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Religion IS crazy!

Its just a matter of time before police are too late.

Three UK men found guilty of terror plot

Dealing with nutters...
Even trying to trade up the funds...

Sounds like a movie script.

At least they don't smash and burn half the city to show their feelings.

I can't remember the last time that -
  • A Christian beheaded someone over entering their land (like in Iraq/Afghanistan)?
  • Killed someone over a Youtube video mocking Jesus?
  • Went on massive global riots over a satirical Jesus video?
  • Christians went on a rampage in Sydney and had run-ins with the police over a stupid video?

Muslims on the other hand....
Looks like Egypt is heading back to the dark ages...

Egypt unleashes Islamic morality police force
I thought that the only other person who read what I post (in this thread) was pixel?

It's all amazing stuff really. Just astonishing that humans still deal in and peddle this trollop as moral guidance.


To this I add, force them to watch the Fox News channel every day and don't allow unsupervised internet access and no access to youtube.
Alleged blasphemy: Mob burns scores of Christian homes in Lahore
I thought that the only other person who read what I post (in this thread) was pixel?

Are you kidding? This is my favorite off topic thread!

"Sanaullah added that all those whose property had been damaged will be compensated within five days."

yeah, that'll make them happier and love their Muslim neighbours again. After all, Love and Forgiveness are Christian virtues - right? WRONG! Offering the other cheek is only effective where your antagonist's character still maintains a modicum of civility and decency. As I've said before: Tolerance stops being effective when your enemy is using it against you.

Mind you, I can't offer a solution how to deal with mob violence, which is supported by corrupt regimes in most "Islamic" countries. They're not interested in joining civilised humanity: their religious leaders want global power and their political leaders want personal wealth, so they can live in luxury and not have to wait till the afterlife for their 100 virgins. Confrontation with other countries doesn't scare them because their Dollars will make them welcome anywhere.
Cheers CanOz.

I'll keep posting (even though l've said l'll stop numerous times).

I also like this thread. It provides great ammunition for my frequent late night arguments with friends while enjoying a few reds.
Seems to be more and more anti Islam sentiment in the general community now. Although I definitely do not support any alternative religious point of view, I think a stronger nationalistic approach is appropriate right now. Lets hope we do not allow our country to go down the UK and French path where English people are afraid to walk around their own streets or be stuck in an area wanting to install foreign religious based laws.

I think you are right kennas.

The biggest line I hear is;

a) You are a racist
b) You are bigot

Neither of which I am.
Religion grows from poverty and by support from Regimes wanting control.

The Muslim problem is gaining strength because most are living in abject poverty. If proper education was encouraged and financed by western nations, to the tune of defense spending, much of today's problems would go away.

Most will know I think of myself as an atheist. However I believe in a collective spirit and that the fundamental ethics from good religion is needed for the peace of the overall community. Human habit is not something we can just change like that and succeed. In framing an objective I was taught that "it has to be achievable"

So what we do need to focus on is education more than any other thing or subject. The truth of science taken up by the young is the answer. I have so much to say on this topic but not the time right now.
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