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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Our experience of reality is a dream, doomed to dissolve upon our awakening!

But by all means, do enjoy your dream explod.

So our dreams are actually dream within a dream?

Woah! Neo. Next you're going to tell me Hugo Weaving has our real self all plugged into a cocoon to harness renewable energies from.
Our experience of reality is a dream, doomed to dissolve upon our awakening!

But by all means, do enjoy your dream explod.
Does this mean you cannot introduce me to God cynic. Thought that by your vehement assertions you could do a lot better than that.
Does this mean you cannot introduce me to God cynic. Thought that by your vehement assertions you could do a lot better than that.
Why would any introduction be required, when you have already met?
No. The two sequels weren't better.
I trust that you realise that I wasn't talking about the moving pictures.

Are you able to prove to yourself that you are awake?

Are you able to disprove to yourself, that you are dreaming?
Are you joking, in dreamland as a kid but like Santa I found it was cr.p

You need to mature ole Pal
How is it that an intelligent person like yourself, continues to presume, that those in disagreement with your chosen perception of reality, must be wrong?

Why is it that you are so reluctant to entertain the possibilities I have suggested, that you must instead opt for derogatory conclusions about my character?
My reality is not a perception in my view. I sit here, see, feel and hear as I've always done.

I am not being derogatory I just need you to produce your God before me to touch and speak to before I am convinced of your take on reality.

So go for it and prove yourself correct.
My reality is not a perception in my view. I sit here, see, feel and hear as I've always done.
How is what you have described here not perception?
I am not being derogatory I just need you to produce your God before me to touch and speak to before I am convinced of your take on reality.

So go for it and prove yourself correct.
You seem to misunderstand my intentions! I am not here to prove the correctness of my view, I am defending my right to hold that view!

I put it to you, that you yourself, have just confessed to having seen, heard and felt the mystery of God, and it is you who has decided that God is absent from your perception of reality.

Before asking for proof of the existence of your personal conception of a God, or gods, in whom you have chosen to invest your disbelief, would it not be reasonable, to first ask the question : "What is God?" ?
How did he come into being?
Well according to your insistence he like all things can only exist if he was created. So he must have been created by a creator god and that god, if it exists must also have been created by a creator god......
Religion brings people together with a similar belief but it does not know what happened. So much time spent on postulation.
Where for goodness sake did I attest to feeling the presence of God. In fact from a child I challenged the priest to explain the holy trinity and in my feeling of it he could not. As much as I tried to follow the beliefs of my family and peers I could not and is why I did not pursue that career.

You do seem reluctant in my view to explain clearly your thoughts, I've tried hard so:

Ok, what is your God?
Is it that you are trying hard to understand what I am saying? Or are you trying hard to misunderstand what I am saying?

From the contents of your response, I must say that it appears to be very much the latter.

Read the contents of my post again, carefully, and you will see that I did not accuse you of attesting, to having felt the presence of God. Nor did I suggest that you ask what my God is.

If you truly believe yourself to be trying, I suggest that you question yourself about your true motivation for continuing this dialogue. i.e. What is it that you are seeking to achieve?
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Because I can't believe that anyone with half a brain can believe in something that does not exist.

I also find it interesting that you will not describe your God. Should be a simple one to tell by your account so I'll press till you can answer.
Because of a lack of physical evidence.

Existing in people's minds is not physical

We do live in a physical world, but we are seriously limited in what we can observe. eg we can only see three dimensions but scientists are now saying there may be up to 11. Theoretically there is no reason why there could not be an infinite number of dimensions but we are still limited to seeing only three. We have no way of knowing what lies in these other dimensions, so just because we can't see things in those dimensions doesn't mean they don't exist.
A few of my ruminations, surrounding the meaning and application, of some words, that somebody was wise enough to to draw my attention to recently:

If something is untrue or false, it can only truly be "known" as untrue (or false). i.e. the untrue thing cannot be "known" to be true, it can only be "known" to be false, otherwise it would have to be true.

So what is happening when two people meet, each claiming to "know" something incompatible with the other?

For one thing, there now appears to be disagreement over what is true.

How is the rightness or wrongness of these incompatible "knowings" to be resolved?

Is it possible to resolve this matter by direct observation through the physical senses?

Is it possible to resolve this matter by the application of logic?

Is it possible to resolve this matter via intuition?

Or perhaps by some combination of the above?

Or could these people, simply acknowledge, that perhaps they are only "believing" themselves to "know" as distinct from "knowing"?

Or will they, instead, become engaged in a crusade, each claiming righteousness in their personal "knowing" that the "truth" (a.k.a. facts, mountains of evidence, science, God etc.) is on their side?
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