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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

On the contrary, they are most certainly not!

How can any consequence to society, be defined as good or bad, from a purely secular perspective?
Please don't state your opinion as fact.

It is to me.
My opinion should be of no consequence to you
Or anyone else just as your opinion is of no consequence
To me. You are entitled to your opinion.
Everything is speculative about the existence of the universe ,including your own opinion.

Great! So you have shifted from anything being known for sure.
You have caught up to Socrates, who was a brilliant logician (I also think he was a mystic) and concluded that he knew nothing.
This may at first seem like a position of pointless despair. But it can also be profound.
Once you stop eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge - Who knows? A whole paradise of unknowing may open up for you as you let go of conceptualization all together and dwell in the profundity of unlimited knowing.
Perhaps then the right words would be 'Oh my God'

Now that you have resorted to gibberish, I will take that as an admission of defeat.
Everything is speculative about the existence of the universe ,including your own opinion.
That is a shift from creationism and god.
What is defeated is wrong views.
Defeating wrong views is what I was batting for.

Now that you have resorted to gibberish, I will take that as an admission of defeat.
Yes, god and creationism was wholly invalidated.
The victory is - seeing more clearly and 'being' ever more happily. For the truth sets you free......................
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How do you know an infinite universe is a possibility ?
I haven’t claimed it is.

In fact I have stated many times that my opinion on these unsolved issues is “I don’t know”.

When we have evidence I will move away from the “I don’t know” catergory.
Combining a few things above, I think many religious people who know some science find this verse makes a lot of sense:

“All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.”
(John 1:3)
This was probably a 'revelation ' given to the apostle. Even back then they rejected the idea of an eternal world. Interestingly enough science took the same view only a few decades ago.

And regarding the bigger picture , or God's plan (just a little bit of it here), since some ask:

He has saved us and called us to a holy life--not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,

(2 Timothy 1:9)
So the plan to send Christ to die on the cross was known before time existed.

This is the Christian belief.
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I am not about to do a bible study with you, you can google the Bible passages yourself.

But if you are trying to claim that many Christian religions don’t ban birth control and homosexuality as part of their “Christian morals” then you are living under a rock, likewise if you don’t think Christians have had s long history of burning witches.

By the way it’s not just about things christ is claimed to have said, for example the 10 commandments was written 100’s of years before Christ, yet graph and other Christians would claim that’s a foundation for their morality.

Yeah but other people believed Moui created the world, and pulled up islands with his fish hook,

So what you really should be saying is “thank you” to moui.

Would you agree that if the universe were limited then everything in the universe would have to be limited?
Seems pretty straight forward to me.
Christianity is about the teachings of Jesus Christ. Departures from those teachings are not Christianity!

So it would appear, that your claim to the superiority of secular morality, is founded on your personal misconceptions of Christianity!
Would you agree that if the universe were limited then everything in the universe would have to be limited?
Seems pretty straight forward to me.

But where is the universal limit to be found. And if mankind were to ever discover an outer limit to our universe, what question might naturally arise? Perhaps, the question "what lies beyong this universal limit?"

These questions do not seem at all straightforward to me.
It's a leading question.
Christianity is about the teachings of Jesus Christ. Departures from those teachings are not Christianity!

So it would appear, that your claim to the superiority of secular morality, is founded on your personal misconceptions of Christianity!
So the Ten Commandments aren’t part of Christianity?

Jesus himself said he didn’t come to change any of the old laws, so I guess you are saying Christians who ignore the Old Testament aren’t real Christians? And that all the immorral Old Testament stuff is part of Christianity, which proves my point, that if modern Christians can ignore it, then they aren’t being biblical, and they are instead using secular values.

If you want to argue what Christian values do that with the Christians because many of them teach anti gay stuff as we have seen recently.
Happy New Year, VC, the year of our Lord.
Anno Domini (Latin : "In the year of (our) Lord"),[1] shortened as AD or A.D., is used to refer to the years after the birth of Jesus.A.D.


As I have said, homosexuals are ladies and gentlemen, same as heterosexuals.

Where did the scientific method start, in monasteries.


I'm sure you had enough Sunday School to know you're pretty close to breaking a few of those "laws" the way you show contempt for their meaning and those who choose to embrace them. You seem to misunderstand the differences between the "law" and the various psalms, etc.

Jesus certainly changed the ceremonial rules that Moses put in place in relation to the law. This didn't change the actual ten commandments, but he is quoted as saying he will show believers how to interpret and embrace them as God intended, not as the Jews and ASF members had twisted them over time.

Mosaic laws are God's moral laws and apparently he was so strongly hellbent on them being taken seriously that he bypassed the usual props, dream telekinesis and thrill kills to write his only memo to an earthling. If that doesn't tell you not to mess with the word .........
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