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Religion IS crazy!

Now this is absurd!

Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said he would not block the bid by Mr Wilders, despite condemning his views as "offensive".

Interesting if Chris Bowen did see what this ‘offender’ says :

First comment is taking bit of pi... out of the airbrushed catalogue, hope comment not enough to have nasty be – head posters with angry owners attached to them.

Clearly they can't show women in Saudi, unless they are properly wrapped in black, labelled and flat-packed ready for delivery to their new husbands! Male order???

I wonder which cave Chris Bowen lives in? Perhaps he is quite happy to sit back an watch the Islamification of Europe - which will inevitably be followed by that of Australia. To whom are Geert Wilders' writings offensive? I have read a number of his speeches and there is nothing offensive in them - except perhaps to the radical Muslims who would seek to impose their narrow views on the whole world. On the contrary, Mr Wilders speaks rationally, with vision and a lot of common sense. We should listen to him. It is Bowen who is ignorant, not Geert Wilders!

For some twisted reason we are expected to accept that the preaching of hatred by some radical muslims is not offensive; but to speak out against that very thing, is.


Looks like he has postponed his visit
Anti-Islam Dutch MP postpones visit on the day Australian Government says it won't block visa

From that article...

Hold on, who is the extremist here????

Senator Avella "offended" at Muslim Parade NYC, walks off stage...

After watching that, l really hope that speeches like this don't appear here in Australia. Martyr's and what-not....
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The disappointing thing about the guy who left the stage was that he did not feel free to say exactly what offended him. This is a creeping phenomena in official circles on this topic...that has been highlighted in this thread. NOt only do government leaders not feel free to speak up publicly about concerns..they dont want any one else to this dutch is frightening to think that our government considered barring HIS entry to the country...ffs!

Yet another narrow Religious thread...

Rather than get into this wholeheartedly, I'd like to say that Religion is not crazy, people are crazy... In the early days Religion was left to be interpreted by select wise men. Just like trading, if you give everyone the freedom to reason the scripts without guidance you will get the oddest and most rediculous theories.

Grain of salt...

the question for me remains - Why is it so hard to deny a higher power? Being absolutely rebelious and non-conformist would lead me to go against consensus, but not this time.
That's the issue though...

If it is that easy, Kannas, I'd say yours is offline... It is not an easy concept to tackle.

Of course it's not. Because it defies logic.
(and it's Kennas above.)

Plenty of threads on religion. Most of the ground has been well and truly covered.
Perhaps do a search for the other threads.
Of course it's not. Because it defies logic.
(and it's Kennas above.)

Plenty of threads on religion. Most of the ground has been well and truly covered.
Perhaps do a search for the other threads.

Sorry; what defies logic exactly?
That's a mighty big assumption. I'd say it was left to be interpreted to suit the ends of those in power at the time.

Pascal's wager?

Pascals Wager? No chance. Don't buy into that one.

Those in power at the time, depending on where you refer to, were religious figures.
Sorry; what defies logic exactly?

kennas continuing support for some dodgy oval ball playing team...
that defies logic imo, esp. as he seems pretty dead straight on everything else.

maybe u could make them win something, then we might listen after that miracle of miracles....that would defy logic n turn science on its head.
Just refining your position on the matter. Though I do agree to some extent; not all of the wise were men of power.

That's still the case - well ... sort of:
I'd put it like this, "Hardly any of today's men in power are wise."

Need proof? Just ask the Pope's private secretary; not to mention the Taliban, Saudis, et al - right down to sci-fi enthusiasts like Tom Cruise.
from Yahoo News (yeh i know!)... brackets [ ] are mine

Top neurosurgeon ‘spent six days in heaven’ during a coma

A top neurosurgeon claims to have ‘Proof of heaven’ after making a full recovery from a seven day coma that saw his neocortex inactivated.

Dr Eben Alexander, who teaches neuroscience at Harvard University among others, fell seriously ill after contracting a rare form of bacterial meningitis in 2008.

Within hours of developing a severe headache, Dr Alexander’s entire cortex””the section of the brain that controls thought and emotion ””had shut down. [which you can do with very deep meditation]

Though his chances of survival were low, he awoke from the coma seven days later and began describing an ‘other worldly experience’.

"I was in a place of clouds. Big, puffy, pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky," he wrote in an article for Newsweek.

He also goes on to describe "Flocks of transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer-like lines behind them." [as thousands of experienced meditators before him have also experienced]

While Dr Alexander admits his scientific expertise has made him skeptical of afterlife experiences, he claims the loss of function to his cortex makes his experiences unique. [unique to him]

"I’m not the first person to have discovered evidence that consciousness exists beyond the body," he said. [no jokes?!]

"I know full well how extraordinary, how frankly unbelievable, all this sounds."

"But as far as I know, no one before me has ever traveled to this dimension (a) while their cortex was completely shut down, and (b) while their body was under minute medical observation, as mine was for the full seven days of my coma."

Dr Alexander admits many still struggle to accept his story, particularly his medical colleagues [surprise, surprise]

His forthcoming book, "Proof of Heaven, A Neurosurgeon journey into the Afterlife" that aims to dispel the skepticism will be published by Simon & Schuster later this month. [should be a cracking read...NOT]
"I’m still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as much as I was before I had my experience,” he said. “But on a deep level I’m very different from the person I was before, because I’ve caught a glimpse of this emerging picture of reality."


He's basically come out as a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon, and told everyone he knows not even the basics of consciousness.
Top neurosurgeon ‘spent six days in heaven’ during a coma

No struggle with the story at all,

dreams are just like that;

and often ponder fairy tales just like this so as the mind can cope with the stress of it all.
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