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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Clergymen must be seriously conflicted people.
What does all the Catholic rubbish do to mens minds?

It warps their minds Wayne, that's what it does. It makes them incapable of sound and intelligent judgement in some (not all) matters.
We wonder why so many Catholic priests run off the rails....hell - I'd damn near run off the rails myself if my natural attraction to the opposite sex was thwarted, frowned upon, regarded as sinful, or forbidden. What normal man (or woman) is going to voluntarily commit to a life of celibacy, is going to allow him/herself to be dictated to by a bunch of clowns who forbid them to ever marry and have a family.
Is it any wonder that people who are brainwashed at an early age into becoming Catholic priests, find out sooner or later that's it's virtually impossible to control their natural sexual urges.

I had to smile at the reaction of some of the male and female parishoners who were asked by a TV reporter what they thought about the revelation that their Catholic priest was involved in a torrid affair with one of the women of their congregation.
Most of them answered along the lines of "Well, thank God he's normal....better for him to have an affair with a woman than to molest the altar boys!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Whatever one thinks of religeon one must keep an opem mind admit that the science we rely upon when it comes to combating religeon is lunacy.

I did an indonesian martial art for years and still try to from time to time, anyway the things that some of the gurus could do, scientists/people say is impossible. thinks I saw felt and witnessed, Science would tell you is not possible , yet these things were done.

Sure one can take religeon perhaps to far when it comes to injuring others, but the really interesting thing when dicussing religeon is the complete lack of faith people who claim to not believe actually have in their stance.

Event the athiests in the quietness of their own invironment at times pray, will they tell you, no, becasue it defeats the position they hold and they are too scared to admit their true position.

The simple fact is, people don't want to believe in religeon mostly to justify their own lack of moral/ethical behaviour, not because they don't have some sort of belief in the divine.

In fact besides some crazy extremist relgeous people the people I most love to engage in "philosphy" are those who don't believe becasue they are the easiest to defeat

Some people will try and find all sorts of ways to deny the divine but when confronted with the spectre of very real and obvious miracles, they do everything they can to avoid the outcome of thier reasoning and resort to the incredible to explain away the obvious, when the first position they take is to try and use reason to justify their beliefs.

For those that don't believe, what a sad life they live, they don't believe, yet they don't have the guts to live life according to their own belief structure, meaning that their is no right and wrong hence their is nothing wrong with anything, Their is nothing wrong with killing, their is nothing wrong with stealing and all that sort of stuff.

Imagine bringing children into this world and a parent having a personal belief of an athiest yet then not teaching the child that it is fine to steal and cheat, which is only wrong if their is a moral code from above rather than a code imposed by a gorup of people for no good reason other than control.

Humans we are a strange.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Bunyip your claim is foolish, you make a claim without invesitigation, whether we wish to believe catholic position is right or wrong does not come into the question. The simple fact is that sexual abuse by clergy in the catholic church is substantailly lower on a per capita basis than the rest of society, and it is a further fact that sexual abuse is higher amongst the protestant type churches who allow their ministers to marry than the catholic church.

Are you aware that 80-90% of sexual abuse by catholic clergy was on males, this is very good for analysis becasue in the catholic church they only allow male clergy. So we can say that those people with a homosexual persuasion are way more likely to abuse those under the age of consent. Not only that but in general society homosexuals make up some where between 1-3% of the population according to studies done.

The number of males under the age of consent sexually abused is greater than 5% in society, with the figures generally believed to be between 10-20%.
Funny isn't it, at least 5-10% of young males are sexually abused by males who make up less than 3% of the population.

Have a think about those figures and you will realise that it means that it is extremely likely that homosexuals WILL sexually abuse young males.

Look at the way society is now promoting the homosexual movement and when you relaise that whilst not all homosexuals will abuse young males, it is extremely likely that they will.

The catholic Church, indeed any church or religeous groups deserves to be critisized for its members/clergy failings, but we as people do anything to justify our opinions rather than look into the real truth.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Look at the way society is now promoting the homosexual movement and when you relaise that whilst not all homosexuals will abuse young males, it is extremely likely that they will.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

I am still LMFAO!

And confused.

But I'm praying!!!

I'm praying to that big teapot!!

And, try writing your posts in Word first and do a spell check.

Good luck!
Re: Religion gone crazy!


You have two concepts confused.

You do not need to have religion to have a sense of morals.

A belief in a greater being(s) or simply the admission that more happens in the universe than you or anyone else can understand is fine. It does not require you to live according to a book or set of rules imparted by someone else who had no more idea than you. Their imaginary friend is not better than yours.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

You do not need to have religion to have a sense of morals.

You don't, but it does help by establishing guidelines and setting boundaries. The fact that some religious people overstep them or overemphasise them doesn't alter the guidelines or the boundaries. Is there a better set of guidelines than those set with the ten commandants?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

1. I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods before me
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
5. Honor your father and mother
6. You shall not murder*
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
10.You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

1-4 completely irrelevant
5 A little more respect here would not go astray in society
6,8,9 Covered by criminal law but still good ideas
7 Covered within marriage vows
10 The full commandment is commonly shortened. Originally it was fine to enslave people just not covet other's slaves.

Sorry Nioka a sensible upbringing by parents and a reasonable eduction system will add a lot more to a person than half of that rubbish.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

10.You shall not covet your neighbour’s house; you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

Is that for real Surly? Cripes, I haven't seen the extended version before.

I'm going to hell, I'm quite fond of my neighbours donkey.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I thought if you were Catholic you could pretty much do what you liked and then just vist your local Priest, confess your sins, a few Hail Mary's and away you go. (seemed to work for the God fearing members of Mafia).
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Perhaps. It's called Common Law.
That's right but remember, because our law is based on christian principles, it is based on several of the ten commandments.
Who preaches common law so that it is clearly understood by the young? It seems to be preached in the home more by christian families than by those non christian.
I'll admit that is a generalisation. From my experience in a life that has seen many sides of life I have found it to be fact.
If we only rely on the law to establish rules we will soon become a police state.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

What utter bull****!!

Being an atheist does NOT mean having no morals. And I would add that if you rely on a higher authority for your morals then you are only 'doing the right thing' because you fear retribution not because you truly believe it's the right thing to do. As an atheist I would find it very offensive if someone accused me of having no morals.

Nioka, I would say that the Golden Rule covers just about everything of importance in the 10 commandments and that was around long before Christianity came on the scene. In fact, a strong case could be made that a moral code was incorporated into religion rather than religion being the source of it.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

In fact, a strong case could be made that a moral code was incorporated into religion rather than religion being the source of it.
I think that's a given bassmanpete.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

There's some strange things that religion makes people do.

Like praying, for example.....

Hehe. I wonder, did Il Papa pray for a greener, better start to the trading week?

Looks like the bears have unexpectedly and suddenly gone into hibernation.... :hide:

Re: Religion gone crazy!

I think that's a given bassmanpete.

Not according to the religious - they won't give you anything unless there are brownie points to gained with the big daddy in the sky.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Hehe. I wonder, did Il Papa pray for a greener, better start to the trading week?

Looks like the bears have unexpectedly and suddenly gone into hibernation.... :hide:

No. They've just taken over the coal stocks.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I completely disagree that religion is a prerequisite for having a decent moral compass.

One saying, which I think comes from the Bible, though, is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Pretty much covers most things really.

I don't care if people want to go to a church, sing songs, pray, chant, etc, (even taking communion which seems pretty silly to me). But I do object when those people tell me I am missing out, living an immoral existence, or otherwise failing to appreciate the reality of life, if I don't want to do the same.

And to those ghastly people who so persistently come knocking at the door, especially when they trail little kids with them, I'd suggest they spend their time more constructively. Might just 'accidentally' let the dog out next time I see them coming.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Not according to the religious - they won't give you anything unless there are brownie points to gained with the big daddy in the sky.
What a lot of rot. That is a statement without much thought. WHO run most of the charities with VOLUNTEER help, is it ST.Vincents, The Salvos etc. Our local op shop, where the proceeds are gifted to the needy (and they don't have to be christians). I think it is run by a group which is multi denomination.The reason I'm not sure is because they don't push the point. Most of the workers are there to help the needy and are not asking for anything more than to feel as though they are helping someone.
Go and help the salvos sometime it will be a learning experience that will make you a better person. To help them you may have to go to the front line in a war, a fire tragedy, a flood disaster, out in the cold to feed the homeless, or something just as inconvenient.
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