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Racial abuse

Re: Racial abuse..........

Men and women of colour originally used to be referred to as being simian to justify such worthwhile economic activities as slavery and colonialism. The argument went along the lines that people of colour were less evolved than people of northern European ancestry, therefore justifying excesses against them. As with many such things, calling a person of colour an 'ape' has since seeped into mainstream culture and to this day suggests that such people are less evolved than a 'white' person. If you wish to inform yourself and challenge some of the inherent biases being highlighted on this thread, then as an example google 'ape cartoons' and slavery and see what comes up. As Goodesy said, it is a process of education after all. Even better, go and complete a history degree (as I have) and investigate colonialism, American history, Australian history, South American history, the history of racial stereo typing et al. Then you might understand why calling someone of indigenous heritage an 'ape' is likely to lead to them feeling despair especially when this occurs at the start of the indigenous round of the AFL.

Specifically, by calling Adam Goodes an ape, this young girl was reminding him that while he might have played a good game of footy, he is still ethnically tied to a subjugated and historically powerless group of Australians who to this day have lower standards of living, are over represented in prisons, are under represented in the mainstream Australian workforce and other such damning statistics. This has mainly been due to inherent discrimination at all levels of Australian society even though this is improving at a glacial pace.

It is a great joy for some of us to see this movement amongst young indigenous Australian Rules footballers who are proud of their heritage and who have the confidence to stand up to racism. I applaud them in this endeavour and hope that they keep 'naming and shaming' the ignorant bigots out there. By doing so, they are empowering themselves and also disentangling themselves from the awful blight of racial profiling.

The most appalling aspect of this sorry saga, apart from this awful thread, is that it was a 13 year old who equated 'ape' with 'indigenous', presumably from over hearing her parents, grandparents or whoever the source may be. A shocking state of affairs in this day and age. By the way, I agree that she is an innocent and that the fault lies with her family or peer group. But hopefully it will lead to other children being made aware of why Adam Goodes felt such hurt at being called an 'ape'.
Re: Racial abuse..........

Funny :

While taunts and slights can definitely be hurtful, what better training? A man who can be unaffected by what others think of him is far more matured than he who complains and tries to alter everyone's opinion.
Re: Racial abuse..........

Really? According to Mr Burns and others on this thread she was merely complimenting him on his muscles and had no idea that it was offensive .
Re: Racial abuse..........

This is the first place where anyone has been game to say this is a huge overreaction. Being a footy fan I usually listen and watch footy pretty much nonstop all weekend but I had to turn off this morning the usual radio programmes that I listen to because I could not bear to hear about this incident for the umpteenth time and hear all the self serving sanctimonious claptrap that commentators, footballers, football officials and talkback callers were indulging in. I accept that ape can be a racist taunt, no idea if it was in this instance, and I accept that Goodes was upset but the whole thing was blown out of proportion. I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought too much was being made of this, glad to see some other people have this in perspective.

Much has been made of the fact that Goodes was so upset he had to leave the ground. The Swans had the games easily won at that pont, I wonder would he have left the ground of the scores were level.

And don't get me started about indigenous round itself......
Re: Racial abuse..........

Really? According to Mr Burns and others on this thread she was merely complimenting him on his muscles and had no idea that it was offensive .

The girl is a twit and deserves no attention.

However, Goodes should have the sense and courage to let it slide. In doing so he becomes more respected and more honourable, in my book. Reacting the way he did makes him look small; not the sort of thing you'd want from a leader.
Re: Racial abuse..........

She is 13 and no more a twit than any other teenager , care to apologise to her for that slur ?
Re: Racial abuse..........

Back to work boy...

Lol I hear enough of that from the misses

Clearly people don't get why darkies can get upset over seemingly pretty tame remarks. I have copped racist remarks from about 8 years of age and still have to pander to idiots who think I'm a different species.

I'm sure I feel like everyone else when I'm walking around but get reminded that no I should be ashamed because my skin color is different so many times a month. I can be polite when oldies are a little ignorant with things they say to me, but I wouldn't be copping racist crap by someone thinking I'm subhuman because of color.

I can take a joke as much as the next guy in fact I have an all darkie crew working who would put $hit on each other all day. But there is a difference between ribbing someone and an attempt to make someone feel they are second class and second rate.

I have had grown men come to me and break down over the racism that gets thrown at them. Made to hate themselves over something they didn't have a choice about. So then when you have some little dumb $hit call you something well it can pi$$ you off. When you are getting constantly reminded, even the small stuff begins to seem larger then what it is. FFS if you don't like him call him a DH.

I don't care if people don't get it get it, I'm over worrying about it to a degree. But I wouldn't want my kids or anyone else to have to suffer through as much. Some people really take it to heart.
God help me if I was Muslim and black. In the end though it only has the power you give it.

I'm not interested in making people feel ashamed for the way they think I could care less and I haven't lived in your shoes.
Re: Racial abuse..........

If Goodes had responded as you have here (with a little humour and light-heartedness), what a huge step forward it would have been. He would have won so much more respect. Instead, his seriousness and gravity just added to the problem. Nicely written.
Re: Racial abuse..........

If you think a reference to an ape that is directed at a black guy doesn't have racial implications then you either playing dumb or you are dumb.
Rubbish. I can clearly recall plenty of assertions against Tony Abbott that he was like a gorilla. Did he whine that his heart was broken and he had never been more hurt? Of course not. He would have been laughed out of parliament.
And hold your rude remarks. I have no reason to think that a likening of any human being to an animal refers to their colour.

Excellent question.

Yes, you were being a bit facetious, but the point is entirely valid. The preciousness is just counterproductive for everyone and silly.

Absolutely not news worthy. Totally boring.

It's political correctness gone mad! In Europe they throw bananas at the blacks, but they probably are only doing it because they think they need a potassium boost.
Re: Racial abuse..........

It's an issue that needs more discussion but let me tell you this, I do not think less of anyone because of their colour but like any physical difference it becomes a target for low grade insults.
I love dark skinned people they can run faster, play golf better and are brilliant at anything else you care to mention.
But they will always be referred to by colour because that's how human nature works so get over it.
And if I want to call you a black bastard just laugh it off as I do when you call me white trash.
Re: Racial abuse..........

Given the stupidity of the kid in yelling abuse of any kind at anyone, I hardly think her intellectual processes would have evolved to the point where she would even comprehend what you are talking about.
Re: Racial abuse..........

Everything you said was valid but this stands out to me. It's hard not to let insults (racial or otherwise) get to you but if you do you are giving power over you to individuals who don't deserve it and in the long run you are the one who suffers more by allowing yourself to become the victim.

Never give racist, sexist people or otherwise bigoted people the satisfaction of offending or upsetting you.
Re: Racial abuse..........

You have hit the nail on the head with that paragraph and no matter how much money is thrown at the problem it can't be fixed.
That is, untill people want to participate, you are flogging a dead horse.IMO
Re: Racial abuse..........

It's the drama and seriousness of it all that's the problem. Small minds LOVE drama. The media LOVE drama. Just like small minds love TV soapies.

The girl just made herself look stupid.

Goodes made himself look small and insecure by responding the way he did.

Drama adds to it. Drama makes it worse. The media and it's followers - they are the real sinister force at work here.

(and yes I'm aware I just posted something on acting on another thread...thank you!)
Re: Racial abuse..........

The girl isn't stupid she just a 13 year old with limited experience

Goodes is a ******** but that's just just my take on it
Re: Racial abuse..........

It's very interesting to see some non-football people's take on this, the football world is falling over themselves to take the politically correct line on it all. If Goodes was not indigenous and it was not a racial slur and an AFL footballer had identified a young girl in the crowd and had her ejected for hurling insults at him and then the TV channel covering the match had repeatedly shown the girl concerned (which they did last night) and roundly condemned her I wonder if the sympathy would be so much on the side of the footballer.
Thats a great post, moXJO, thanks for sharing, rings true.

I must admit my first take on this was its gone too far.
A girl at 13yo probably didnt know what it meant. All these words with two meanings, how are we suppose to know them all.
I was surprised Goodes had stopped the game to acknowledge it.
Just my opinion.
The kid's 13 FFS! Sure you can't call an Aboriginal Footy player an ape, and it's Indigenous Week, and Goodesy is a representative of the Indigenous People and all that, and she should know that, but to put so much emphasis on it, including showing her face on national TV... sad IMO.

Nobody else noticed her leaving the ground alone? I see that as a bigger issue myself. She's 13.

What next? If she (as a minor) develops psychological issues, turns to drugs, kills herself because of this ordeal... it happened to the nurse who received a prank phone call in the UK and look what happened.
Who's fault will it be? AFL? Her own? Goodes?
Re: Racial abuse..........

I think it's lunacy for the president of a football club to go to the opponents rooms and apologise for the behaviour of a supporter, it's not his fault it's not his clubs fault, that's just BS.

Irrespective of your take on this incident, what Eddie McGuire did was diplomatic. It was Indigenous Round and Eddie did the right thing.

Take a lead from Sydney coach John Longmire who said
''We're really appreciative Eddie McGuire coming to the rooms after the game, which is a fantastic gesture.''
Re: Racial abuse..........

Yeah he could have handled it differently and I think he regret the way he went about it. But in a sporting situation when the blood is pumping and your friends /family / kids are watching then you can make a snap decision to say "well F you". The question is or should be:
Should we accept bullying in any form racial or not? (pollies the exception)
If he were your son, would you want him to be torn down and made to feel like a subhuman piece of $hit and wear it when he should have felt good about his achievements.
There is a difference from name calling and picking out a physical trait black or white and drilling the person for it.

Personally I don't think 'ape' was the only slur thrown. And that he might have watered it down.

For the black community he may have just saved some kids from being called the usual names by making people think twice well at least for a while.
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