He may have a point
TV footage of one of the historic hotels in Kalgoorlie-Boulder that was badly damaged in the earthquake a few days back shows a sign out front proclaiming "skimpy barmaids" will be waitressing.
There you go. Scientific evidence that God exists. He must have smite the town of Kalgoorlie due to the skimpy waitresses. Perhaps He will smite Kings Cross next and rid us of the city's underbelly at the same time.
Christians and Islamists going crazy.
First the Christians. Death penalty to be imposed in Uganda for being gay.
And the Islamists think women wearing revealing clothing is causing earthquakes
It appears there is going to be some scientific testing of the earthquake theory. In the US, 55,000 people have signed up for boobquake. The women whose idea it was said "I encourage other female sceptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts".
If you are religious, better avoid the US due to higher risk of earthquakes
http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=10358663Hardline Somali Militants Ban Music on Airwaves
Somalia's radio stations stop playing music after hardline militants label it un-Islamic
Rock, rap and love songs once filled the airwaves in Somalia's war-torn capital, one of the few pleasures residents had. But Islamist militants ordered music off the air Tuesday, labeling it un-Islamic in a hardline edict reminiscent of the Taliban.
Stations immediately complied, fearful that disc jockeys would face the harsh punishment militants mete out here: amputations and stonings. The edict is the latest unpopular order from the Islamists, who also have banned bras, musical ringtones and movies.
Priest conducts 'bizarre' faith healing
While the Church did not condone the bizarre service, he said it was standing by the priest in his time of need, though he would not be allowed to give mass until he was better.
Creationists hijack lessons and teach schoolkids man and dinosaurs walked together
PRIMARY school students are being taught that man and dinosaurs walked the Earth together and that there is fossil evidence to prove it.
Fundamentalist Christians are hijacking Religious Instruction (RI) classes in Queensland despite education experts saying Creationism and attempts to convert children to Christianity have no place in state schools.
Students have been told Noah collected dinosaur eggs to bring on the Ark, and Adam and Eve were not eaten by dinosaurs because they were under a protective spell.
Critics are calling for the RI program to be scrapped after claims emerged Christian lay people are feeding children misinformation.
About 80 per cent of children at state primary schools attend one half-hour instruction a week, open to any interested lay person to conduct.
Church to burn copies of Koran to mark 9/11
A FLORIDA church was yesterday promoting an event where it will burn copies of the Koran to mark the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the U.S.
In the announcement on its Facebook page, The Dove World Outreach Center of Gainesville, Florida, asked other religious groups to join in standing "against the evil of Islam. Islam is of the devil!"
The Facebook event has received more than 1,500 "Like" recommendations by users, but had also been attacked with a number of threatening messages posted on the page and corresponding anti-Islam rants.
The church's pastor, Terry Jones - who has written a book titled "Islam is of The Devil" and sells T-shirts bearing the same message - defended the controversial event.
The Australian that day must have been rather thin.A worthy addition to this thread...
Sounds familiar."If you challenge the prophet, we will take revenge. It doesn't matter who does it," shouted a cleric on loudspeakers to thousands of cheering onlookers.
Looks like relevant information to me.The Australian that day must have been rather thin.
Looks like another eyebrow rising information.
One religion is so keen in Australia that we have more than 60% of chicken here blessed and prepared certain way that 2% of our population have chicken suitable for their consumption.
(To be sarcastic: We are probably getting ready for change in population percentages and as usual Kosovo comes to mind)
To tell the truth I’d prefer MY food left alone out of that compulsory religionification.
How come nobody makes a fuss in a vegetarian or an unlicensed restaurant.
Go to Annalakshmi and ask for a steak, and the staff will politely reply "This is a vegetarian restaurant."
Go to an unlicensed cafe and ask for the wine list, and your misunderstanding will also be politely explained.
An idiot in a KFC going ballistic - set up or not - that is the difference! And it's got zip to do with civil liberties or the Law.
If your religion turns you into a nut case, stay in the madhouse where such belief is the norm.
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