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Recent Events Beyond Earth

Quite easily.

Heidegger explained time as a 4 dimensional (from memory) thing, that is in reality of a spiral in nature, but perceived as linear.
mmm quite easily you say chops...
I think i missed something - maybe I picked the wrong week to give up amphetamines (or was it barbituates)

Incidentally, you read that when two twins are born, and one goes on a trip at speed of light , and returns , then ( the myth goes) when he lands, he is young and his brother old.
However, I think the truth is that, were he to fly past at speed of light , he might be younger (by a few seconds, whatever ) , but in the process of slowing the rocket down and landing, he would arrive at exactly the say age as his twin .

then again there's that quote by Einstein concerning relativity of (perceived) time
"When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, it seems like two minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for two minutes, it seems like two hours - that's relativity."

Black holes are hard to imagine for me. I mean teaspoonfuls weigh in the tons . that's crazy!

And I just posted a graph back there where a 74% of the universe is 74% "dark energy" , lol - sounds like Darth Vader won after all - maybe it happens in Star Wars XXVIII - the one that only those who can negotiate time warps get to see. - May the "energy" be with you mate.
PS that graph about 74% "dark energy" and 22% "dark matter" -
the dark energy incidentally has the effect of anti gravity - was from a NASA web site , - and presumably they know what they're talking about ?
well you'd like to think so ?
wouldn't you?
Great site hind sight, thank you. And thank you for deliberately mis-labelling it as astrological when you really mean astronomical. Hate you to think nobody noticed <gdr>Ghoti
thanks Ghoti,
I cannot tell a lie, it was a Freudian slip - it's the difference between astronomical and astro-illogical, I guess

But interesting yes?, I had always read that things cannot travel at speed of light - and they agree (under some circumstances) but then go on to discuss it's possibility ( under other circumstances)

Only things with no mass can do speed of light ( as I thought) because they would otherwise have mass increasing as they approached c, with infinite mass at c.

Of course one easy thing to consider is that each party - observer and observed, is doing c/2 so that the relative speed was c, hence you could claim that the universe is expanding at (relative) speeds greater than c,

but they go on to discuss things actually exceeding c themselves - at which point no light is given off forwards? backwards? - I 'll research it at liesure
the speed of light has been broken several times in the laboratory, both in the conventional sense (with the peak energy travelling ftl while the entire pulse trails at c) and in the quantum sense (a recent experiment where they fired a photon into a cloud of cesium gas and it arrived at the sensor before it left)

this ties in with quantum "spin" theories and all sorts of goodness. as far as practical applications go we won't ever be travelling faster than light literally, however bending space and time is certainly feasible and is the current focus of physicists who are working in this field.

when CERN's large hadron reactor comes online we'll be seeing some spectacular insights into the nature of the universe. they intend to create black holes, measure singularities and get right inside the guts of the quantum universe. john titor's future may yet come true :

there are fears about potential doomsday scenarios triggered by these experiments, and were also voiced at the creation of the atomic bomb (enrico fermi took bets at the trinity site whether the first a-bomb would ignite the atmosphere and annihilate new mexico). some of these fears include triggering a lower vacuum state, a black hole eating the planet or the formation of "strangelets" which convert ordinary matter to strange matter. it's an exciting time to be alive.
the speed of light has been broken several times in the laboratory, both in the conventional sense (with the peak energy travelling ftl while the entire pulse trails at c) .........
Disarray, thanks
I'd appreciate any references on the web , or any suggested further reading

btw (by the way), what does "ftl " mean?

Like suppose a train went past your left ear at 1.1c, then the light would reach you first when it was close, then later when it was further away , etc - i.e. it would appear to go backwards.

I mean if you said "ftw", then I'd guess you meant "wtf" just blipped past travelling at 1.1c
But I can't guess what "ftl" means.

PS you'll agree that photons have no mass.
I was also trying to understand that website suggesting that matter with mass could get to those speeds.(?)

PS are you saying that parts of the pulse travel at just greater than c whilst others travel at less, so that the mean travels at c ? (or some such).
And presumably they are achieving something closer to 1.01c than 1.05c for instance - i.e. only just greater than c (?).
Disarray, thanks
I'd appreciate any references on the web , or any suggested further reading

btw (by the way), what does "ftl " mean?(?).

I`m not in disarray though I (with full sarcastic intent) think that "ftl" means Follow The Leader.lollywolly.
I`m not in disarray though I (with full sarcastic intent) think that "ftl" means Follow The Leader.lollywolly.

LOL but I`m pretty sure it`s Faster than light!

Here is something else you might enjoy 2020 et all.

A little look into the strange world of Quantum Physics ...but don`t let it know you are watching


Anyone want to join me in a WA start up, let's mine this mother of all supernovas, all those heavy metals have to be worth a packet at current spot prices??
...let's mine this mother of all supernovas, all those heavy metals have to be worth a packet at current spot prices??
Or you could take up "mining" like of the Macquarie Bank directors ....

"this is mine, that's mine, and pretty soon all that will be mine as well"
LOL but I`m pretty sure it`s Faster than light!
Here is something else you might enjoy 2020 et all.
btw , when it comes to diffraction patterns - ever noticed those bumper stickers that can have a number of (absolutely brilliant) colour patterns
To hell with waiting for raindrops - we can now make our own rainbows.


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LOL but I`m pretty sure it`s Faster than light!

Here is something else you might enjoy 2020 et all.

A little look into the strange world of Quantum Physics ...but don`t let it know you are watching

Very good...thanks spooly47...O.K. but from my simplistic views.
The end result will ALWAYS be the same, under the test situation.How can the OBSERVATION change this.Only with the understanding and interpretation of the event.Like beauty , measurement is in the eye of the beholder.
Your input is valuable ...thanks.
heh sorry, as spooly said its Faster Than Light. i've been watching too much BattleStar Galactica

watch for an excellent 3 minute space battle.

for the large hadron collider -

for ways it can destroy the earth and / or universe -

for faster than light observations and experiments -

wikipedia and google ftw! (for the win!)
I want you people to think about this scenario :

If you are driving a car at 60km per hour and you turn on the head lights does that mean that the light being emitted from those headlights is going the speed of light (c) plus 60km per hour ?

and this one ;

If you are in a train that is going 80km per hour and you walk from the back of the carriage to the front at a speed of 3km per hour, does that mean you are travelling at a speed of 83km per hour ?

If so ;

Then if i am in a craft travelling the speed of light and i walk from the back to the front and i going a few km per hour faster than the speed of light ?

There are a few things in that clip I`m not that happy about and one is certainly that the 'observation collapsed the wavelength', but it`s a nice animation to get the noodle working.

I would completly ignore the following
the electron decided to act differently as if it was aware it was being watched

For me (and I guess you too) it`s not the observation that affects the outcome, it's the measurement.
If you want to see it, you have to bounce a particle of light off of it, which which causes it to stop behaving like a wave, and act like a's not like the electron actually knows anything.
However, there are a lot of other views/thoughts on this experiment throughout the years......

Here is one which Einstein was fond of
1. nope
2. yep
3. nope Kent Hovind vs. Carl Sagan and the speed of light

Incidentally, I posted this elsewhere :-

aaronph.. (here's my simplistic view - I'm ignoring the Doctor Who fans and Battle Star Gallactica high compression orgasmatrons etc )
speed of light is constant (fastest in vacuum). When approaching, the waves get compressed, (blue shift) and when leaving you get red shift.

Maybe think of sound first - when train is approaching (doppler effect) it's sound is higher, when leaving, lower. That gets affected by wind. but irrelevant for light (as I understand it - again simplistic).

Now with light , maybe think of a block of jelly that you moulded in say a swimming pool, with a wave pattern on top surface (being the light emitted). While travelling the length of the pool, there might be 1000 waves say which represents 0.001 secs say. (I'm not being accuracte with these numbers btw - who cares how long this pool is ). Then the light that passes the far end of the pool will be that chain of waves, 1000 in 0.001 secs.

Now let the source of light ( one end of the pool) move forward in that time by a distance of say 2 of those wavelengths, now you have 1000 compressed waves
in 0.001 x 998/1000 secs, (oops), - the chain of waves will take less time to pass
which represents an increase in frequency. (decrease in wavelength). Hence blue shift.

Likewise ( as in the universe) travelling away gives red shift .
PS - as the speed increases so too the wavelength on the surface of the jelly decreases...
and when you get to speed of light, c, all sorts of sh*t happens! maybe the jelly turns to water cos it's vibrating so fast? - maybe it gets so blue it turns into an X ray, then a Y ray , then a Z ray , then falls off the end of the alphabet ?) - don't ask me what lol - mass becomes infinite, and all sorts of other difficult-to-comprehend things happen etc : 1onecent

PS If you ever try this experiment in your own swimming pool at home, make sure you use red jelly, because that will give you more room to work with. ........................ ..................:. ........... ....

PS you could also try throwing a handful of jelly into Lake Burleigh Griffin for instance.
PS before you do that , maybe other people can explain it better. -or maybe google it : )
This one has some good stuff (as posted previously)

This one has the full spectrum of electomagnetic wavelengths/frequencies (radio through to gamma waves etc)
electromagnetic sprectrum (deadly simple, sorry, but fancy theories are just a collection of simple theorems and stuff) :-


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The Most Important Image Ever Taken

This clip get hijacked at the 5.10 min mark for about 20 seconds

Jupiters moon pic from THE AUSTRALIAN
An image of Jupiter's moon as seen by the New Horizons spacecraft. A plume can be seen at the top of the planet. Small moons are acting as shepherds using their gravity to herd dust and boulders in Jupiter's faint rings


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