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Religious leader condemns RAPE

I was once told that the origin of women covering their faces and to some extent virtually hiding their bodies was a caliph aflicted with pathological jealousy who has decreed that all his wives cover up when in public. Then the fashion spread to all corners of the caliphate. And with the spread of Islam, went the habit.
And let's not forget that the vestments that nuns wear are derivatives.
"Girls - Are you spending $1000's on dresses and stuff and piling on the reddest lipstick you can find until you look REALLY good - maybe cutting out big holes in the back of that dress? and the front? and even the sides? - and no one appreciates it. ?? Well try this webisite:-
And now for today's sermon ... By Sheik THENARDIER
"It's a world where the dog eats the dog
Where they kill for bones in the street
And God in His Heaven
He don't interfere
'Cause he's dead as the stiffs at my feet
I raise my eyes to see the heavens
And only the moon looks down
The harvest moon shines down!"

PS Thenardier is rarely put forward as an example of an honourable character But he has this marvellous way of comparing the world with hungry animals.

This is my pathetic and sad attempt to use the right side of my brain. Being an engineer, I mainly use a keyboard and the computer does the rest (both sides of brain on permanent holiday, broker notified).

So out of pure jealousy, of you 2020, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and risk making a fool of myself. Here I go:

A fatwa was declared for sexy dudes to cover up; does this Mufti have a clue??
OH NO! Take off your shirts boys, preferably the singlets too!!
Don’t worry, no cats in sight, they’re on pillow-cased veggies now
It’s only us poor girls, waiting, hoping, feeling...oh…so… blue.

PS: English is my second language; please direct all complaints/insults towards English teacher. Hell you can even blame the Mufti.

Not definite yet, but he will be probably persuaded to wait aside for dust to settle down

Imagine how many were guided by his preaching and possibly influenced since 1986 when he was almost deported?
Good one newgirl you's a poet lol.
I liked the one (what's her name divine's column yesterday - most of her articles are seriously prejudiced - but this was surprisingly tame - even discussing the option of Sheik AH staying , "the devil you know etc". Yet again I think not too many would agree with her.

BUT she points out that gang rape of one of the girls was when she was dressed in her best suit - just been to a job interview.
Also that one of the fathers said " if these girls just STAYED HOME at night, then there wouldn't be any of these problems and my boys wouldnt be in trouble.

I was wondering - perhaps someone should explain to that father.... "Perhaps if your boys stayed home, then the rest of us Australians females and (civilised) males (by which I mean the ones that are a few steps up from the concepts of night clubbing with a real club)- could get on with what they like doing - VIVE LIFE!.

PS I was also wondering - if the sight of girls in bikinis is so heathen to this bloke, then presumably his followers wont be interested in going to the beach this summer - Cronulla for instance.

Say can my daughter come out of hiding now?:couch
maybe we can even go to the beach showing some skin ? lolesok:
News just in . The sheik has collapsed at the Lakembla mosque and is being worked on ny paramedics???????

Actually this is what is needed, some comments from Muslim community.

Why rally?

Part of SMS message is disturbing -

This is a critical day to show our solidarity and to silence the hypocrites!"

Some people have more nerve in making questionable statements.

This is another example of one nation with them and us.
Does multicultural society really work?
"uncovered meat" LMFAO... I'm offended that the retard also suggests that men are like animals that can't control their urges... You can tell he ain't getting any ... Did you know that his comments were all over international television... even in Brazil which is 99 percent catholic. Let me finish off with saying he certainly doesn't speak for me and certainly not for my muslim buddies... HAPPY TRADING
I am certainly offended by the comments by the Muslim spiritual leader.He is trying to deprive us grandfathers of a free daily peep show.There is not much for free these days and now he is threatening our happiness!
The best things in life are free ,or thats what we are told.

Stalling tactics somehow ring the bell; this must be their norm.

Rally is going to be there merely to give proof, that he is loved so much that he will not be allowed to go, by popular demand.

Hope John and the crew have thought on few solutions, and hope they didn’t leave it for too long to get resolved by the community.
Something has been bugging me about this thread, "Religous Leader Condemns rape". Actually he condones rape on the grounds that his supporters it seems can't control there more base sexual urges.
Really religous leaders of all persuasions should stick to there field of expertise (which is not sex).

I was thinking that too OTS.

Debate bit provocative, both sides seem to have dug in and were just defending their position.

Only few voices said how it is, that –lack of appropriate dress provocation- is deeply entrenched in first generation migrant’s minds.

It’ll take bit longer for some women to liberate and be equal.

Best comment?:

-If dress is sign of modesty, why only women are obliged to dress appropriately and cover faces too?-

Anybody interested might see “ASKING FOR IT” on SBS TV, as it will be repeated on Friday 10 Nov at 1.00pm and Monday 13 Nov at 2.00pm.
i felt sorry for the woman they who spoke close to the end...

pretty much she said muslim women like her are stuck between a rock and a hard place...

on one hand they have muslim men forcing them to wear the hijab, and on the other hand they are not getting the REAL support of the general australian community to stop wearing it...

its seems to be more a game of politics at the moment...

the final comment was most interesting when another woman said there are plenty of dissenting voices amongst the muslim community, but they don't make good news stories...!!!

the quotes of crazy sensationalist muslim clerics make for lot better headlines.

all in all, a very intersting program none the less...
Last part of transcript which can be found on –

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