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Racial abuse

Interesting u-turn in some people's opinions on this thread when it is about someone they previously did not like or did not have a positive opinion about...
Spot on, Bushman, Eddie is so used to taking the 'mickey' out of everyone, he thinks he can say anything.

He has needed a reality check for some time.IMO

I loved the way Darcy wasn't drawn into the lunacy.

There will be a lot of people around town loving this including the 13 year old girl and her parents.
Interesting u-turn in some people's opinions on this thread when it is about someone they previously did not like or did not have a positive opinion about...

I think it's more that they object to Eddie's hypocrisy. One moment he is all "zero tolerance" and ripping up memberships and apologizing for the unacceptable action of young kids. The next minute he is making racist jokes.
Interesting u-turn in some people's opinions on this thread when it is about someone they previously did not like or did not have a positive opinion about...

No u-turn...McGuire proved them right. He is just a windbag.
I see Eddie is now talking about steping down as Collingwood president, well that would be good.

He has so many shows on the go, he wouldn't know when to be a smart ar$e, or a diplomat.

Eventually the line has to be crossed, like I said reality check was in order.

That would be a good start, he has now admitted that what he said was racial vilification.

Ch9 should also consider their position after all McGuire himself has emphasised how important this issue is.
That would be a good start, he has now admitted that what he said was racial vilification.

Ch9 should also consider their position after all McGuire himself has emphasised how important this issue is.

No point in hammering the guy, he does t.v, radio and all the associated crap that goes with it.
Then he tries to be the president of an AFL team as well as comentating on AFL games.
I realise you have to 'make hay while the sun shines' but you have to draw the line somewhere.

He brought this on himself, quite happy to join the pack against a 13 year old child, no sympathy from me or most people I would think.
Agree sptrawler.

I think he has been under the pump with everything going on at his Club this week, he has been an advocate against racism.
What an airhead saying something like that, even his partner Darcy was shocked and couldnt understand why the penny hadnt dropped.
At least he has come forward and said he will leave it in their hands to work out what he should do, and good on him.
Walk the talk.

Eddie offers to stand aside
Now that's funny.

Instead of everyone becoming to scared of saying anything, they should have just acknowledged the original incident and moved on. Most be a slow news week for the media or something whipping up such a sustained frenzy. Can we just move on now or what?
That reflect the casualness of racism in this country, it always a joke to someone
you say something like that in the US, there will be no process you need to go through, you are gone just as simple as that...he need to look to America to know what zero tolerance mean

I wouldn't quite agree. Perhaps its depends on who is being racially insulted. Fox News gets away with a lot when it comes to immigrants and Obama. Those politicians and media types who curry favour with the Tea Party don't seem to have ever been called to task in spite of the comments made by TP people in their presence.

I agree. Anyone who doesn't take it with good humour is just being too PC. I think in the US they go to the other extreme. Having said that, a joke based on racial stereotypes is not racist in itself, it really depends on the context in which it is said.
Harry O’Brien, recently tweeted that he didn’t call Geelong’s Tom Hawkins a “f#cking fag”.

O'Brien: "Just to clear something up..Id never resort to a homophobic slur..for those wanting to know, I said fat f#ck..simply some onfield banter".

And yet on Fox last night there he is "educating" McGuire about vilification. Is he so stupid he can't see that this is exactly the same thing? What an absolute knob O'Brien is. Dishing it out then crying foul when it's given back. The hypocrisy is at the same level with the McGuire. Pathetic both of them. You can bet the fat slur was quite hurtful to the fat 13 year old girl who called Goodes an ape. AFL won't touch that.... too busy trying to please the twitterers.

Just possibly a slight difference between 2 footballers having a sledge on the ground and the President of the collingwood FC on radio making an absolute fool of himself ?

McQure acts were just unbelievably stupid. It wasn't a simple lapse - he jug his grave all the way to China.

If he is half serious about recognzing the mistake he made he will step down for week or so
Eddie offers to stand down, Collingwood board says no, they do not want him to stand down. Several players (Goodes, Harry O'Brien and Andrew Krakouer) reportedly so upset by the goings on of the last few days they may not play this weekend. This farce is becoming more ridiculous by the day, might as well cancel the rest of the season. And to think I used to enjoy footy because it took me away from all the PC crap that goes on everywhere else

I don't think the 13 year old girl is racist and I don't think Eddie Maguire is racist (he is an idiot and he made an racist remark, but not racist). Goodes, for his own benefit, needs to choose not to be offended, it's the only way he can take control of the situation, playing the victim will get him nowhere in the long run.
Everyone ready for a change of speed?

Charlie Sheen taking a heap of insults with good humour. When I get pissed off with people, I use him as a role model!!

when I feel like a drink I also use him as a roll model

Now I think what would be good is, tonight on the Footy Show, Sam Newman should come out in blackface dressed in a gorilla suit and sing Swannee

That should help clear the air all round.
Yes as Swans supporter, I must say Adam Goodes saw a stage, and decided he would become a strolling player. Eddie is a media performer, and he too saw a stage.

A 13 year old girl was escorted, unaccompanied, by the police in full view of the national media, and detained for two hours. Spare a thought for how terrifying this must have been for a 13 yro girl.

Pick on someone your own size Adam Goodes. Your cause is justified, but bullying 13 yro girls won't win you any friends.
This farce is becoming more ridiculous by the day, might as well cancel the rest of the season.

I have to agree.

If Adam Goodes was not a AFL legend, no one would take notice.

Talk of Goodes not playing this weekend is nonsense.

I agree with moXJO, time to move on.
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