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Religion IS crazy!

“Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy
The road to renewal

What a great article. Brilliant!

A must read.

Scroll down to the "By the book" heading.

What a great article. Brilliant!

A must read.

Scroll down to the "By the book" heading.
I didn't get to any 'by the book' heading but the stats regarding evolution should be condemning to Muslims. Unless the 8% in Egypt responded to a different question. But, geesh.
Crazy. And people do listen when preachers talk....

Can't remember if l've posted this.

View attachment 50923

Last few pages.

Danny, I didn't read the whole thing, but these sort of sickos use religion as a cover. Genuine religious people are usually both trusting and forgiving. Both of these traits are just what an offender wants - the trust part allows him/her to carry on longer until detected and the forgiveness is useful to him/her in hoping they won't take it to the police.

Sadly, these creeps tend to tar everyone with the same brush even though the majority of religious people are not that way inclined.
A rousing conclusion to a troubling article related to the now ex-Pope:

And now behold the harvest of this long campaign of obfuscation. The Roman Catholic Church is headed by a mediocre Bavarian bureaucrat once tasked with the concealment of the foulest iniquity, whose ineptitude in that job now shows him to us as a man personally and professionally responsible for enabling a filthy wave of crime. Ratzinger himself may be banal, but his whole career has the stench of evil – a clinging and systematic evil that is beyond the power of exorcism to dispel. What is needed is not medieval incantation but the application of justice – and speedily at that.

Read more:

That's crazy.


I enjoyed the movie The Omen, and I watched The Exorcist, although, both scared the crap out of me. The scene when Linda Blair's head did the full 360 was truly amazing cinema. Yes, it was cinema. No one in their modern right mind believes in 'possession', nor Satan incarnate. These people have mental disorders. We modern humans understand this. Don't we?

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Great post Knobby, hope you dont mind me bringing it forward
I could add a few more to that list.........


Its just a matter of time before police are too late.

Three UK men found guilty of terror plot
Yes dutchie, troubling. I'm concerned where all this is going. I think it's a minority of Muslims that are really nuts with the majority just less nuts, but eventually, if the attacks keep coming, we will probably hold them all to account for not stopping their really nuts. Good Muslims need to stop all this.
As sad as it is to say, it'll happen here, just a matter of time. And the kicker, they might even get away with it.
As sad as it is to say, it'll happen here, just a matter of time. And the kicker, they might even get away with it.

I have been saying it for months and months, it is a world wide plot to infitrate the Western World and the illegal boat people are 100% Muslim. We will be in for hell in the next 20 to 30 years. They want world domination and this is the way they will do it.

They are already creating havic in poor third world countries by genecide cleansing. If you are a Christian or a infidel, you must be illiminated and this what they are teaching the Muslim kids 5 times a day in their own schools in Australia, so work it out for your selves.

Thank God I won't be around to see it happen. BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID!!!!!

A massive Muslim bomb plot bigger than the underground rail disaster is uncovered in London.
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