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Religion IS crazy!

I grew up in the uniting church too.

I think that's partly why it took me so long to really open my eyes and start questioning this faith concept. Belieft for a reason is fine. Belief due to ffaith. Not so much.

Even in uni, when I was marching for the anti-vilification laws, one of the Uniting Church synod was there to say that the church supported our cause, so this gave me a very benign view of religion.

These days I am under no illusion that much of the religous hierarchy would prefer the simpler times of when literacy was the domain of the ruling elite and clergy. Far easier to keep the masses under control.

When the religous right looks back in history to the dark ages when the Church had nigh on absolute power, do they ever think about how little we achieved? A near thousand years where science was suppressed. You don't hear the religious viewng it as not the way to live, and I fear a lot of the extreme religous right are similar to the muslim extremists where they'd like the church and state to be pretty much the same thing again.

I can't see the word "wholesome" as being applicable to any of the cults.
I can't argue with the general decency and citizenship of the people involved in the Uniting church. I presume the Anglicans and Baptists are similar, they are the "middle of the road" Christians, unlike the Hillsongs or Catholics.

I believe the vast majority of people, regardless of creed, are good decent people, common decency is not something we should give credit to religion for.

To the point that religious folk maintain some form of common decency, they maintain it despite their religion, not because of it.

Even the Catholics and the hill songs would have a lot of good people as members, just like the local bowls club, bridge club or swimming club.
funny that he kids don't mention religion as the reason to not slap the girl.


I wouldn't say they are more forgiving, never forget how they acted when they truly had the power to do what they wanted. Christians have just been been stripped of their authority by secular society over the last couple of centuries, so the majority no longer feel entitled to attack unbelievers publicly, however when you talk to the Christian fundies, you do get a feeling that they long for the days when they could push secular society into the corner and dominate again.
funny that he kids don't mention religion as the reason to not slap the girl.


At the 2.40 mark one kid does mention Jesus as being the reason, It does make me wonder whether if we showed that kid some other bible versus, we could convince him to do some horrible things to her.

The other kids would not be so easily swayed by religious texts I think.


LOL, burglar!
Love it!

That aside: Hasn't the Pope himself recently acknowledged that Gays and Lesbians are humans too? They're even rumoured to have souls! What'll be the next revelation? :1zhelp:
Hasn't the Pope himself recently acknowledged that Gays and Lesbians are humans too? They're even rumoured to have souls! What'll be the next revelation? :1zhelp:

I know a few homosexual people, and yes they're human beings, in fact far better human beings than the many pedophile Catholic priests and the low down vermin higher up the ladder in the RCC who protect them.
I know a few homosexual people, and yes they're human beings, in fact far better human beings than the many pedophile Catholic priests and the low down vermin higher up the ladder in the RCC who protect them.

I don't know any pedophile catholic priests, but let's say they rank 0.1 and heteros are a 10, where would you put homosexual people?
I don't know any pedophile catholic priests, but let's say they rank 0.1 and heteros are a 10, where would you put homosexual people?

I’m not interested in rating anyone on a score of 1 to 10 – if they’re decent people of good character then they have my respect regardless of their sexuality.
I don't know any pedophile catholic priests, but let's say they rank 0.1 and heteros are a 10, where would you put homosexual people?

I’m not interested in rating anyone on a score of 1 to 10 – if they’re decent people of good character then they have my respect regardless of their sexuality.

Further to the above – I’d say that anyone who rates people 10 out of 10 because they’re heterosexual is extremely naïve. Saddam Hussein and Joseph Stalin were heterosexual, so was Al Capone.
I’m not interested in rating anyone on a score of 1 to 10 – if they’re decent people of good character then they have my respect regardless of their sexuality.

I was trying to draw you attention to your post, indeed implicitly grouping and decency rating one of greater standing, in your eyes, to another.

What of the homosexual priests who aren't overtly kiddy fiddlers; the priests who aren't kiddy fiddlers nor homosexuals, the hetrosexuals who are kiddy fiddlers (oxymoron), etc. etc. The permutations are vast and the abhorrence subjective amongst observing individuals; e.g. a Roman Catholic might not look on a paedophile priest with the same disgust as say you and I; in parts of the blind eyed Arab states and South East Asia male children are prey for otherwise pillars and purveyors of the faith.

I have known homosexuals who are not good character, not pleasant and would require adults around, when in proximity of children.

Pedophile priests prey on little kids who can't defend themselves. None of the homosexuals I personally know do that. And they're decent people as well. They therefore have my respect, whereas pedophiles do not, regardless of whether they're priests or otherwise.
Not all homosexuals are decent people, nor are all heteros.
So I say again, I respect decent people of good character - their sexuality is neither here nor there to me.
For the record, my wife and I have four kids and we've been married for more than thirty years. Neither of us has ever had any tendency towards homosexuality.
There was a time when I looked down my nose at homosexuals, but not any more. These days I realize that their sexuality is something they didn't choose, just as I didn't choose to be heterosexual - it just happened that way.
Religions will have more credibility when they start to think the same way, and stop condemning homosexuals for being what they didn't choose to be.
If a person is of decent character, then who cares whether he or she is more interested in blokes or sheilas.
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