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RHK - Red Hawk Mining

Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I believe that FDL originally owned the land that FMG is now developing, FDL receives royalty payments as a result. The map showing the location of the land that FDL retained is in the middle/outer edge of FMG's boundaries - maybe FDL thought there were diamonds in that area? FDL is not simply 'next to' FMG they are all part of the one exploration area. Whether FDL's particular segment also has the same level of iron ore remains to be seen, but I am thinking, why wouldn't it!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Well judging by the pre open market depth it looks like FDL may have another interesting day. There are offers up to 30 cents.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Well judging by the pre open market depth it looks like FDL may have another interesting day. There are offers up to 30 cents.

Unfortunately they will magically disappear come 10am! The pre-open market depth is never a true indication of what will happen on the opening bell, sadly!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Unfortunately they will magically disappear come 10am! The pre-open market depth is never a true indication of what will happen on the opening bell, sadly!

Ah is this just people trying to build up the price prior to opening; manipulation basically.
I have been given the general rule that the opening price is roughly half of the high offer and the last closing price combined; does that sound correct?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I think it is quite a complex process, and there has been a thread about how this is all calculated. I just tend to ignore what is happening until the time it opens, and even then, first thing on a Monday is usually a roller coaster ride anyway!

FDL is doing nicely at the moment, anyway! I have held this share for so long....
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Institutional interest is now clearly driving this share price. If one examines the volume of trades it is clear there a market making orders presently being actioned.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Well, I have had a humdinger of a day with FDL and FDLOA today. Nothing like $22,000 paper profit to make a gal happy!: Hope it lasts tomorrow!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

am sitting on a nice paper profit too
wonder what tmrw will bring, hopefully more of the same

Let's see shall we
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Well, I have had a humdinger of a day with FDL and FDLOA today. Nothing like $22,000 paper profit to make a gal happy!: Hope it lasts tomorrow!

What is FDLOA?

I had a good day too, not as big as yourself as I am playing with smaller amounts
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I am kicking myself.

I cant believe I sold at 2 cents.

I held these for a good 12 months.

fdl and fdloa

Fdl has been the star for the start of the new year and yet it has fallen badly today after the asx query . I also note that fortescue has taken a beating from its highs of 63 to itslow today under 57.90.
What can be read into this correction.... or is it simply that- a correction from its days of significant gains. Was lucky enough to get out of fdl a few secponds before suspension , and would be interested on anyones views on the potential to rise again in the short term.

FDL has massive deposites of Haematite 56% close to the surface and close to the rail head used by FMG.
ANY Thoughts .... anyone

wishing you all a brilliant new year

Re: fdl and fdloa

FDL doesn't have anything other than a target and some iron in it's drill bits as it was drilling for diamonds.

It also has a royalty on FMG mined ore to a max of cap of 8MT i think, from memory..

It might very well have a resource, in time.

I have been trading this stock, like many others, and it's been very good to me so far.

The only reason there is such big interest imo, is FMG.

I will eventually settle on a smallish parcel, just in case, but as of today, they have nothing established and certainly not " a massive deposites of Haematite 56% close to the surface"
Re: fdl and fdloa

Um, nothing! I have a sea of red, except for a couple of goldies!
Re: fdl and fdloa

FDL are riding on location location location and why not. Institutional seem interested though with their own vol spikes.

Fortescue appears overpriced given share split so no relationship to FDL rises in my humble opinion and small corrections or short/longs by the look of it - but FDL still seem rather slow in decline today on decreasing vol showing an unwillingness to sell sharply down. Their ASX statement could have been less bland today - like maybe Dear Sir/Madam "the market is simply re-acting to what we the company believe is also the new blue sky mine - Thanks for asking though - FDL"....

Downer also worth looking at given experience with Peabody works over many many years and current contract awards with Fortescue etc.

Best of luck long term with FDL and others.



Nothing stated here is anything other than personal opinion. The market is always right.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Does anyone knows what happen to FDL on these 2 days? I thought they are going good but all of a sudden falling badly,,,does it have to do with FMG because they are falling everyday?
What is the future of FDL? any idea from anyone?
Much appreicate if anyone can help!!
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Perhaps the fact it has risen around 900% on no real news.

As i have said before, I am now 'targeting' 150mt of ore in my backyard. I dont have a rig on site yet, but you can invest in me if you wish
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Many thanks for your reply Prawn
I guess i should just hold and wait to see....hope everything will work out.
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

Many thanks for your reply Prawn
I guess i should just hold and wait to see....hope everything will work out.

whats going on with FDL these days? Anyone taking a gamble on it?

Who's in, who's out?

I heard some people saying this could be the next FMG? Can anyone confirm?
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

I think for larger percentage gainers (and likewise higher risk) ur better of with the options - FDLOA
Re: FDL - Flinders Diamonds

This is a typical money tree….But you will have to wait.
In my experience, depending on the director’s reputations (and I have a high respect for the Flinders team), wherever a mining company says they have a given resources, they are generally on the ball. But the big question is how big??? From the reports, it seems 300-550 MT. Even the lower band will give it a mighty kick. Another plus is that they are in bed with FML, Thirdly, they have newly completed rail infrastructure that runs through their property. But don’t expect much before 3 to 4 months. Even if you have made big gains from the last 3 months, my gut feeling is to hang in there.

Disclosure: Touch of Gold is a FDL shareholder and any comments are made in good faith…
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