Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Queensland Border needs to remain closed to NSW

outside of NSW (that's Newcastle SYDNEY Wollongong) axis, one of the state's biggest regional cities is economically integrated into Qld economy. Talking Tweed Heads Blues. Pop nudging 80,000.

Only got to see the traffic on the M1 (not coping with 2 -3 lanes, in normal times) and realise how it is a dormitory suburb. The border is an historical anachronism.

My brother lives 3km S and reckons the toxicity of Qlders visiting Tweed area but locals not able to go North is breeding huge resentments.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read"---- Groucho Marx.

Queensland does not need NSW. How many times does it need repeating. As does NSW needs Queensland.

You also forget that the Gold Coast is not Queensland. It is a tawdry appendage for the undeserving rich and hookers.

I enclose a good article from the ABC which will dissuade any from your argument, O Greek one.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it is too dark to read"---- Groucho Marx.

I have just been reading "Storm Financial 101" and beyond ......Over the years I have been to all those places and met those people ..... you are an elequant orator ......

I was engaged some years ago ...... (in the final stages of my mid life building career.)... to carry out a complete fit out of their new offices.....If only I had read your warning.... I may still have in my possession that large chunk of my hard earned......but instead ..........I turned on the power to those automatic doors......

All the best
Queensland does not need NSW.

Queensland does however generate about 6% of NSW's electricity at the bulk supply level. Plus a bit more supplied from the distribution network from Qld into part of NSW which, electrically, has been part of Qld for decades.

Queensland residents do have some strange traits however. A tendency to wear winter clothes when it's still nice and warm is one, having the sun rise before 5am in Summer when sensible people are still sound asleep is another. Someone told me this was to stop the cows fading or something...... ;)

Plus I was truly stunned back in 2004 to find that buses in Brisbane weren't running on a Sunday afternoon, or at least they weren't where I wanted to go, but for some reason the ferries were still going. OK, no problems, now where's the ferry go from...... (no smartphones and Google maps back then :laugh:).
Queensland does however generate about 6% of NSW's electricity at the bulk supply level. Plus a bit more supplied from the distribution network from Qld into part of NSW which, electrically, has been part of Qld for decades.

Queensland residents do have some strange traits however. A tendency to wear winter clothes when it's still nice and warm is one, having the sun rise before 5am in Summer when sensible people are still sound asleep is another. Someone told me this was to stop the cows fading or something...... ;)

Plus I was truly stunned back in 2004 to find that buses in Brisbane weren't running on a Sunday afternoon, or at least they weren't where I wanted to go, but for some reason the ferries were still going. OK, no problems, now where's the ferry go from...... (no smartphones and Google maps back then :laugh:).
I am unable to sleep as it is 11C here and the sound of my teeth chattering is keeping me awake.

I know nothing about electricity except that it comes from our marvellous coal fired generators and the only blackouts I have ever experienced were during cyclone Yasi.

While I am glad NSW has seen the wisdom of reverting recently again to Queensland time for at least 6 months I believe, I see no reason why anyone would not want to sleep in at least until the ASX opened.

Brisbane is down south and often preceded by Queenslanders with the same epithet as is used for Canberra beginning with f and ending with g. It's river I believe is traversed by Shark Cats. I only cross it in my Bentley via the Gateway or Story Bridge, the latter being the longest cantilever bridge in Australia. This I do at any time of the day or night.

While I never ever ever sh*t stir I believe you are trying to @Smurf1976 and for that I admire you but you will not make me bite.

I enjoy your posts mate.


ps. One good thing about this plague is that all the Greenies are hiding with their mums in NSW and Victoria and leaving us to get on with our industry, mining and agriculture.
While I never ever ever sh*t stir I believe you are trying to @Smurf1976
Correct yes :xyxthumbs

It's factually correct that Qld does supply power to NSW however so to the extent that one state depends on another for anything physical that's one example.

On the other hand, NSW used to dump rubbish in Qld on a pretty large scale. Might still happen?

Back to the stirring, Brisbane is the only place I've ever been asked by a passing motorist for directions to..... Brisbane.

It was a long time ago and I can't recall the street other than saying it was one with a lot of pubs, clubs, restaurants etc but yep, someone did indeed ask me for directions to Brisbane. Seemed a bit odd given we'd walked there from the CBD so it was all of maybe 1 - 2 km away. They did have NSW rego plates however..... :laugh:

That actually is a true story by the way. Was a long time ago but did happen in the early hours of a Sunday morning. Don't think I answered the question really.
ps. One good thing about this plague is that all the Greenies are hiding with their mums in NSW and Victoria and leaving us to get on with our industry, mining and agriculture.

You guys need those greenies!

"Glen Macdonald, the chief executive of Fitzroy Island Resort, a 105-room resort off the coast of Cairns, said the Premier likely regarded tourism as too important to play with as a re-election tactic.

"She’s very conscious in Queensland one in five people are employed in tourism – I don’t think she would deliberately try and stop the commencement of tourism for political reasons," Mr Macdonald said.

"I would hope not."

The risk for Queensland's tourism, which makes $18 billion of its annual $26 billion from domestic visitors, grew on Sunday when Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced his state's hotels, holiday rental accommodation, campgrounds and caravan parks would be allowed to reopen from June 1.

Victoria, which has never imposed quarantine restrictions on those entering the state, wants to attract interstate travellers as well."
France, 26000 death thousands of active case is opening theaters bars etc from Tuesday, Queensland no case or nearly, commits economic suicide for a political grandstand by a premier looking at some votes at any cost.
People down south should have witnessed the gloating of Paluchet when that poor miner died in Blackwater...
Off work and sick since November..not covid then..... statistically with test error rate, he might not even had the virus ever
I can understand self interest cf Jacky but if i was a restaurant owner or hotel closing because of that dimwit, i would urge rebellion.
If democracy was the answer, we would not need Martin Luther King
The next stage is coming and could get ugly.
We might see that crisis as the pretext for the biggest scam ever played on the 99 %
France, 26000 death thousands of active case is opening theaters bars etc from Tuesday, Queensland no case or nearly, commits economic suicide for a political grandstand by a premier looking at some votes at any cost.
People down south should have witnessed the gloating of Paluchet when that poor miner died in Blackwater...
Off work and sick since November..not covid then..... statistically with test error rate, he might not even had the virus ever
I can understand self interest cf Jacky but if i was a restaurant owner or hotel closing because of that dimwit, i would urge rebellion.
If democracy was the answer, we would not need Martin Luther King
The next stage is coming and could get ugly.
We might see that crisis as the pretext for the biggest scam ever played on the 99 %

What about this not far from France

The corner pub is a pillar of British life. Coronavirus may change it forever
Hopefully NSW and Victoria will recover from their Covid outbreaks soon.

The real problem for Queensland is its Southeast corner and to a lesser extent Cairns, Port Douglas and the Whitsundays which have been exposed by geography and tourism investment to a cultural adjustment these last few years.

A complete border closure may slow The spread of Covid but it may not.

The continents have been floating around the globe for millions of years. Can't we just slice off Qld and push it into the middle of the Pacific?