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Recovery or Dead Cat Bounce?

Remember a little truth, half of the people involved in markets dont know half as much as they think, and the other half know a lot more than they think! ..

and the other half are basically full of blah blah blah

which one are you ?

ive learnt over time .....that people with ACTUAL money dont tell people about how much they have.... i spose you could prove your statements via a moderator but i very much doubt you will

internet guru claims are a dime a dozen darl please go back to HC if you feel the need to impress someone

re imposters etc ....which one are you ?

Why would anyone declare the worth of their portfolio ?, unless they were lying, or just trying to impress. New money is just so crass.

Which shows you don't have a clue about how lucrative day trading can be.

I dare you to read ANY book about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophies and you will realise just how unprofitable and stupid day trading is.
But is it mostly in Confederated Slaveholdings, Transatlantic Zeppelin, Amalgamated Spats, Congreve's Inflammable Powder, U.S. Hay and Baltimore Opera Hat Company?

Only half of it, the rest I invested based on Charlie Aitkens tips, let's see BSL, Timber Corp DOH !
I dare you to read ANY book about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophies and you will realise just how unprofitable and stupid day trading is.

Buffet recently admitted that he's made some mistakes, particularly in the area of derivatives.

I'm not a day trader, but i would say that this particular period in time is absolute heaven for day traders, particularly index traders.....why? Volatility.

It can be a tough time for swing traders and Buy and Hold investors (the next few years will be worse for investors than possibly any other time in history if the market stays range bound) , but many day traders are making a killing, and there are two or three at least on the site that have been verified as doing so.


I dare you to read ANY book about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophies and you will realise just how unprofitable and stupid day trading is.


bless ya son

thinks wozza buffets investment strategies of late have been ........well how can i put it without offending his worshippers......... oh yeah ,,,,,,,, crap?

whats his current portfolio entrys showing at the mo .-30,40,50%?

yes must admit im glad i didnt follow him on this one

I dare you to read ANY book about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophies and you will realise just how unprofitable and stupid day trading is.



Tell us more, oh guru of other peoples capabilities.
Correcting a mistake, the stock market low was NOT Oct 08. Rather, the degree of pessimistism expressed by the general public and mainstream media was extremely high.
I dare you to read ANY book about Warren Buffett and his investment philosophies and you will realise just how unprofitable and stupid day trading is.

What's your agenda ABCdude, coming here and stating day trading is unprofitable.
Been burnt before perhaps, don't worry it's all part of the learning process.

It's quite funny how many traders always look a things with their short-term mentality, no offense. Those figures mean jack ****. Do you honestly think the current negatives will have a big effect in 10 to 20 years from now on the DURABILTY of those investments? Is Warren looking to sell those investments on Berkshire's portfolio now or is he there to keep them for a lifetime?

NUN: Yes it is heaven for those day traders looking at market prices 8 hours a day but does a phenomenon like this always happen frequently for traders? They're just lucky that Mr.Market is just too optimistic atm relying on a facade of "good" news. If anything this is more of an opportune time for buy and hold investors to buy durable competitive companies cheap.
Thats the best part about these bear market rallies

Idiots with inflated heads think they are gods gift to trading because their trading profits have followed the index!

I can't wait until we start falling again. Weed these idiots out

By your own admission you are very new to stocks:

There are many great traders on this forum trading all types of instruments over different time frames from seconds, minutes, days, months, years and decades.

Everyone has there own style of trading and it is about finding one which is right for you so that you can develop your skills and hopefully be profitable
Trust the new guy to go straight to buffet and try to follow him.

In nuns words "blessim"

One day he'll figure out that he doesn't have the two things buffet needed to get to where he is now

1) Brains
2) Money
What's your agenda ABCdude, coming here and stating day trading is unprofitable.
Been burnt before perhaps, don't worry it's all part of the learning process.

No haven't been burnt from day trading. Never even tried it TBH and I don't want to because of the stories and risks involved in. However, I have heard of people actually being burnt. Too be honest the theory of everything already being represented inside its market price I find bull****. So naturally I would find day trading to be bull**** and borderline gambling.

This is my opinion people guys, please don't take offense. We're just here for discussion
Why is it everytime there is a rally, the number of gurus increase?

tis a darn good trading happened at the top of the bull also .guru swamis popping up everywhere .....

mmmmmm might put a stickynote on my tradescreen for future reference as a reliable short entry indicator
Trust the new guy to go straight to buffet and try to follow him.

In nuns words "blessim"

One day he'll figure out that he doesn't have the two things buffet needed to get to where he is now

1) Brains
2) Money

Beamstas, that's quite funny you don't know me and you don't know where I am in my invesment life. Don't make assumptions . BTW it wasn't just those two things that got him to where he is. It was actually the more simple lines of thinking and $10,000 that got him there. Try actually reading up on him.
tis a darn good trading happened at the top of the bull also .guru swamis popping up everywhere .....

mmmmmm might put a stickynote on my tradescreen for future reference as a reliable short entry indicator

Maybe we could get Joe to put a little check box on the registration form

"Are you a guru Y/N"

We could get a daily chart of new gurus and when this starts to peak we know to short everything we see

I actually have the book "The warren buffett way" by hagstrom
Was the first ever book i bought in relation to the sharemarket "trading/investing"

I think when everyone starts trading they want a bit of buffett

You then realise that what buffett does will work for maybe 0.1% of people on the earth.

That and my preferable holding time is days, not forever
I actually want to take my profits at some stage!
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