.. How unfair is that??
George Pell goes crazy....
Cardinal George Pell backs Pope Benedict anti-condom stance
April 10, 2009
Article from: Australian Associated Press
CARDINAL George Pell says he agrees with controversial comments made by the Pope, that the use of condoms were making the AIDS epidemic in Africa worse, not better.
On a trip to Cameroon and Angola in March, Pope Benedict XVI caused a storm of controversy, when he said condoms were aggravating the African epidemic rather than containing it.
Cardinal Pell, the head of the Catholic Church in Australia, said he "totally agreed'' with the pontiff's comments that condoms encouraged promiscuity.
The church bases its work around the belief expressed by its best known slogan and the address of its primary website, "God hates fags," and expresses the idea that every tragedy in the world is linked to homosexuality
they issued a press release thanking God for the great earthquake that caused heavy loss of life in China, and "pray for many more earthquakes to kill many more thousands of impudent and ungrateful Chinese". In the article they also called Chinese people "vile oriental [sic] ingrates", and declared that "God hates China"
...and speaking of religion, not getting into the whole did Jesus ever exist and the fallibility of translation argument of the bible... if you ever read the sermon on the mount, it's some powerful stuff, it's a pity the religions that purport to follow the guy don't pay attention to what he said.
I have no problem with God or the concept of God, it's his followers that sh_it me
WBC is not affiliated with any known Baptist conventions or associations.
Just because someone says they are God's messenger doesn't necessarily mean God has anything to do with them.
Actually, this one goes close.This one almost takes the cake.
A new interview with Richard Bell, historian of money, retired manipulator of stocks.
Q: So, foreign investors are accelerating their withdrawal of money from the US.
A: A significant amount is being shifted to Europe.
Q: So is this current stock market debacle an OP run by the European Union (EU)?
A: That is true, but too simplistic. Dr. Paisley points out that the EU has been a stepoperation.
Q: Meaning?
A: First came the Common Market. Then we had the European Community. Now we have the Europe Union. At each step, people were told, “This is a good and limited concept.” That was all a joke. It was always about creating one giant Euro-super-state, under the control of a few people.
Q: And so?
A: So, the Vatican has been everywhere during this step-operation, urging the parties forward, promoting the idea of UNITY. Which is always a winner. People like that concept. Paisley points out that unity is used as a soft hammer to make people forget who is doing the wrong thing and who is doing the right thing. UNITY as a tool of propaganda means: No one is really bad. Make alliances with everyone. Melt into One. That is a disastrous political policy.
Q: And the Vatican is pushing the mission of the EU because?
A: Because making friends and influencing people and playing nice and urging unity IS the current strategy of the Vatican, in these times. It is using that soft approach to create bigger political structures, over which it can exercise control. People forget that a dedicated Roman Catholic, if he is at the head of a large organization, can easily function as a front for the Vatican. If you have ten men like this, all of them powerful,
all of them who have been helped by the Church into their positions of power, then you are looking at a formidable controlling force””which owes its allegiance to the Vatican.
Q: Name such a man.
A: Jacques Delors, who was president, at one point, of the European Commission. He met with Dr. Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and they spoke of this “shared spirituality” that was needed. But that term, for the Vatican, is code for “the one and only Church.” Its Church. People shrink away from realizing that the Vatican has ALWAYS considered itself the rightful ruler of Earth. I can’t be any plainer than that. And all this footsy-playing with other religions and churches is just drivel, behind which lies the real agenda. Paisley, in his article, quotes a letter from the Pope John Paul II to the Archbishop of Prague”–We cannot simply conceive of Europe as a market of economic exchanges or a place for the circulation of ideas but, above all, it must be a genuine community of nations, which want to unite their future and live like brothers, respecting the cultures and spiritual traditions…” You KNOW this is a fraud, because if there is one thing the Roman Church, behind the scenes, does NOT respect, it is the “various spiritual traditions.” That’s the soft soap. That’s the New Agey stuff, the warm fuzzy. That’s the front behind which the Vatican licks its chops, as it contemplates an EU which is fully organized and ready for further takeover from Above. Above, being the Vatican itself. This is no joke. This is almost two thousand years of plotting and conniving and working toward the goal of Rule. But people reject the idea because they think that the Vatican is weak and lost and can never command billions of people to walk into a Church and fall on their knees. But you see, the Vatican, above all, has patience. The long-term goal has thousands and thousands of steps. I know this from numerous contacts over the years. Near the end of my career on Wall Street, I used to tell my friends””changing a quote I had once read”–The Jews who are not Jews run Wall Street at the pleasure of the British financiers who have an illusory idea about the primacy of England, and they in turn serve at the pleasure of the Vatican, which remains in the shadows.” It’s more or less a straight line, and the top of the line gives you the group which appears to be the weakest. Appears. That’s the operative word. If you read Tupper Saussy’s fine book, Rulers of Evil, you will discover that the first translation of Sun-tzu’s classic treatise, Art of War, into a Western language was made in 1772, in French. By Joseph-Marie Amiot, an astronomer in the court of the Emperor of China. Amiot was a Jesuit priest. The Jesuits know all about appearing weak into order to win, and they are perhaps the world’s greatest appliers of Sun-tzu. And they are in it for the long haul.
Q: Then what function, in this scheme, does the EU play?
A: The shill.
Q: Explain.
A: The shill parks himself near the con man and makes it seem like the game can be won easily. The shill is the man who makes it look easy. I stretch the meaning of the term a little. But a shill is a bright penny that attracts attention. The EU represents UNITY. Unity is the bright penny that exclaims, “Look! We can do it. We can all live in harmony. All we need to do is sit down and talk long enough, and all our divisions and conflicts will be solved.” The shill draws the crowds. The shill makes the crowd think there is something very good here. The shill is the magnet, if you will, that sucks in the customers, the adherents, the loyal ones, the people of hope. It’s the oldest trick in the book. And the people who play this trick on a grand scale are very, very clever. They want total domination, but they carve out a circuitous route, because that is the way to arrive. They set up a front which is the shill, and the shill looks very, very good. I don’t mean to offend anyone by this, but for the Vatican, Jesus is a shill, the ultimate shill. Of course, their version of him is so far from the older concept it isn’t even funny. But I digress.
Q: So you’re saying that the Vatican looks for a group that can appear to be very, let’s say, humanitarian, and it uses that to attract followers.
A: Of course. What do you think they spend their time doing? But in their secret “catechism,” creating groups which appear to do good works is really the creation of shills. That’s half of what the Vatican DOES.
Q: Okay. Let’s take this a step further. How about this? “The Vatican, working through certain players in the EU, have been making war on the US stock market.”
A: Now you’re clicking.
Q: And the motive is?
A: To weaken anything powerful that is not completely within the circle of power of the Vatican.
Q: Even if such weakening brings about chaos.
A: Especially if it brings about chaos. The very atmosphere in which the Vatican thrives. Chaos ALWAYS equals new followers who are looking for a way to assuage their fear.
Q: You’re saying this is just a current OP that follows along with a very old strategy.
A: A strategy in which the Vatican is the master.
Q: Now, in your years on Wall Street, did you run into people who knew all this, who saw the larger dimensions of the game?
A: I did. Mostly, they kept their mouths shut. Essentially, you’re asking me, “What does a mid-level or low-level player in an ultimately corrupt game do when he discovers a few of the larger dimensions of that game?”
Q: Well, you could say that question applies, in a sense, to all of us, if you stretch the meaning a little.
A: Exactly. That IS the question, isn’t it? We may not be willing and conscious participants in the direction the game is going, but we are in the game, one way or another. I myself WAS a man who twisted the truth to maneuver money in certain ways. And finally, because I was very bull-headed, because I was very selfish””it took me quite awhile to wake up and get out of my own trap.
Q: Here is another Paisley quote. “Deliberate engineering to create the coming about of the European Union provides an enormous opportunity to develop and extend the influence of the Church of Rome. Remember, it is Roman Catholic laymen who, from the beginning, were behind the formation of, and today continue to push the growth of, the European Union.”
A: And look at something else. What is one of the most important economic wars for market share on the planet?
Q: The one between the US and what is now the EU.
A: Yes.
Q: Part of the reason the EU was formed was to give a Europe a chance to compete with the US in that area.
A: Yes. And, situated above all this, its sights set on weakening that “far too independent nation,” the US, has been the Vatican. And one step in that weakening operation is the current trashing of US corporations and the stock market. Which, covertly, was an OP launched by the EU, behind which firmly stands the Vatican.
Q: Layers of the onion.
A: Right.
Q: There are undoubtedly other forces at work in the weakening of the US trading markets.
A: There are. But the big unnoticed one””that’s what I’m describing.
edited mid section................................................
Q: We’ve just seen the $60 billion merger of two drug companies, Pfizer and Pharmacia. This makes Pfizer, which was already the largest drug house in the US, even bigger.
A: There are many reasons for these mergers, but looking at it from the top of the basic control agenda, it’s all about shrinking down the number of people who have any say in what happens to us. In empire building, the people who really sit behind the scenes ant larger and larger structures to emerge, because, if they can control THOSE, they can control the whole show..”
Burundian albino murders denied
The trial has begun in Burundi of 11 defendants accused of attacking and killing 12 albino people, starting with the murder of a young girl.
It is thought to be the first trial linked to the recent spate of albino killings in East Africa, which has claimed more than 50 lives.
The 11 denied charged of murder and attempted murder.
Police believe albino body parts are smuggled out of Burundi and sold in Tanzania, to be used in witchcraft.
This is almost as crazy as priests being celibate, the burqa, circumcism, exorcism, and grown men wailing at a wall.
It's all superstition/myth/folklore, and it's all crazy!Lets not forget that people who came to Australia 30 thousand years ago have set of costly beliefs too.
Time to move on humans!
Stop making yourself look so rediculous!!!
Just goes to show the fallible nature of mankind.
We could just as easily titled this thread athiesm gone crazy and pointed to the gulags of Stalin, the killing fields of Pol Pot, the gas chambers of Hitler, Mao's cultural revolution and so on. We could point to the drug gangs and the criminals driven by the love of money and none of those would be out of place with this thread.
Nice thread to have a vent but not really much in terms of a reasoned discussion i would have thought.
We could just as easily titled this thread athiesm gone crazy and pointed to the gulags of Stalin, the killing fields of Pol Pot, the gas chambers of Hitler, Mao's cultural revolution and so on. We could point to the drug gangs and the criminals driven by the love of money and none of those would be out of place with this thread.
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