnt it?

And when i mean holding notice i dont mean directors.....

With huge volumes and all the posters noises about "is it RIO or FMG buying up" is nonsense....becasue if it was a major we would have seen a "becoming a substantial holder' notice???

And why would any major or any investor from China bother with them until any drilling or resource has been proven .....

I will leave it at that for now and i will come back soon to discuss Flinders diamonds ,iron ore limited ,lol.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

regarding the announcement i am tipping they are going to propose their suggestion of splitting the company into two subsidaries:

Flinders Iron and Flinders Diamonds.

I am only basing this on the radio announcement they presented at their AGM last year, otherwise it would be some MoU with Fortescue re: the railway line

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FDL said the Halt was because of capital raising, and nothing to do with any split or sharing of Railway line. I just wish, dream, that FDL split into the diamonds/iron ore and then FMG takeover the Iron ore project in full
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I just wish, dream, that FDL split into the diamonds/iron ore and then FMG takeover the Iron ore project in full

I have said it before, but i'll re-state my opinion.

FMG would not bother to buy out a relatively small tenemant like this, at least until a resource has been defined. FMG has many other things on its mind and already has huge reserves, so its not exactly looking for anything at the moment.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FMG would not bother to buy out a relatively small tenemant like this, at least until a resource has been defined. FMG has many other things on its mind and already has huge reserves, so its not exactly looking for anything at the moment.

I did say wish and dream :

To me it makes sense, once deposits can be defined, so that FMG doesn't have this chink within the boundary that belongs to another entity.

And maybe they just might be looking for something else
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Just because a stock is next door to a company with a lot of iron ore doesn't mean it has got lots. I live in the pilbra do a spot of prospecting in this country, and while I could pick up a bit of iron ore almost anywhere up here I believe like others on this thread they are clutching at straws.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

trtkjd1....well said mate.

This is what i have been trying to put across to the masses on h.c and got into hot water for it.

I dont have a problem with where FDL's dirt is..for sure its promising but thats all it is at this stage.
Dont forget the share price has gone from 1 cents to 13 cents based on "ifs".

I dont have a problem with people making money on this stock but many things dont add up.

On h.c there are so many new members ramping the hell out of it and some have no clues saying the cap raising is to build a mine....i mean come on a mine!!! They need to find a resource first,lol.

It has a feeling of hot air imo.I hope i am wrong and i will be the first to admit it if this is the case.

H.C has let me down imo. I have been a loyal member for a good few years.I got so up tight about it i came back as (independent) to keep on posting about FDL which i have never done before now.

For what its worth i intend to stay on the staright and narrow on ASF and i hope we can have decent posts for and against whats happening.

Hope everyone has a great weekend
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

FDL said the Halt was because of capital raising, and nothing to do with any split or sharing of Railway line. I just wish, dream, that FDL split into the diamonds/iron ore and then FMG takeover the Iron ore project in full

what prawn_86 said

give it a few years for the dust to settle and you find FMG takes over all the junior iron ores surrounding its proximity
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

hhhmmm 10 cent placement to Bell potter and CO.
Thats 1,084,000,000 shares knocking about now.

I tell you why I am not a fan of FDL is that when a company tells the world and make announcements to the market what next door have, I sniff something bad.

OK so what that RIO and FMG are in the area.........

The pr people in charge of FDL are trying to do everything possible to boost its profile.
I wouldnt mind if they actually found something to promote!!!!

Heading back to 10 cents and I wouldnt be surprised to see it dip under 10 to scupper the cozy arrangement made behind closed doors.

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

oh and one last thing.

If i was spending my hard earned money i would pick many other iron ore plays that HAVE a resource already.

At this stage FDL have cap for ntg is far too high!!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Im confused about this announcement.

Who gets to purchase shares at 10cents? or have they already been purchased?

Im a holder, so do I get a chance to snap up shares at 10c?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Announced today, $11m already raised through professional investors, $3.61M to be raised through SPP @ 10 cents (Max 20,000 per ShareHolder). Scuffler, you were right on the ticker, and Fed23 you get the chance to buy your 10c shares....
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I thought in the audio interview thats up on the ASX the CEO said they had the money already?

Not happy with this announcement, I sold out, waiting for it to dip down on the release of all these new shares.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

my worth.

How many of the mass expect FDL to stay above 10 cents??

I would expect a large amount.

So I bet that this will go well under 10 cents...infact I think it will go to around 8 or so.

My thinking is that if there are any big players wanting a larger slice then as usual the big shake down will happen.

There are months ahead without any other good news coming this way.So expect it and imo it will come.
You have been warned, a placement these days doesnt mean the bottom of a stock...far from it if you check other stocks out.

Look at VRE for example. 40 cents and that went kaput!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Oh well I sold my lot in hope it will drop right down then I will jump back in but I am of the opinion that there is no good news coming up for a while.... ha knowing my luck they will actually find diamonds haha.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Hm, yeah not sure if it will hold

Date: 14/2/2008
Author: Julie-Anne Sprague
Source: The Australian Financial Review --- Page: 25
The share price of Flinders Diamonds has benefited from some developments inWestern Australia's Hamersley Ranges in recent months. Flinders owns aparcel of mining tenements in a region close to tenements held by Rio Tinto andFortescue Metals. In November 2007, Flinders shares rose to $A0.15 after thegroup announced it would target 325 million to 390 million tonnes of iron ore atits Hamersley tenement. The proximity of the tenement to that held by Rio alsohad a beneficial impact on Flinders' share price in the week ended 8February 2008, when Rio revealed an 875 million tonne resource at itsCaliwingina deposit. The group intends to change its name to Flinders Mineslater in 2008
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