The pace of that dewarfs what happened in Depression and yet now the ubber bears saying we are following that to even greater lows.
Next low in October![]()
For me double bottom already clearly been played. November lows and lower low in March. The pace of that dewarfs what happened in Depression and yet now the ubber bears saying we are following that to even greater lows.
We are in for a rocky period I reckon ,could go both ways, however I do view that unless something unprcedented and unforeseen happens of global proportions, Market has everything factored in... including bankruptcy of GM, Slower recovery and negative growth for a few months.
unfortunately many people are bordering clinical depression, bought about by unprecedented global pesimism and media hysteria. They only see the worst..and when recovery happens they will still be in denial!
Small recovery will be PROVEN to be under way from Q3 09, stabilisation into Q4,
upticks of growth by Q1 10.. thats all the sentiment the market needs, as has already been proven..
Guess many people got to have faith in the stocks they hold, and clearly ask yourself what will the SP be in 12-18 months time....if you dont need to sell, why sell ?
If you do not have that faith and think the sky is going to fall in further, sell up ,go to cash, go to the hills, whatever.. We will see you back in 6 months time bitchin about missing this opportunity.... when you are paying another 15%- 25% to get back in..
I bought all my stocks from October 08 to recent and have pretty sizeable profits already in place for my long term sentiment, Im going to take profits and sell down approx 1/3 or my portfolio this coming week and see which direction we are going....
One thing for sure is I will not miss the turn when it eventually happens, a turn is a given not a possiblity!
moxJO.. Do you know what the story behind point 20 was? Would be interesting to find out what the mentality behind that move was..
Guys, ha ha
The preverbial pessimists, looking and going of charts of the great depression and now throwing in tails of global meltdown ala Isreal.. All typical Donnie Darko stuff....
heard it all before on HC, nothing new there..
Guess why thats the reason you bears are happy with your little bitty coins from shorting and day trading and those with longer term positivness who bought and held since November, December are now taking 100 %+ plus profits this week...
nothing new here I see, same old same old manic depressiveness who if won the lottery would bitch about the $ 10 it cost buy the ticket.
Each to their own though, guess thats why some people always make things happen and come out well and others well just dont!
Am I the only bull in the village? Well if so , just to let you know this bull is taking $ 350 k pofits out this week ,held since October 08..
Good luck to all...
My path is somewhat individual, not for most , but has done me very well..
Next low in October
And your reasoning is what ?
The great depression !! yawn yawn!
Guess why thats the reason you bears are happy with your little bitty coins from shorting and day trading and those with longer term positivness who bought and held since November, December are now taking 100 %+ plus profits this week...
Which shows you don't have a clue about how lucrative day trading can be.
One other thing I will add to this thread.. Forget about anylising the XJO, has no resemblence to the future of the Australian stock market. The only 2 indice`s anyone needs to be analysing for trends is the SP 500 and DJIA..
For me they will see better figures arrive by Q3, The market being forward thinking now has to take that all in..
Good luck with your trades..
Listen I ve nothing against traders, I just dont understand the need to keep dabbling all day every day, when just as much or more profits would be gained by leaving them all alone and letting them work for you.
Asia/Europe/US all move eachother, none lead, none follow. If you watched any charts unfold live, you would see this.
One good trade and all of a sudden your an expert on day trading, swing trading, position trading, correlations of indices, what else can you let us in on?
Nope ,I aint no expert on trading or the market, makes me the same as most then.. I look at things very simply.. Market falls 55% in 9 months ,then its a pretty safe bet to plough in with a mid term strategy ( thats 12-24 months) not 1 -3 days which is the traders long term hold it seems..
One tip though..
Have the gonads to be forward thinking and the common sense to know where we have been before this crisis, we will be back to and more, we have sent rockets to Mars and landed men on the moon ( so they say ,suppose someone will contest that one as well) anyone compairing the world of 2009, the growth patterns,and technology Advances to the times of the great depression needs a very sharp reality check!
Me, It just felt right, still does..Never touched the markets before October 08 and wont again after this period of global capitulation...
I do know energy stocks though and what is required to bring it online, and that is why my whole portfolio is based on Oil, Uranium and Materials.. some gold and fertilisers as well to weigh it up
The fundementals for the future.
Sorry for spoiling your bear party.....
Am I the only bull in the village? Well if so , just to let you know this bull is taking $ 350 k pofits out this week ,held since October 08..
Good luck to all...
My path is somewhat individual, not for most , but has done me very well..
Your knowledge of economics is far worse than mine Wheep0 and your arguments hold little water.
One thing i will say, your buy and hold approach to commodity stocks on the ASX may be more profitable in the long run than it is right now for swing traders. That is however, mostly due to the illiquid nature of this current market.
Your right, you do look at things very simply, as did most of those other buy and hold investors who lost 55% or more of their wealth.
There is nothing wrong with taking a long term view, but my question is...what do you do if your view is wrong? Do you cut your losses or do you average down?
George Soros once said something like "I may get it wrong from time to time, but i spend less time in the market when i know I'm wrong than when I'm right" and he reiterates that in the end of this interview
That's the key difference between investors who get lucky and ones that use expectancy. I wonder which one you are Wheep0, i suspect the former?
Remember a little truth, half of the people involved in markets dont know half as much as they think, and the other half know a lot more than they think! ..
which one are you ?
Hmm, welcome to my world. WOR average $ 12.85 holding 12000 Shares, IPL average $ 1.83 holding 80,000 shares, PDN average $ 2.40 holding 50,000 shares, ADX average $ 0.05 Holding 900,000 shares, theres half a dozen more....
I love it, seen it all on HC where I got the same put downs from the so called " market experts",
Remember a little truth, half of the people involved in markets dont know half as much as they think, and the other half know a lot more than they think! ..which one are you ?
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