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Religion IS crazy!

You are obviously confused. You say you are a militant atheist and yet you love Muslims:screwy:

What part of me saying that I believe all religions are harmful, are all immoral, are all equal glimpses of the untrue and we should give them no special treatment, makes you think I love Islam?

If you mean that I love the actual people, well that's different, I certainly don't hate some one just because they have been tricked into following a religion. Love is a strong word, But I certainly what to embrace humanity in all its forms, and that is one of the reasons I hate religion, because it is the enemy of humanity.

Part of the reason a spent so much time trying to reason with religious people is because I do care about them, and I want to help break down divisions in society, and attacking one group does not achieve that, it creates and under dog / victim role and stiffens their resolve.

And I didn't say I was a militant atheist, I said I have been described as one.
My main imput to this thread has been on the harsh treatment metered out to Muslim women and young girls in Muslim families. Belatedly the Abbott government say they are going to take some action. I won't be holding my breath. You will notice that nowhere in this article, in line with political correctness, is the word Muslim mentioned.
I couldn't give a stuff about that. All I wanted to know was why you considered the Islamic religion irrevelant, and all you do is waffle on about some obscure nonsensical doctrine of the Presbyterian church.

Lets use a non religious example then.

In our military the Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (DART) has already assessed more than 2,400 complaints of abuse, paid $28 million in compensation and referred 63 matters to police.

I think we most people would agree that the abuse that occurred is deplorable. I don't think anyone would be interested in hearing the abusers trying to justify their actions.

Would you find the abuse worse if there was a religious / racial / gender bias to it? I wouldn't. I don't care the reasons these sick people use to justify their actions.

Too often religion is used as an excuse for inexcusable actions. yes it's deplorable that men use the Islamic religion to justify cruel actions against woman. yes it's deplorable that various church hierarchies protected the church and abusers instead of the victims for decades. Yes the Oklahoma bombing by Timothy Mcveigh was deplorable, same as the bali bombings, 9/11 and the list goes on. Are the justifications they use really relevant? I don't care what crap they spout, whether God commands it, Allah will bless me, the Government deserved it. I'm confident when they do meet their maker, those serene smiles of confidence will be wiped from their faces as they're made to feel the desolation they caused for what I hope is truly eternity.

The best disinfectant is sunlight. Let it shine brightly on all who want to do inhumane deplorable acts, and hopefully we as a society will rightfully condemn them and stop them from doing any more harm.
Iraq's Christians seek refuge with Kurds
Armed Kurds are winning favour by protecting religious minorities
They have won!

You can't even make a joke about their 'pie-in-the-sky' belief's now days.

I've said it once and l'll say it again, no one on this planet has the faintest clue about our origin???
Where we came from???
How big our universe is let alone a (or several) 'God'(s) ???

Do you really think there is a 'God' with all the violence we have had (eg; WWI, WWII) ???

I think people want to believe because they are scared of passing away and not living forever (or something to that extent).

Prove to me without a shadow of a doubt (preferably with science) that there is a God? People go to court and can't recall what happened a few weeks/months ago, let along ~2000 years ago....

It's political correctness gone mad.

Mishael Smith News

The other day sydboy made a laudable and enlightening statement with which I totally agree.

The best disinfectant is sunlight. Let it shine brightly on all who want to do inhumane deplorable acts, and hopefully we as a society will rightfully condemn them and stop them from doing any more harm.

I think we can see from Michael Smith's experience that shining this light has to be very selective and there are many nasty practices which our society prefers not to be discussed in the open, even though they are factual. This state of affairs extends beyond potitical correctness and is hypocritical, gutless and cowardly.
Aisha -

I'd be careful if l was Michael Smith. He'll end up with a jihad on him...
You will notice that nowhere in this article, in line with political correctness, is the word Muslim mentioned.

Because Islam is not the only faith that condones those things, and Muslims are not the only ones practicing them.

Don't you want to crack down on all forced marriages? Or is it just the Muslim ones that annoy you?

Should they crack down on all violence against women, or just Muslim violence?

You seem to be saying you care about Muslim women more than their Hindu sisters who are suffering a lot of the same treatment.
I've said it once and l'll say it again, no one on this planet has the faintest clue about our origin???
Where we came from???

I get your point, but I think we have a lot more than a "faint clue" as to our origins
The only person I will listen to about our origin is the one who died and historically resurrected. No one else has a clue about the answer (or about the purpose of life, afterlife etc).
The only person I will listen to about our origin is the one who died and historically resurrected. No one else has a clue about the answer (or about the purpose of life, afterlife etc).

There is lots of resurrection that happened in many of the ancient religions, but i take it you mean Jesus, there is no historical evidence of the resurrection out side of the bible.


If jesus can't be trusted in what he said about mustard seeds, how can he be trusted to know the origin of the earth?
The forced marriages of young girls to Imams and other influential Muslims may be part of Muslim culture and even thogh it is done with the blessing of the Prophet and the connivance of the child's parents and according to Human Rights Watch, 14 million girls are married, worldwide, each year - with some as young as eight or nine... it is illegal in Australia.

This type of paedophilia get very little scrutiny from law enforcement or the media unless a victim comes forward with a complaint. Children in this type of subjugation rarely do.

Even the Royal Commission into child abuse wil not be putting a spotlight on this odious practice. The terms of reference of the Commission actually exclude it. Their main target is Christian institutions.


Probably happening here, but we haven't heard about it yet...


Why do we have people like this in our country? This is nuts.

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Why do we have people like this in our country? This is nuts.

Yes it beggars belief. I suppose that all those Islamists who left here to fight for the terrorists in Syria and Iraq will resume on welfare when they return here, to support them, while they use their new-found skills in setting up terrorist organisations.
I get your point, but I think we have a lot more than a "faint clue" as to our origins

Please enlighten me....

Ok, I'll give it a shot, Keep in mind I am a layman, and each area I mention is a specialised area of scientific study.

1, There was a cosmological event which has been called the "Big Bang", This event filled the universe with vast clouds of helium and hydrogen atoms.

2, Gravity caused these vast clouds of hydrogen and helium atoms to collapse into Billions and billions of balls of gas

3, These large balls of Hydrogen and helium gas were so huge, that the pressure at there centre caused the Hydrogen and helium atoms at their centre to start fusing together, This process is called nuclear fusion and releases vast amounts of energy (heat, light/radiation etc) as the atoms fuse.

4, We call these big nuclear fusion powered balls of gas stars (or our own one is called "The Sun")

5, As these stars continue fusing hydrogen and helium atoms together, they create new atoms, so Inside the star hydrogen and helium atoms are slowly turning into new heavier and heavier atoms such as Lithium, Beryllium, Boron,Carbon,Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Neon, Sodium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chlorine, Argon, Potassium, Calcium, Scandium, Titanium, Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese and Iron

6, Eventually the the star starts running out of atoms to fuse since the pressure of a star can not fuse atoms that are heavier than Iron, and the centre begins to cool. As the centre cools and the star begins to die, in some cases it collapses in on itself and the shock wave causes the star to explode into a super nova.

7, The intense heat and pressure caused by the star exploding into a supernova is enough for the atoms to be fused into elements heavier than Iron, So all the rest of the elements on the periodic table are then produced.

8, After the super nova explosion we now have another vast cloud of gas, But it no longer is pristine hydrogen and helium, It is enriched with all the elements of the periodic table, ie oxygen, carban, iron ,uranium etc.

9, over time the cloud begins to collapse with gravity again, Some of the residual hydrogen and helium left from the original star forms a new smaller star in the centre, a bunch of the heavier elements that when blown out begin to clump together with gravity forming planets orbiting this new smaller star.

10, The elements that were created in the original star also form molecules, eg. hydrogen and oxygen bond to make water. etc

11, One of these lumps of mass made up of the various elements orbiting the star is our planet earth,

12, These new new heavier elements allow all sorts of molecules to form, and allow complex chemistry to take place, the early earth would have been hot and radio active.

13, At some point abiogenesis happened, meaning a molecule formed that could replicate itself, it would have been nothing like the complex life we have now, but this molecule would have used the elements around it to form more of it’s self.

14, this self replicating molecule continued replicating and through mutations and the powerful hand of natural selection gave rise to the many species that have existed through out time.

15, And hear we are today, we are an unbroken chain of complex self replicating chemistry, sitting on a rock, formed from the contents of an exploding star.
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