This is an incredibly ignorant statement.
You haven't acknowledged the scientific evidence that points to creation.
You haven't considered the historical evidence to determine if events in certain documents are factual.
You haven't acknowledged philosophical reasoning which supports creationism.
The ironic thing is you probably just accept evolution as fact. Whereas evidence (or a lack of) points to it as the biggest bunch of mumbo jumbo ever.
I don't mind people discussing opinions. I enjoy it. But the above blanket statements and ignorant generalizations show that you have not even touched the surface.
Quite scary...
FX, the thing about religions is that you have to be prepared to dig really, really deeply to find any glimmer of truth. If 99% of modern religion is useless rubbish, you have to get to the 1% that is gold. You haven't done that yet. It took me 10 years. I can now discern with great accuracy what's what. The greatest men throughout history knew what was going on when it came to the real root of religion. For example, Einstein, da Vinci and Plato were all deeply religious in their own way, but you're probably a tad smarter than those guys.
I agree, there is a glimmer of truth in religious texts but nothing that is not of human origin.
Good post. Especially the last sentence. Nice one.Actually I did dig deeply over many years and dug a huge hole at that. However, the gold I found (to use your metaphor) was fools gold. Your sarcastic insult aside, only a very small fraction of the scientific community today believe in a sky God of any description. The real "root" of religion is a desperate search for meaning, purpose and eternal existence that manifests itself in the creation of fantastic mythological stories and expressions that are not based on sound reasoning or verifiable evidence, just wishful thinking.
There is merit to contemplation, meditation and the desire to be a better human being but I do not consider this to be a religious pursuit but rather a path to a happier more fulfilling existence on terra firma. I agree, there is a glimmer of truth in religious texts but nothing that is not of human origin.
New York (CNN) -- Two more infants have contracted the herpes virus after undergoing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish type of circumcision, which has been linked to the spread of the potentially deadly virus to newborn boys, according to the New York City Health Department.
In the ritual, known as metzitzah b'peh, after removing the foreskin of the penis the person performing the procedure places his mouth briefly over the wound, sucking a small amount of blood out, which is discarded.
Antibacterial ointment is applied and the wound is bandaged. The health department says the procedure is dangerous because the contact with the mouth could transmit diseases such as herpes.
Most adults are infected with the herpes simplex virus type 1, and while they may have no symptoms, the virus may be present in their saliva, according to the health department. (It is different from herpes simplex virus type 2, which is usually transmitted sexually.)
"While HSV-1 in adults can cause the common cold sore, HSV-1 infection in newborns is very serious," a department statement says.
Since 2000, there have been 13 reports in New York City of infants contracting HSV-1, two of whom died from the virus. The health department reported that an estimated 20,493 infants in New York City were exposed to the practice in that period.
In the most recent case, the infant developed a fever seven days after circumcision and vesicular lesions the following day, according to a press release from the city health department. Seventy percent of neonatal herpes cases show lesions and only 40% produce a fever.
Great post Pavilion.
NO, THOU SHALT NOT KILL is a part of religion, and so is LOVE THY MOTHER AND FATHER, but you want to throw that in the bin for the future generations
Is there another thread about creation, evolution, etc.? If not I am happy to discuss opinions about that here but I thought I would check first.
Great post Pavilion.
NO, THOU SHALT NOT KILL is a part of religion, and so is LOVE THY MOTHER AND FATHER, but you want to throw that in the bin for the future generations
The Quran Distinguishes Muslims from Non-Muslims and Establishes a Hierarchy of Relative Worth
The only acceptable position of non-Muslims to Muslims is subjugation under Islamic rule:
- Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (9:29 Jizya is the money that non-Muslims must pay to their Muslim overlords in a pure Islamic state.)
The Quran Says that Allah does NOT Love Unbelievers
Allah only loves those who obey Muhammad (at least according to Muhammad, who provided the "narration"):
Instead of a god that loves the sinner, even while hating the sin, the wrath of Allah is placed squarely on the individual:
- Say: "Obey Allah and His Messenger": But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith. (3:32)
- Surely Allah does not love any one who is unfaithful, ungrateful. (22:38)
The Quran Says that Non-Muslims are Destined for Eternal Torture in Hell
The Quran Says that Non-Muslims are Destined for Eternal Torture in Hell
- And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers (3:85)
Golly, all should check out Deuteronomy and be shocked by the violence. No loving there. How can any modern person read that and still connect with traditional religion?The Bible also says ‘an eye for an eye’, and it contains many stories that condone and glorify killing people, slavery, and general barbarity towards humans.
Yeh, something evolved from pond slime and somehow programmed itself to develop over time into a human. Yep, I'm sold!
It also boggles the mind to think that sensible intelligent adults could believe in evolution.
A kid can tell you that something can't come from nothing. How ridiculous.
It also boggles the mind to think that sensible intelligent adults could believe in evolution.
A kid can tell you that something can't come from nothing. How ridiculous.
Yeh, something evolved from pond slime and somehow programmed itself to develop over time into a human. Yep, I'm sold!
Natural selection of course ( losing genetic information). But macro evolution (the complete opposite of gaining genetic information) = no evidence.
Isn't science supposed to be something that is observable and repeatable? Evolution is a philosophy which even Darwin said would be in serious question if the cell was found to be irreducible complex like it is today. In this day and age Darwin's THEORY would not have got off the ground.
Are you people INSANE!
I hope you don't trade like you reason about this stuff!!!
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