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Queensland Border needs to remain closed to NSW

WA is fine no one cares if they open their borders. Personally I'd be happy if Victorians were confined in their bubble down there.
But QLD is going to be struggling.

Worse thing state's could be doing is creating division with state vs state.
WA is fine no one cares if they open their borders. Personally I'd be happy if Victorians were confined in their bubble down there.
But QLD is going to be struggling.

Worse thing state's could be doing is creating division with state vs state.

The various Premiers all seem to be a little drunk with their new-found powers on this issue. Bickering and competing on the various draconian lockdown rules they have imposed in their state....and bragging about the number of new cases versus the other states, it's starting to sound a little sick.

If we are in a 'State of Emergency' I can see the case for border closures. But once we are effectively managing this virus and case numbers are stable....the argument weakens.
If they want to isolate, it won't affect the rest of the nation much at all. They are far away with a small population. It will cripple their economy though, with a huge impact on tourism, FIFO etc. They are shooting themselves in the foot.
FIFO is still operating, on longer swings and or workers relocating here.
If we are in a 'State of Emergency' I can see the case for border closures.
I have put the slogan "State of Emergency" on Ebay.
Bidding has been fierce.
However NSW and WA have been denied a barter arrangement: nobody wants "Premier State" or "State of Excitement" any more! Put up hard cash please.
So far Queensland is leading the race and the case, as pundits point out it is in a permanent state of emergency as journalist can neither pronounce or spell the Premier's name. This was the case in NSW until a Royal Commission determined the Premier was probably the Minister for Health when it wasn't the head of the Port Authority.

At the moment in WA you can’t have more than 20 in a pub so I would think until that’s lifted I can understand the closed borders.
At the moment in WA you can’t have more than 20 in a pub so I would think until that’s lifted I can understand the closed borders.
It's supposed to be 10 in NSW but the manager of my local cafe reckons he can seat up to 25! ? In any case, there were fewer than 10 today.

I wouldn't want a holiday in QLD if my movements are going to be effectively "quarantined". I'm getting that treatment here in NSW with the restrictions, apart from supermarkets and crowded shopping centres. And there's plenty of flora in NSW to get lost in, without needing to seek it out in Queensland.

Maybe Mrs Palaszczuk (Palachook) or Palashaaaay (if you prefer) should consult with Pauline Hanson on this one.
I would not call the Gold Coast "up there" @Bill M

Apart from Coolangatta, Kirra, North Kirra up to Bilinga Beach the rest of the Gold Coast is a haven for Southern mobsters of many origins and religions blighting our state with crime, drugs and il-gotten riches.

They live down there on islands of monstrosity and in high rises and their bankruptcy would be a blessing to discerning investors such as yours truly.

This plague has spread up the coast

I am now looking at Noosa and Cairns for some bargains.

Keep the borders closed for a year would be my advice to the Premier.

You are wrong.

There is nothing in NSW or Victoria that would keep their two states going on their own.

They live off Qld and WA.

thing in NSW or Victoria.

They live off Qld and WA.
nonsense. They all bleed Tassie dry. The Apple Isle; Educates them up, then loses them. Productive years in the 'glamour' states, then they return to burden the health system in their dotage.

(SA, as well)
You are wrong.

There is nothing in NSW or Victoria that would keep their two states going on their own.

They live off Qld and WA.


WA are good at digging holes and selling the dirt to China. Queensland has nice weather.

The real action happens in Vic and Nsw.
If we are in a 'State of Emergency' I can see the case for border closures. But once we are effectively managing this virus and case numbers are stable....the argument weakens.

The issue I can see is that the WA (for example) state government is elected to look after WA and WA only.

If they open up the borders, bring a plane load of new cases in from interstate and then have to do another major lockdown then the people of WA will be decidedly unhappy and those calling for the border to open will go strangely quiet.
At the moment in WA you can’t have more than 20 in a pub so I would think until that’s lifted I can understand the closed borders.
IMO there is better than a 50/50 chance of a second wave coming through, so in W.A,s case they are less dependent on tourism, my vote is leave the border closed for now.
Queensland is just a holiday destination for most Australians, like how Disney Land is a side attraction or Hawaii is a brief getaway to most Americans. No one sensible would want to live there, apart from Queenslanders themselves who know no better.

But I'd rather fund the banana bender lifestyle by having holidays there than having more tax dollars milked to prop up jobs and businesses for those phantom destinations.
I propose UFC style death matches between premieres.

Also a federal minister and office of "Partying" needs to recognized. Population is getting weird and withdrawn from the prolonged shutdowns.
We should be allocating stimulus to a week of free grog/food.
At the moment in WA you can’t have more than 20 in a pub so I would think until that’s lifted I can understand the closed borders.
Nsw is 10 I think. The pubs didn't even bother opening.
In any case, not a great time to have your house on sale in a state with a Premier like Paluchet...
No NSW or Victoria refugee able to swap their 3bd dump for a palace potential buyer market is gone...
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