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Religion IS crazy!

Re: Religion gone crazy!

.. How unfair is that??

Offer once in 4 months, forcibly take once every 4 days, imagine how stressful would be that for male with low sex drive?

No wanders Chinese have huge reservations to number 4
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Egyptian swingers jailed: report
5th April 2009, 14:41 WST

A Cairo court has sentenced a man to seven years and his wife to three years for setting up a swingers' club, the press reported on Sunday, in a case that has angered conservative Egyptian society.

Tolba Abdel Hafez, a 48-year-old civil servant, and his wife Salwa Higazi, a 37-year-old schoolteacher, were sentenced by the Agouza Criminal Court on Saturday, the state-owned Al-Gomhuria reported.

Extra-marital sex is illegal in the mainly Muslim country where Islamic law is a principal source of legislation.

The Cairo couple, who have children, used the pseudonyms Magdy and Samira on a website and in emails to organise wife-swapping parties and orgies.

They were arrested in October on prostitution charges and confessed to having sexual relations with three other couples, although at least 44 couples signed up for Cairo swinging sessions via the website.

In sentencing the pair, the judge described the case as "one of the worst crimes committed," Al-Gomhuria reported.

Rights groups have criticised the 1961 law that can be used to prosecute suspects because it defines certain sexual acts as prostitution even if no money changes hands.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

Iraqi homosexuals shot dead: ministry
5th April 2009, 18:38 WST

The bullet-riddled bodies of three Iraqis said to be homosexuals have been found in Baghdad's Sadr City, bastion of anti-US Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, a defence ministry official said on Sunday.

"Three corpses of homosexuals have been recovered in Sadr City. Two of the bodies, found on Thursday, had pieces of paper attached on which was written the word 'Pervert'. The third body was retrieved on Friday," the official said.

Residents said the bodies of two males aged 16 and 18 were found on waste ground on the outskirts of Sadr City, and that several days previously two homosexuals had been dumped in the street with their arms and legs broken.

During Friday prayers in Sadr City, a poor district of Baghdad where about two million Iraqis live, Sheikh Jassem al-Mutairi slammed what he called "new private practices by some men who dress like women, who are effeminate."

"I call on families to prevent their children from following such a lifestyle," he added.

Since a US-backed Iraqi army offensive on Sadr City in April and May last year, Sadr's powerful Mahdi Army Shi'ite militia has lost much of its influence in the area.

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki launched the assaults on Sadr City and the southern city of Basra, in which more than 1,000 people died, in a bid to disarm the militia and restore law and order in the areas under Mahdi Army control.

Re: Religion gone crazy!

George Pell goes crazy....

Cardinal George Pell backs Pope Benedict anti-condom stance
April 10, 2009

Article from: Australian Associated Press

CARDINAL George Pell says he agrees with controversial comments made by the Pope, that the use of condoms were making the AIDS epidemic in Africa worse, not better.

On a trip to Cameroon and Angola in March, Pope Benedict XVI caused a storm of controversy, when he said condoms were aggravating the African epidemic rather than containing it.

Cardinal Pell, the head of the Catholic Church in Australia, said he "totally agreed'' with the pontiff's comments that condoms encouraged promiscuity.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Worse then crazy Kennas , its inducement of self genocide .
But then again God guides these people .
Wow ~ :headshake
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Westbro Baptist Church

The church bases its work around the belief expressed by its best known slogan and the address of its primary website, "God hates fags," and expresses the idea that every tragedy in the world is linked to homosexuality

and speaking of religion, not getting into the whole did Jesus ever exist and the fallibility of translation argument of the bible... if you ever read the sermon on the mount, it's some powerful stuff, it's a pity the religions that purport to follow the guy don't pay attention to what he said.

I have no problem with God or the concept of God, it's his followers that sh_it me
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Yes, it's crazy how some people use religion as an excuse to further their own ideas that completely go against the teachings of the religion they are supposed to be representing! And I doubt that the Westboro church would be representative of the majority of Baptist people or churches. In your link it states:

WBC is not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations.

I believe there are possibly many predators who get themselves into positions of authority and then brain wash the weaker ones into believing their twisted theories. The stronger ones who know the core teachings of their particular religion will vote with their feet.

I think it's important not to tar every religious organization with the same brush. Just because someone says they are God's messenger doesn't necessarily mean God has anything to do with them.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

This one almost takes the cake.

Girl, 10, beheaded by grandfather

A 10-year-old girl was beheaded by her grandfather in India's eastern Orissa state who believed that sowing seeds mixed with her blood would yield a bumper crop, a news report said on Monday.

The incident, spurred by age-old superstitions, took place on Sunday in the tribal region of Sambalpur, 450km west of state capital Bhubaneshwar, the IANS news agency reported.

The barbaric crime was detected after the villagers caught the man Rajesh Hembram and handed him over to the police.

Hembram who owned 1.2ha of farmland, planned in advance to sow seeds mixed with the blood of his granddaughter on Akshaya Tritya on Monday, a day considered auspicious by Hindus, police said.

"He cut off his granddaughter Bernaka Kandulana's head with an axe in a room when nobody was at home and drained her blood into a pot," PC Nayak, a local police inspector told IANS.

"We found some seeds in a steel pot that were mixed with blood," he said. Police said the man was arrested and had admitted his crime.

India has a centuries-old tradition of human sacrifices to appease deities, gain prosperity or ward off evil. Some cases are still reported around the country.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Just because someone says they are God's messenger doesn't necessarily mean God has anything to do with them.

that semantics... hows a fervent believer in the God proposed by Westbro any different then the fervent Catholic, Islamist etc etc ? but you're right I don't believe the Pope, Jesus, Mohammed etc etc... they're all either deluded or charlatans.

I am happy to support peoples belief in their fairytale (sorry religion) of choice. The part that grates me, is they refuse to afford me the same dignity and insist on imposing their morality and rule-set upon me and others of my ilk by ensuring, though legislation, they restrict my freedoms.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

This one almost takes the cake.

Actually, this one goes close.

This is 2009 isn't it?

NZ family accused over exorcism death
Tue May 5

Nine members of a New Zealand family will be named tomorrow after being charged over the exorcism-style manslaughter of a 22-year-old woman.

The six women and three men have pleaded not guilty in New Zealand's High Court to the manslaughter of Janet Moses during an indigenous Maori curse-lifting ceremony, known as a makutu.

Moses drowned in October 2007 when water was poured down her throat as part of the ceremony in the town of Wainuiomata, near Wellington.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

you wondered how rudd ever got a gernsey? but you did ntice him in church right? you noticed howard never gave up, he kept trying and succeeded? and you noticed him in church right?

heres you answer. the answer to many questions....i know its long. but worth the read. ... he-Vatican
Re: Religion gone crazy!

This is almost as crazy as priests being celibate, the burqa, circumcism, exorcism, and grown men wailing at a wall.

I must run out now and get me an albino toe to mix in the soup to cure my cancer.....

Re: Religion gone crazy!

This is almost as crazy as priests being celibate, the burqa, circumcism, exorcism, and grown men wailing at a wall.

Lets not forget that people who came to Australia 30 thousand years ago have set of costly beliefs too.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Lets not forget that people who came to Australia 30 thousand years ago have set of costly beliefs too.
It's all superstition/myth/folklore, and it's all crazy!

Religion is answers to what logic and science can not provide. The Earth was flat once, and the Sun and Moon gods. Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and jailed for looking through a telescope. Cripes, thunder was a god once.

Time to move on humans!

Stop making yourself look so rediculous!!!
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Time to move on humans!

Stop making yourself look so rediculous!!!

It is also money drain, as houses of worship have generous tax concessions and to think that we have more than 140 religions officially registered it is a lot of dough.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Just goes to show the fallible nature of mankind.
We could just as easily titled this thread athiesm gone crazy and pointed to the gulags of Stalin, the killing fields of Pol Pot, the gas chambers of Hitler, Mao's cultural revolution and so on. We could point to the drug gangs and the criminals driven by the love of money and none of those would be out of place with this thread.

Nice thread to have a vent but not really much in terms of a reasoned discussion i would have thought.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

Well said. I've looked at this thread and wondered whether to express my point of view and chose not to -- Nice to see the logical counter argument so well expressed. Quality values are important - and we could forever argue the best place/s of origin.
Re: Religion gone crazy!

well no, not really. none of that had anything to do with being athiest or not. the fact that the people doing these things are athiests is irrelevant because they didn't do these things because they ARE athiests. however many of the other posts in this thread are things done BECAUSE OF religious belief.

now if you wanted a counter you could do a "Science and Logic Gone Crazy" and go on about mad scientists, phrenology, klaus barbie, unit 731 and so on, but you'd still be slighty out of it because this thread bring up things that happen NOW because of religious belief. you'd need to find modern day mad scientists to be applicable. maybe look into that mad cloning doctor who makes fluroescent people.

religion is treated like some philosophical sacred cow (and the muslims are pushing to make it illegal to criticise religion) which is rubbish. all ideas, philosophies and concepts must be open to challenge or we all might as well just become the mindless automatons the government wants us to be.
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