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Religion IS crazy!

Sean K

21 April 2006
There's some strange things that religion makes people do.

Like praying, for example. :confused:

Then, there's some things that are good. Like providing shelter and food. (often free of charge, but usually you are persuaded to accept JC as the main man!)

Then, there are some really damn crazy things that religion can take some responsibility for. (the inquisition and suicide bombing comes to mind)

I think this is a bit crazy:

Rabbi accused of torturing children

BRAZILIAN police and Interpol have arrested a fugitive rabbi wanted in his native Israel on charges of torturing children in exorcism rites.

And, I have the feeling that this is just the tip of the iceburg for what people may uncover about:

religion gone crazy!! :eek:
Re: Religion gone crazy!


this one will envoke some heated debate, no doubt..

religion is a perosnal thing, each to their own.. the religion issue is really a concept that can be taken to extremes, and has been.. but imho the basis of what all religions is designed to do is fundamentally for the good..
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yes could. :)

I'm sort of more interested in the crazy stuff at the moment, because there have been some absolutely incredible things that religion has been the foundation of.

Over the past couple of years I've been researching the history of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, and boy oh boy, some of the things these cultures did to appease the Gods is mind boggling!!!

We can get on to the more modern things like witch burning later...
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yes could. :)

I'm sort of more interested in the crazy stuff at the moment, because there have been some absolutely incredible things that religion has been the foundation of.

Over the past couple of years I've been researching the history of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, and boy oh boy, some of the things these cultures did to appease the Gods is mind boggling!!!

We can get on to the more modern things like witch burning later...
LOL! Apocalypto.
IMO religion has always been crazy. What's worse is using religion as an excuse/reason.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

What's worse is using religion as an excuse/reason.
Yep, but I didn't really expect this to get into a philosophical discussion so soon. I want to hear all the CRAZY stuff!!! LOL :)

Circumcision based on religious grounds is a good modern day one. WTF!!!

I am sure at one point there was a cultural reason for it based on personal hygeine, but today? Or, maybe the chicks just think it looks better so little baby boys have to snip snip! :confused:
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yep, but I didn't really expect this to get into a philosophical discussion so soon. I want to hear all the CRAZY stuff!!! LOL :)

Circumcision based on religious grounds is a good modern day one. WTF!!!

I am sure at one point there was a cultural reason for it based on personal hygeine, but today? Or, maybe the chicks just think it looks better so little baby boys have to snip snip! :confused:

Kennas ,

Looks like there are other reasons for circumcision.

Australian researchers say they have unlocked the key to blocking HIV infection in men in a breakthrough which could arrest the global AIDS epidemic.

The ground-breaking study uses the female hormone, oestrogen, to create a "living condom" in men, shielding them from the virus.

The development is being touted as a critical step in reducing sexually transmitted HIV, particularly in uncircumcised men, who are more at risk of infection.

University of Melbourne researchers Dr Andrew Pask and Professor Roger Short said their discovery had the potential to cut the spread of HIV in half.

And the research underpinning their work could spark calls for a revival of circumcision.

Dr Pask and Prof Short have discovered that by applying oestrogen to the vulnerable inner foreskin they can boost the body's natural defences against HIV.

The oestrogen cream, Oestriol, works by quadrupling the thin layer of keratin, a defensive protein, in the skin.

"By using keratin we can increase the body's natural defence ... and then the virus can't physically inject itself through that barrier to infect the cells underneath," Dr Pask said.

Circumcision provides up to 80 per cent protection from HIV and oestrogen would fill the gap, he said.

In uncircumcised men it is a living barrier against HIV.

"It's not a contraception ... but it is a living condom and a perfect protection against HIV," Prof Short said.

Forty million people have HIV worldwide.

Every year there are five million new infections and three million people die.

The treatment, details of which appeared in the medical journal, PLoS ONE, published by the Public Library of Science, has worked in laboratory tests and will undergo clinical trials in Africa, the epicentre of the AIDS epidemic.

"Mathematical models would predict that within say 50 or 60 years that the level of HIV in the world would be significantly reduced as an effect of this," Dr Pask said.

"The studies that they've shown on circumcision showed that within 50 to 60 years it would be less than half of what we have now, so it is a massive reduction.

"And then of course it would continue to drop exponentially from there until hopefully, if everybody in the world was to be circumcised or was to use the treatment, then eventually the epidemic would just completely disappear."

Dr Pask said it was a simple, cheap and effective guard against HIV that could be applied once a week in cultures where circumcision and safe sex were not practised.

But it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Oestrogen is currently used to treat prolapse in woman and in small, external doses would have virtually no side effects in men.

It could eventually have applications in condoms and lubricants.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I like this quote:

Good men will do good, bad men will do bad... but for a good man to do bad things; that takes religion.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Here is a site that always amuses me - the Bible illustrated using lego figures. It is quite comprehensive.

For some explanations of some of the really CRAZY things in the bible have a look at the Law section. It makes it clear when it is acceptable to stone the whole family, or just your children, how to deal with menstrual cycle, male genital injuries and what it means for you, campsite defecation, how long to hang someone and much much more. Its all there, take your time.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yep, but I didn't really expect this to get into a philosophical discussion so soon. I want to hear all the CRAZY stuff!!! LOL :)
Is spending Sunday morning in church up there?
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Not sure if you could say this is a result of religion, perhaps just tradition, but the 2 meld don't they?

Chinese foot binding would be one of the strangest customs I've heard about.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yes could. :)

Over the past couple of years I've been researching the history of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, and boy oh boy, some of the things these cultures did to appease the Gods is mind boggling!!!

Your research would of pointed out that more human sacrifice was made in times of famine. This having the effect of reducing the population and feeding the poor the sacrificed (cannabilism being its own crazyness).

Selling human sacrifice to the populace would require a certain level of religious belief. Gods demand it versus an elegant but ugly solution to a food shortage?

Re: Religion gone crazy!

religion does provide a convenient justification for the unhinged because you can't deny the word of god. in the case of individuals like jim jones or david koresh or the russian guy in the cave last month, they inhabit their own little world and draw in a lot of weaker people who look to latch onto strong or focused people. they go set up compounds and their own little society where they invariably get to have sex with all of the women, and then eventually take everyone out in a blaze of glory when their own personal doomsday arrives.

and that lego bible site is great :)
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Did somebody mention female genitals mutilation and old fashioned meat preparation to make it suitable for certain humans consumption and thank God Christians no longer burn witches alive.

I think all religions could move on with the times and modify old customs.
But I would not like to get into trouble like BB got in France
Re: Religion gone crazy!

I think it's just humans that are crazy, religion is just the excuse for the more bizarr things.

AS the old English saying goes: "There's nought as queer as folk".

But look at the way we dress in secular society in certain situations. When you think about it, WTF?

1/ Womens fashion! WTF?


2/ Mens business attire. A uncomfortable and impractical suit... and what's with tying a piece of coloured rag tightly around your neck????????

3/ Jewellery. Very strange when you think about it.

4/ Tattoos, piercings and other cosmetic body mutilation. WTF?

5/ Hair styles. Huh?

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Good point, it doesn't need religion to be crazy.

Goths, 4WD, present house prices, people who buy dogs to fight, cockfighting, Big Brother, media shows that just talk about celebrities, President Bush being re-elected, guns being sold in Walmart in the USA, Australians trying to save the whale while we have the highest yearly extinction rate of any country, artists saying that there should be a special tax because art drives the country, most people believing we never landed on the moon, St Kilda council hiring a clairvoyant, every second article you read in the newspaper, Woody Allen, highest suicide rate in history at present, high drug taking by youth, government of Burma refusing aid, Pol Pot and the Kmer Rouge, tribal warfare in Africa, people who blame everything on religion...the list is endless.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

... been researching the history of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, and boy oh boy, some of the things these cultures did to appease the Gods ..!!!
this comic came to mind...

the text reads ..."Ha, and YOU were worried they wouldn't like Americans. ... why these people just lit up when I explained we were Virginians!" :eek:


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Re: Religion gone crazy!

Thanks Knobby22 for your reply. I am a Christian and you said clearly what I believe. People are screwed up. Some people wrongfully use religion to their own screwed up ends, and some choose other paths. This perhaps shows that it isn't religion per se that is wrong, but us, me included.

Interestingly, Jesus himself is one of the biggest critics of the religion of his people and his time.
Re: Religion gone crazy!




reminds me of a thing i heard about goths, a tshirt that says

i wish my lawn was a goth, then it would cut itself.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Religion is needed for most people to cope with life. It was created over time to maintain peace and control over the populace. Schivelry has the same function and socially the same psychological effect.

In old England 2 knights in shining armour could control thousands by their mere presence. The soldier represents the crown to which from the cradle they were conditioned to be loyal.

I grew up a devout Catholic, was going to be a priest at one early stage and became quite a scholar of metaphysics. In later life at university my early grounding gave me the insight into the bigger picture of and how religion evolved.

To cut a long story short, religion is a mechanism of control to manitain the status quo and a con.