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So how does something come from nothing?
How did matter appear in a non eternal world without someone outside of time creating it?
1) easy. If God is eternal he exists outside of time. Anything that is not eternal requires a cause. Anything that is eternal clearly does not (by definition).
You're proud of this response are you? If you posit that life can't come non-life then how did your eternal magician make it happen?2) ok - Creator
Like I said, it makes no difference since it does not make the case for a sky God but you just can't seem to grasp that point.3) lol so there is an absence. Actually there is not one single scientific example
Well that accurately sums up the your case for religious belief. Keep your intellect buried in the religious sand so you can keep your head in the clouds and remain a slave to religious mythology.4) BS
Ok I get what is going on here. There is a lot of piss being taken.
The atheist theory relies on something sprining into being from nothing (i.e. without being created). The Universe it not eternal so it couldn't have always existed. How did it get into being?
Then I'm answered that there is no such thing as nothing, or how did God do it?
Once again you have demonstrated that you don't understand what atheism is or what atheists do and don't believe but instead attack your straw man caricature of atheism. It's so typical of the religious to cast the hated atheism in a mold they can then criticise, just intelletual dishonesty and religious arrogance really.The atheist theory relies on something sprining into being from nothing (i.e. without being created). The Universe it not eternal so it couldn't have always existed. How did it get into being? Then I'm answered that there is no such thing as nothing, or how did God do it?
Thoughtful logic and reason have not been a feature of your argumentation here so you have form asserting this. Your little misdirection attack on evolution fools nobody here, you have made no compelling arguments for the existence of any God let alone a Christian one, just the some old and tired creationist playbook.No place for logic in this thread obviously, you guys just tyring to have a laugh and wind me up with those answers.
Yet more dismissive arrogance from a religious drone. This calls to mind something I read recently here...You are not seeking the truth.
Ok I get what is going on here. There is a lot of piss being taken.
The atheist theory relies on something sprining into being from nothing (i.e. without being created). The Universe it not eternal so it couldn't have always existed. How did it get into being?
Then I'm answered that there is no such thing as nothing, or how did God do it?
No place for logic in this thread obviously, you guys just tyring to have a laugh and wind me up with those answers.
I'm not going to bother. You are not seeking the truth.
I'm outta here. Catchya on the trading threads guys and girls!
Ok I get what is going on here. There is a lot of piss being taken.
The atheist theory relies on something sprining into being from nothing (i.e. without being created). The Universe it not eternal so it couldn't have always existed. How did it get into being?
Then I'm answered that there is no such thing as nothing, or how did God do it?
No place for logic in this thread obviously, you guys just tyring to have a laugh and wind me up with those answers.
I'm not going to bother. You are not seeking the truth.
I'm outta here. Catchya on the trading threads guys and girls!
But you've only ever studied Christianity, none of the other religions. Not only that but you have a very literal and rigid interpretation of Jesus' teachings. I offered an alternative view of Christianity in the work of Bernadette Roberts, which you would not even look at. What are you afraid of? That God will punish you for questioning him? I think there's a huge amount of fear lurking beneath the surface.
Say I read Darvas' book as my one and only trading book. I proclaim Darvas box theory is IT and therefore every other approach to trading is wrong. Good move? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I'd want to do some comparisons, read much more widely, see how other people are approaching their trading and how successful they are at it. If my Darvas box trading was spectacularly successful, there will be no impetus to look elsewhere. Maybe that's where you're at now with your Christian faith - things are rosy in your world and there's no need to question anything. IVA up 70% and all is well.
But it only takes a moment's reflection to see that the world is far from a pleasant experience for many millions of people, including devout Christians. Do you ever ask yourself the hard questions?
I'll reply this this particular post.
I've only ever studied Christianity have I? I've never studied alternative views? Thanks for making this untrue assumption.
Quite to the contrary. In fact I've spent many hours on YouTube listening to atheists and evolutionists talk. I've studied many religions and philosophies. In fact I believe God ENCOURAGES us to ask questions and explore truth. Just because I'm led to one conclusion doesn't mean I've not considered a wide range of world views.
By the way IVA is up 85% get it right lol
Commendable, but hopefully in the process you will focus just on the provision of food and not use the opportunity to spread religious propaganda to the poor and destitute.And the world is a harsh place for many. I run a feeding the homeless program once a month on a Saturday morning. I'm also heading to the slums of India in late November this year. Will be a big eye opener.
Presumably, you're referring to a Christian God and the principles jealousy, slavery, genocide, subjugation of women, hatred of gays etc. as expressed in the Old Testament as well as the ten commandments.More than anything this shows the consequences of a world that has rejected God and His principles for how to live life!
Oh my, atheists don't care if people are starving, such are the musings of a religious fool. There is no accountability in Christendom, just ask for forgiveness whatever the sin and it's forgiven. Do you actually think before tapping out such trash on your keyboard?Without God we are free to live as we want with no accountability other than that we give ourselves, which may well be zero. And apparently if two thirds of the world is starving well tough....
Presumably, you're referring to a Christian God and the principles jealousy, slavery, genocide, subjugation of women, hatred of gays etc. as expressed in the Old Testament as well as the ten commandments.
1) If a virus has deposited DNA into us, the DNA has not been created. It already exists. It’s added it’s own DNA to our DNA. It isn’t new DNA. It’s not evolution. It's a mix up of the genes. We are not building any new DNA. It is old DNA mixed, no manufacturing of new DNA.
So where did the FIRST living thing get it’s DNA from?
In the virus example its simply using the same materials to make different structures. Just like the a builder uses the same materials to build different buildings.
On a bit of a different point: In terms of any similarities between us and a virus, well there are similarities between a Boeing 747, Ferrari and a bicycle. That’s where it ends. All it shows that it came from one mind. One designer. God.
We have genetics similar to a virus so we come from a virus. We have genetics similar to a banana too, did a banana it impregnate a woman?
So I ask the same question. Give me an example of NEW genetic information being created. Not existing information being mixed!!
2) Also this is not science. It is not observable. How it came into being has not been observed. An assumption has been made, a leap of faith. Just like a cup of coffee is on a table, we can only observe that it is there. Once we make assumptions about how it got there, then it is philosophical reasoning and not science.
The New Testament was designed as a replacement text for the Old (outdated) Testament. There's nothing about jealousy, slavery, genocide, subjugation of women, hatred of gays in the 10 commandments.
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