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Religion IS crazy!

This was done in the belief of a type of religion.

Young Afghan lovers beheaded

A young couple in southern Afghanistan have been beheaded after they reportedly had a love affair outside of marriage.

Police believe the family of the woman, in her 20s, was responsible for the murders in Helmand.

Relations between young men and women outside marriage are taboo in Afghanistan, an extremely conservative nation with deep Islamic beliefs.
Crazy, link here:
God is either everything or not at all... and by everything I mean even the dog **** on the bottom of your shoe.
You mean to say I was created by a piece of dog ****???
Wow! I've got to go back and have a serious talk to my minister!

Woolies had 24 packs of toilet paper on special recently so I thought I'd stock up and I bought 4 packs. I was walking past my neighbour with my shopping bags full of toilet paper and he quipped, "I always knew you were full of it!". Good one!
You mean to say I was created by a piece of dog ****???
Wow! I've got to go back and have a serious talk to my minister!

I didn't say that. And yes, you do!

I said if God is anything, then it's everything. 'Everything' includes the good and the bad, the sacred and the profane, the sweet smelling and the dog **** on your shoe.

Ask your minister to define God for you, so you know exactly what it is you're worshiping. See if he stumbles over his words. Alternatively, you could ask "Did God create the entire universe, or just part of it?" and then when he says "the whole thing", you follow up with "what about this dog **** on my shoe? Is this part of the universe? And what about sin and evil - are they part of the universe?"
I couldn’t care less how we were created or how the world was created.
If we’re descended from aliens, that’s fine by me. If someone or something called God created us, that’s OK by me too. Created by evolution? I’d be happy enough with that as well.
Something else? problem, it’s all the same to me.
Someone called Satan is out to get me? No worries, let the bastard try, he hasn't succeeded yet! I certainly won't be losing any sleep over it!

All I know for sure is that we’re here, and if we’ve got any sense we’ll try to look after ourselves, look after each other, and enjoy the life we’ve been given.

I do find it amusing though when people think they can use prayer to influence the weather, the health and happiness of their loved ones, and various other aspects of their lives.
I totally concur.
All I know for sure is that we’re here...

I'm glad you said this. This is the root of your difficulty in having your prayers answered. That's the whole bloody point! If you truly understood this, you'd be able to manifest.

You won't get a more succinct and in-depth answer to your questions about prayer, what it is and how it works.
OK I'm probably going to regret this reply ... but anyway:

I think my perception of God is vastly different from yours. No one can define God but the perception that works best for me is some kind of intelligent spirit/energy probably from a higher dimension, beyond our comprehension, who created life in our little universe of matter and, along with his rival Satan, is conducting a little experiment to see who can win the most hearts and minds either to amuse themselves or as a battle to the death of one of them. Being intelligent energies, God and Satan do not have defined forms like we do and can be anywhere and everywhere. Time is relative so what seems like an eternity for us could be a mere few "days" for them.

I don't suspect for a moment that God exists as a separate entity. There's far too much evidence against it. God is either everything or not at all... and by everything I mean even the dog **** on the bottom of your shoe.
I see God as a separate entity from Satan. If God created our universe and the life in it then I guess he's instrumental in creating the sweet smelling and the dog **** on my shoe, but I can't see how God is the dog **** on my shoe.

"Did God create the entire universe, or just part of it?"
I think he created our universe, I don't know about any of the others. He probably didn't create his own universe.

And what about sin and evil
All part of the battle for hearts and minds, and sadly I get the feeling that Satan is currently ahead on points, but my money is on God.

I tried to read through that Jed McKenna piece about truth. It might make sense to you but my brain started to implode. I think "truth" is subjective and relative. The shortest path between two points might not necessarily be a straight line because it depends on your perception of "straight".

Chris, not arguing against your belief system, but once you say your perception of God is something beyond our comprehension, surely that is the end of what you can possibly say on God. Any possible attempted explanation or perception is superfluous to that statement,
Religion commenced before the written word. It came into existence at the first hangover when, awaking from a stupor, the prayer was uttered “Oh God, let me live.”
Brunei is heading back to the Middle Ages...

Brunei introduces stoning, flogging among new sharia punishments
Religion commenced before the written word. It came into existence at the first hangover when, awaking from a stupor, the prayer was uttered “Oh God, let me live.”

And all this time I thought it was "Dear God, I am never drinking again"

I love it when the Godbotherers come to my door. I ask them if they have a bible on their person. Indubitably it is a resounding yes ! I then ask them to open up pslam 137.9.

8 O daughter of Babylon, you devastated one, How blessed will be the one who repays you With the recompense with which you have repaid us. 9 How blessed will be the one who seizes and dashes your little ones Against the rock.

Soooo your God is happy for me to kill the children of my enemies by dashing their brains out on a rock? Good day to you Sir !
What I meant was that the higher dimension is beyond our comprehension, well beyond mine at least. I probably inserted one too many commas, sorry. My concept of God is rather vague and is still under construction and certainly open to modification as new ideas are presented.

The really smart science boys have been hypothesizing about multiple universes and extra unknown dimensions in addition to the four that we're familiar with, because, as I understand it, their complex differential mathematical equations start to give more meaningful results when they adjust their variables to allow for them. When mathematical equations start to produce meaningful solutions, that's usually an indication that you're on the right track.

But the weird things some of these guys are talking about these days in their attempts to explain the universe makes me wonder if maybe they've been over-indulging in coloured tablets and white powders.

Their ideas sound like pure science fiction to most people, and I certainly don't fully comprehend their work, but I'm not going to dismiss something as fanciful rubbish just because I don't understand it, which is why I try to keep an open mind on everything and basically adopt the view that everything, no matter how fanciful it sounds (eg wormholes ), is possible until proven otherwise. One scientist I saw in a documentary on SBS tried to describe parallel universes as being like slices of bread in a loaf. He was quite serious! He had difficulty trying to explain the higher dimensions.

One day, someone might come along and tell us that we've got it all wrong and give us a nice simple explanation that we can all comprehend, but I'm not holding my breath!

And if one day someone manages to create a simple life form in the lab from basic inorganic building blocks, many of us, myself included, will have to seriously rethink our ideas. So far, no one has come even close. We can synthesize amino acids etc. but joining them up to create even the simplest living structure, like we're asked to believe happened spontaneously in some ancient turbulent pond, is still way out of reach. However, if that day ever comes, I think we will be in for some ructions!!! I wonder how the Muslims will react?
I love it when atheists denounce the concept of God by picking selected verses from the Old Testament.
One day, someone might come along and tell us that we've got it all wrong and give us a nice simple explanation that we can all comprehend, but I'm not holding my breath!

All the masters say there is no nice simple explanation that will appeal to the mind, only the nice simple experience of Truth, which is actually a "non-experience" since there is no individual left to experience it, only Truth experiencing itself. All questions cease at that point, everything is revealed as 'perfection' and in no need of change.... including evil, pain, suffering and death.

The Bible is not a great spiritual book imo. Too hard to decipher and too much rubbish mixed in. If it had been written by Jesus it would be worth something. But there are many other teachers (past and living) who have attained the ultimate and written about it. Be aware that if a teaching makes perfect sense to the conscious mind that it is likely to be false and relative.

Really great Q and A in this free download, recognized as one of the best spiritual book of all time.
I love it when atheists denounce the concept of God by picking selected verses from the Old Testament.

Oh please ... I was not denouncing a deity. I was merely pointing out that the Good Book is full of contradictions.

Also a great way to get rid of Godbothers is to answer the door in a smoking jacket and ask them inside to discuss ecumenical matters.
Aaaaaarrrrggggghhh!!!! .... Gringott, you're doing my head in again!!!

The Bible is not a great spiritual book imo. Too hard to decipher and too much rubbish mixed in. If it had been written by Jesus it would be worth something.
I'll probably be struck down by a bolt of lightning for saying this, but I'm inclined to agree with you ... most certainly the last bit. I remember as a kid in church, when the minister read from the old King James Bible, I had not the foggiest idea what he was talking about most of the time. It (like Shakespeare) was a foreign language to me.

When I later got a copy of the New English Bible, I discovered that what Jesus taught in the New Testament was both excellent and brilliant!

Be aware that if a teaching makes perfect sense to the conscious mind that it is likely to be false and relative.
You're doing it to me again!!!

Oh please ... I was not denouncing a deity. I was merely pointing out that the Good Book is full of contradictions.
Soooo your God is happy for me to kill the children of my enemies by dashing their brains out on a rock? Good day to you Sir !
That sounded a bit like a denunciation, albeit a subtle one, to me.

Must confess I don't take much notice of the Old Testament because I'm not a Jew.

I have a better way of getting rid of "Godbotherers" as you like to call them. I have a BIG sign on my front door with a giant NO and then a long list ... salesmen, conmen, missionaries, etc.

I often hear them coming up the drive to the front door chatting to each other, then there's a long pause while they read my sign, then I hear them walking silently away down the drive. People tend to think I'm a bit of an anti-social old grouch when they see it but it works beautifully! Which reminds me ... I think it's time I printed a new one and added Halloweeners to the list.
No need. They only come on one day of the year. You can be out for the day, or just pretend!
That's what I usually do but it's annoying having to sit in the dark in total silence while the little terrors rage up and down the street outside threatening to trash peoples houses unless they're given buckets of lollies.
Must confess I don't take much notice of the Old Testament because I'm not a Jew.
Jesus was (a Jew), but that's okay because I'm sure he won't hold that against you.

No need.
They only come on one day of the year.
You can be out for the day, or just pretend!

Yes - out trick or treating with the rest of them! (i.e. "Do unto others before they do unto you!")
Yes - out trick or treating with the rest of them! (i.e. "Do unto others before they do unto you!")
I thought of dressing up as the Grim Reaper and standing out the front with a huge scythe. I wonder if that would work?
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