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Question time

Does anyone know when either party will go back to talking about policies? You know, those things we go to work, pay taxes, so they can sit around and discuss at their leisure.

Complete farce, more and more like an episode of Home and Away each sitting. There is no winner in any of this at the moment. I certainly wouldn't vote for any of them, completely pathetic in their lack of ideas at the moment.

its foolish to label him that because hes not and what he said is probably true, men and women and cultures are not the same, we have dispositions to different skills/abilities in aggregate, where is this equal % based upon population % division of jobs, talent, wealth etc... where are the 10% of Australian-asians playing sports, where are the even % of australian-italians in science labs..

come over to the LDP
Apparently he has said this before about the parliament long before Jones used it in relation to Gillard's father and he was harking back to that. I agree though I would not have used it in the circumstances.

Thats right he has used it more than once, it was no reference to Gillards father , but Gillard had no problem bringing her father into the argument.
Thats right he has used it more than once, it was no reference to Gillards father , but Gillard had no problem bringing her father into the argument.

She stood to defend Peter Slipper as speaker, referred to her father's death and Peter Slipper fell on his own sword as speaker.

Overall, a very dark day for the Gillard government.
Overall, a very dark day for the Gillard government.

Yes and about time they got a sence of whats coming to them.
Too late to put Rudd back in everyone will be wise to that little trick.
Excellent pick up bellenuit, I re ran the footage at least ten times and jeez I think if you stand on one foot with your left hand facing north, you can pick that.
Gillard and the goon show are toast, it might not happen tonight, but it will happen.

I didn't hear Abbott's speech when I asked that question. I only had the excerpt linked to above to go on which was Gillard's speech. Gillard quoted Abbott as saying that and she then followed up with something like "the government won't die of shame and my father didn't die of shame". So clearly she was trying to imply Abbott taunted her by phrasing his remarks so.

You can be 100% sure that the ABC and the left leaning press will use that in defence of Gillard's appalling response today. I still believe Abbott was a ******** to use such words in the present climate.
It's possible that Abbott did use the phrase to bait Gillard but if he did he kept a remarkable straight face at her response and Gillard in any case stupidly took the bait when she should have ignored it
If it was deliberate...
He did indeed use that phrase. You can watch a video of it at "7.30" on the ABC website.
Incredibly silly of Tony Abbott. Before that the Libs held the absolute moral highground in the wake of the Slipper farce.

Yes, it is a pretty common phrase afterall.
Yes, it is a common phrase. But only an idiot would use it knowingly a few days after a version of that same phrase has created mayhem.
So either Mr Abbott has been politically inept by thinking it was OK to use such a phrase, or - in the unlikely event he used it unwittingly - equally politically inept by not paying proper attention to what he was saying at a pivotal point in the parliamentary discourse.

He gave Gillard the ammunition she then proceeded to use with relish, and he has only himself to thank for that.

Just unbelievable to give away a great advantage when you finally hold it.
Just unbelievable to give away a great advantage when you finally hold it.
He brought the Speaker down so he had a good day. As for the use of shame, how else could this government's appointment and defence of Peter Slipper as Speaker be described ?

As for Julia Gillard, she made a direct reference to the death of her own father in the heat of political battle.
You can be 100% sure that the ABC and the left leaning press will use that in defence of Gillard's appalling response today. I still believe Abbott was a ******** to use such words in the present climate.

As I expected, I've just listened to the 9pm (Perth time) news on ABC 24 and after showing an excerpt from Abbott's speech today where he said "the government should have already died of shame" the newsreader commented that the remark "echoed" the controversial comment of Alan Jones.

As you say Doc, Gillard had no problem bring her fathers death into the debate and wasn't questioned.
But guess what we are still talking about Tony.!!!!
She is obviously turning the agenda back to Tony is negative, because he used three words of a quote that a nondescipt journalist made in some suburban hall.
Jeez what potion is she using? can you get it on ebay? I want some.LOL

Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, you are brainless #####wits
As for Julia Gillard, she made a direct reference to the death of her own father in the heat of political battle.
Of course she did, after Tony Abbott offered her a fresh opportunity to air her 'hurt feelings'.
Ahhhh the Labor rats are already having a hard time explaining why Peter Slipper did the right thing but only hours earlier 70 of them voted to keep him in.

Jenny Macklin disgraced herself with avoiding an answer altogether and this will go on for days, serves them right, as I said earlier this Govt has only weeks perhaps days to run before they fall over............something has to give.

I Heard on the radio that they are already trying to spin that labor knew he would resign 'so whats the problem'. Yeah I don't know if they can BS their way out of this one.
Of course she did, after Tony Abbott offered her a fresh opportunity to air her 'hurt feelings'.
It was an opportunity she foolishly took. It will ultimately reinforce the public view that she will say (and do) anything to cling to power.
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