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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

He may have a point

TV footage of one of the historic hotels in Kalgoorlie-Boulder that was badly damaged in the earthquake a few days back shows a sign out front proclaiming "skimpy barmaids" will be waitressing.

There you go. Scientific evidence that God exists. He must have smite the town of Kalgoorlie due to the skimpy waitresses. Perhaps He will smite Kings Cross next and rid us of the city's underbelly at the same time.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

There you go. Scientific evidence that God exists. He must have smite the town of Kalgoorlie due to the skimpy waitresses. Perhaps He will smite Kings Cross next and rid us of the city's underbelly at the same time.

That won't happen, John Ibrahim has God on the payroll too...
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Find it highly amusing that these religious zealots point the finger towards those countries that are earthquake prone, to being lax with the dress codes.

I`d really appreciate if someone could fill me in as to why for thousand of years Iran and Iraq have been earthquake central. Where are the skimpy clad women there?

And when my partner walks through the house in her birthday suit that`s when things really start to shake
Re: Religion gone crazy!

It appears there is going to be some scientific testing of the earthquake theory. In the US, 55,000 people have signed up for boobquake. The women whose idea it was said "I encourage other female sceptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts".

If you are religious, better avoid the US due to higher risk of earthquakes
Re: Religion gone crazy!

And here is the founder in her boobquake outfit:
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Let's Party Like it's 999.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Indeed... and it says something about the quality of priests when there is a call for more to join the priesthood and hanging on to many existing ones that should go, although this one is not the worst by any means to not be kicked out.

While the Church did not condone the bizarre service, he said it was standing by the priest in his time of need, though he would not be allowed to give mass until he was better.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Harry Potter???

Re: Religion gone crazy!

How to win friends and influence people!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Pakistan is going crazy!!

The Prophet was an illiterate skitzo desert warrior.

That comment alone puts me in the clink at best in Pakistan. At worst I get to be burried up to my neck and stoned to death by a mob of skitzo illiterate unemployed cave dwellers.

Get in to the 21st Century you imbeciles!!!!

Pakistani protesters warn pope over blasphemy laws
By Reza Sayah, CNN
January 15, 2011 -- Updated 1124 GMT (1924 HKT)

Rawalpindi, Pakistan (CNN) -- At a frenzied Friday rally in this garrison city outside of Islamabad, thousands warned Pope Benedict XVI to keep his nose out of the debate over Pakistan's blasphemy laws.

The demonstration came days after the Vatican called for Pakistan to repeal the controversial laws that say anyone who defiles the name of the Muslim prophet Mohammed should face the death penalty or life imprisonment.

"If you challenge the prophet, we will take revenge. It doesn't matter who does it," shouted a cleric on loudspeakers to thousands of cheering onlookers.

Pakistan's blasphemy laws came into sharp focus when a security guard allegedly killed his boss Salman Taseer, the governor of Pakistan's Punjab province, who criticize the laws.

Since the shooting, hardline religious groups have held demonstrations praising suspected killer Muhammad Mumtaz Qadri -- who Pakistan's Interior Minister says confessed to the killing -- calling him a hero and a defender of Islam.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

"If you challenge the prophet, we will take revenge. It doesn't matter who does it," shouted a cleric on loudspeakers to thousands of cheering onlookers.
Sounds familiar.
"Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?" = "Do you want Total War?" shouted Goebbels into the microphone. And thousands of mesmerised believers roared back "Yes! Sieg Heil!"
Can you imagine what would have happened if Hitler had had the first atomic bomb?

If we can't stop radicals such as Ibrahim Siddiq-Conlon and Muhammad Mumtaz Qadri in their tracks right now, Auschwitz and Hiroshima will pale into insignificance compared to what lies ahead. Like boognish said: "These imbeciles have nukes."
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Looks like another eyebrow rising information.

One religion is so keen in Australia that we have more than 60% of chicken here blessed and prepared certain way that 2% of our population have chicken suitable for their consumption.

(To be sarcastic: We are probably getting ready for change in population percentages and as usual Kosovo comes to mind)

To tell the truth I’d prefer MY food left alone out of that compulsory religionification.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Looks like you were watching TT (Today Tonight) the other day.
The Halal Chicken video is in the list.

Story told below

Even the "Muslim KFC Worker goes nuts when asked for Bacon!" got a mention

(Warning, there are swear words in this clip)

Today Tonight 06.01.11 Clash of Cultures - Halal Fast Food

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Re: Religion gone crazy!

How come nobody makes a fuss in a vegetarian or an unlicensed restaurant.
Go to Annalakshmi and ask for a steak, and the staff will politely reply "This is a vegetarian restaurant."
Go to an unlicensed cafe and ask for the wine list, and your misunderstanding will also be politely explained.
An idiot in a KFC going ballistic - set up or not - that is the difference! And it's got zip to do with civil liberties or the Law.

If your religion turns you into a nut case, stay in the madhouse where such belief is the norm. But in a country, where the majority maintains and expects tolerance and an open mind, don't claim protection that is reserved for minorities, who can't help their minority status: the disabled, frail, or otherwise handicapped.
Remember: Some advocates for drug addicts also complain it's not their fault. But they at least agree that the victims need help and detox.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Exactly!! And what about people who ARE vegetarians who find themselves sharing food with meat eaters, at a barbeque, say. Do they go ballistic and start throwing furniture around? I think not. Or non-drinkers at a gathering with people drinking alcohol.......... do they voice loud objections? Not if they want to keep their friends. Civilised people adhere to their beliefs quietly and allow others to indulge in theirs.

I don't suppose the KFC worker was sacked for his rude and voilent outburst. I wonder what would happen to another (non muslim) employee who was so rude to a customer?

As Pixel says, this has nothing to do with civil liberties. Terry O'Gorman with his bleatings does more harm than good, in my view.
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